fungating tonsil tumor, wounded during intubation

Hi all,

Exhausted caregiver here. Brother, stage 1, 4 cm hpv+ h&N cancer involving tonsil and other areas, locally. During intubatoin for a nephrectomy, the tumor was injured and bled for two days. doctors say it's fungating and freasible. Anyone here having similar situation? Can these kind of tomors still have radiation therapy and cisplatin? any info is appreciated. and i wish each of you many blessings


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    edited August 2024 #2

    Hello, sistermaria, and welcome to the CSN H&N discussion forum.

    I am sorry your brother is having such issues to deal with and you also being his caregiver.

    I don't personally have experience with any fungating tumors I have heard the term already.

    I did search the web and found a good website with a lot of info on fungating tumors. Link below…

    Also, a previous discussion thread from this site and the head and neck section turned up in my search…click on the bottom right where it says view post.

    Fungating Tumors

    Also here is a posting on another forum of a lady by the name of Gena Newell that had a bleeding tumor in her throat and it stopped bleeding on it's own or else her care team did something and she is right now in the process of radiation treatments and possibly chemo also. If you join that forum you can tal;k to her and ask questions and she would be a good sources sharing the same situation…

    Bleeding from tumor of throat

    GenaNewell …

    And lastly here is a link to a search, check it out and try to find anything that will help there are a lot of sites offering info on fungating tumors….

    I would also recommend you check out the Superthread at the top of the page there is loads of information in there with links and you will find it helpful.

    I hope some of this helps I would especially check out the Gena Newell post, I am sure she would be glad to help you if she can with info.

    What has your care team told you and what are they doing?

    You should be working closely with his care team in this situation, that is what Gena Newell was doing.

    Wishing You The Best

    Our motto here is NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    Take Care, God Bless


    A gal on our forum LitlCJ doll liked this motto, she was a true cancer warrior.