Hi, I would love to chat with others on yahoo that have gone through vocal cord cancer or something similiar. If anyone would like to chat with me let me know, Charlene My yahoo id is jimsgirll1990 on yahoo messanger
Neck/Back Pain
Following a neck disection 6 months ago I still have significant neck and upper back pain from tight if not locked muscles. I have tried acupuncture and massage with little or no help--Any Ideas??
support group
How can I find a support group in my area for throat/neck cancer survivors so I can get some emotional support for the collateral damage I deal with?
itchy throat
I just finished radaiation for vocal cord cancer about 10 days ago. I have such a itchy scratchy throat that I have to keep coughing . It drives me crazy. Is this normal? The pain medication helps with the pain and a little bit with the itchiness. I felt good all through the radiation, until the end and now I am tired and…
Grandmother has Stage IV Esophageal Cancer
My grandmother has stage IV esophageal cancer. She is 69 years young. I am worried because the doctors want to start a low dosage of chemo and radiation therapy. The cancer has metastized and is now in most parts of her body including her spinal column. I need some information about laetrile and where I can purchase it…
what to ask anestisiologist(sp?) Verced?
someone wrote a post about twilite med they called verced any other tips or info i got to meet with them for tests befor my peg and port operation Thank you Victor Brown
teeth pulled during chemo?
im having trouble getting oral surgeon insurance problems. Im due to get 6-8 weeks chemo before radiation. Ive got to get oral surgeon to take all my teeth out. Surgical oncologist told me i can wait and get it done during my chemo, my doctors arent very nice but ive been misdiagnosed for 7 months and have a lemon sized…
what kind of peg and port?
getting it done next week i read about balloon type and another type dont know about port types. I dont ever get to see or talk to my doctors so when i get a minute or two i have to be prepared my surgical oncologist is the one putting it in. And if you want to know how meesed up my docs are the secretary called me this…
Neck Dissection
My husband had a bilateral neck dissection (after being treated w/ chemo & radiation for base of tongue sqaumous cell carcinoma)a couple weeks ago. His major problems now are: a lot of severe tightness in the neck (feels like a "choke collar"), pins and needles feeling in the chest, back of head, ears & pain in these areas…
teeth removed/peg tube/mediport/ can it be done at same time?
can the oral surgeon and the surgeon whos putting in my peg tube and mediport work together so i only have to be knocked out once? Thank you Victor Brown
Tongue problems post radiation
My husband finished radiation/chemo tx for throat cancer 8 weeks ago. All is healing except the tongue! Still vey painful, has a funny-looking coating on top and sides, feels burning sensation when he eats. He is discouraged as he wants his PEG tube out! He can drink the Ensure and other fluids, but is worried about the…
Who puts in peg tube?
I think i saw a post somewhere were someone wrote. Dont let radiation assistant of somethhing like that. Get a gastro surgeon or something like that do it. Thank you Victor
what i can do to prepare?
i have read about putting on weight i am about 20 pounds over wieght since moving back to the states 10 months ago. But have lost apitite and not sleeping. I have read about glutamine would that help to start taking before? I am taking a vitamin drink called Reliv. Could i start doing something with my neck skin ahead of…
told 2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago fri. told scamous cell carcinoma. I was being treated for TB lympendentis for the large neck mass, for 4 months. I moved from the jungle in costa rica back to maine last year. I went to doctor in maine for just a check up told him about lump in neck he said keep and eye on it. I moved down to rhode island in…
Another recovery milestone of sorts...
I can chew gum again without it sticking to my teeth! Not a big deal, just another small sign that I am still getting better even after a year post tx. BILL
Clean bill of health !
Looks like whoever read my last CT scan screwed up. The "spot" they saw saw ON my thyroid was in reality, the dead original tumor the body has yet to reabsorb. BILL
Healing process following treatment
I completed my radiation and chemo on my base of tongue cancer end of Dec. 07. As of April 5, I am still underweight, raspy throat, can't eat solid foods, and relatively weak. Don't see Dr. till 4/18. Don't know if healing process is normal.
Happy Saturday!
Not much going on in here so I had to say something! LOL So, HAPPY SATURDAY TO ONE AND ALL ! BILL
Stomach Troubles?
I finished my chemo and radiation at the end of December, but at least a couple of times a week, I get stomach cramps and feel bad, I don't know if it is from the kind of food I am eating or from the mucus drainage that I still experience. I can't take vitamins of any kind which I don't like because I need the nutrients.…
Anyone know how cuzzy is?
i've emailed cuzzy several times but haven't gotten a response. Does anyone know how she is doing? i am concerned about her.
cuzzy, just wanted to let you know, if you haven't already heard....SOCCER IS IN 'DA HOUSE!!! He was back in chat yesterday and doing just great. I am sure you guys here will be hearing from him again soon. Thank you for being concerned about him. He is very dear to all of us.
its back
well...biopsy didnt go so great...i guess my 35 rads were all for nuthin,appt at Mayo in 3 weeks to see whats next...sure wish the chat wasnt on the fritz here...could really use the support...wish me luck...
Set Back
Well I went 15 whole days without using my peg, but had to go in for my 6th esophageal dilation and now have to use the peg again. Bummer! The pain from the dilations make it very difficult to eat or drink anything by mouth for quite a few days afterwards. Has anyone else had to deal with these dilations?
Check up tomorrow
Am I the only one who gets nervous before every dang Doctors appointment? I know everything is well but for some odd reason I get all freaked out the night before I go. I love all the Doctors and nurses I deal with, could NOT ask for better people but still............
tube feeding
Last week a patient in these discussions said he had a G-tube and was throwing up. Could not keep the nutrition down. My advice is to try BURPING a lot before pouring in the formula. Also, the liquid flows best when we INHALE, so do that, watch it flow, then exhale.
Where are you, Soccerfreaks? There are lots of us out here who are wondering since you helped us with your upbeat and positive outlook...we are worried about you
3 days and counting
Just wanted to let you guys know that I've gone three whole days now without using my PEG tube! I am bound and determined to get it out! My goal is to go for three weeks without using it at all. Wish me luck!
Hi, I will be starting radiation for Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the minor salivary glands, low grade. My question is all I seem to hear is how bad things can go from the radiation. Has anyone had things go good for them? Also how long has it been since the radiation, and did you have any cancer come back? Thanks!
Checkin' in
I've been remiss in checking in with you guys for the last couple of weeks. I did just catch up with reading the new post and Marie, you seem to be doing great! I'm very happy for you. I don't have much to report in the way of improvement. I still can only whisper and swallowing continues to be painful. However, I eat any…
Inspiring video
In case you have not seen this.......... http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=ithct48cqw JK