My Voice: Laryngectomy and Head and Neck Cancer Information Site Blog By Itzhak Brook MD

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited July 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Here is a new find, a Blog by a doctor who is a physician and a laryngectomee and has information on it and also covers the whole H&N cancer spectrum Itzhak Brook MD.

This is loaded with info about H&N cancer and Laryngectomy info. I think it is worth a look and you will find something here I'm sure. Check the menu on the right-hand side and scan it all the way down, loaded with info.

Created by Itzhak Brook MD a physician and a laryngectomee. It
contains information about head and neck cancer, life after
laryngectomy, and manuscripts and videos about Dr. Brook's personal
experiences as a patient with throat cancer. It has information about
side effects of radiation and chemotherapy; methods of speaking; airway,
mucus, stoma, voice prosthesis; eating and swallowing; medical, dental
and psychological issues; respiration; anesthesia; travelling; and