Open partial nephrectomy and working from home. Realistic time off?

McDisney Member Posts: 2

For background, I posted this a few months ago:

I had asked about time off after a full lap. However, my current doctor is now recommending an open partial, so he'll have better access to the part of the kidney that needs to be removed and closed up.

I'm nervous to tell my new job (I did get it!) that I'll need so much time off so soon; I only started in mid June, and the surgery will be end of September.

I have an adjustable bed and a laptop tray, so I can work from there, but I'm having trouble finding out why sitting up is supposed to be so hard after surgery. I mean, I understand I'll have a large incision, but is it really harder to sit than to lie down after a couple of weeks? If I can recline-sit (and go without opiods for a few hours), I should be able to work. I'm allowed to work pretty much any hours I want, so I could do it in several short shifts each day.

Also, my son will visit to be with me nonstop for a week. After that, will I be okay to fend for myself part of each day while my daugher is at work?

I apologize for not responding to answers on the previous thread. I didn't get email notifications and thought no one had answered!!!



  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member

    My surgeon said the same thing was in hospital for four days then went home I have a office job so a week and a half I went back to work just make sure you start walking as soon as you feel like you can and have a pillow with you good luck you will do great

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    navigation on the site

    Hi, McDisney:

    I just want to point out that at the top right of the screen is an icon labeled "Search CSN Content". If you click that and type in your specific question, you will be able to search the site for past responses.

    Please know, this suggestion is in no way meant to sway people from asking's just a feature that can be pretty handy.  Good luck in your search and happy reading!

    I had a robotic partial, so my recovery was probably shorter than folks that had an open surgery.  I think the key to recovery is to listen to your body.  It will let you know when you can push a little and when to back off.

    I hope this helps--Stub