Has anyone heard how ittibity1 is doing.I'm concerned and would really like to know.Hope the rest of you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.
Good Morning Everyone!
Friday at last! The sun is peeking over the horizon, it's going to bet yet another beautiful day! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!(ok, I need more coffee now) BILL
squamous cell carcinoma
Searching for another Mom who is taking care of her sick husband. I have wonderful friends however, fortunately for them, no one has experienced this.
Nasopharyngeal Follow Up
Just want to share some info for after cancer care - the doctors at Stanford Cancer Center are now checking the neck arteries. They have ordered an ultrasound of my neck to get a baseline. They want to check for scarring of the blood vessels due to radiation. They are also suggesting that I check with my internist to see…
Nasopharyngeal or para nasal cancer symptoms
Hello folks, My father has been having persistent blood in his nose. Whenever he puts a swab up there, it comes out with some blood. This has been going on for 3 weeks. He also has been having on and off headaches for the past 2 weeks. He also has allergies, and have been using a steroidal nasal spray for the past 2 years.…
Menu Item
What do you eat? Although I seldom post on this forum, I do read many of the postings. I have discovered that many of you have the same problem like me. My and your saliva glands are over cooked. lol I had nasopharyngeal cancer with just short of nine weeks of radiation treatment. It was followed up with direct radiation…
triple whammy frustration
I am new to chat rooms of any kind, just never felt the connection until the frustrations my husband and I are facing related to his recovery from the radiation he had for base of the tongue cancer sounded so much like so many I have read in the past 3 hours of reading the Head and Neck comments. And responses were so kind…
wishing all of my new friends a healthy happy 4th.Stay safe.
Soccerfreaks for President?
I see where he was thinking about running. Check this out..........copy and paste into your web browser.........JK http://www.news3online.com/index.php?code=9oKv2piC149S3em973M0
Please take time out of your day today to send up a prayer for itibitty1.Today is the day she is supposed to have her surgery.I know she'll be fine but she is scared and I sure know that feeling.Hope all of you are doing fine.Take care and God Bless...Sassyque
chemo in 2 days what supplies should i get?
im getting just chemo to start for 6 weeks erbitux carboplatin taxol i gotta get a thermometer. something to barf in plastic bags? jello (had my teeth out last week) gingerale (do i let the bubbles out) orange peels carnation VHC ( i got my feeding tube put in last week) Thanks victor brown
On my way I hope
Well I hope everyone is doing well with our good weather and I am on my way to have my surgery the 30th of June,thank God I wasn't put up 4 to 6 weeks like the Drs recepionists said I might be. I still have this flu slighty but They put me on predisone and some other thing for my cough. Please guys pray for me I really…
update and thank you
Thank you ittybitty and sassyque and everybody for your thoughts and prayers and the time you put in here. I have had 3 chemo seesions so far and they are not too bad. I think the steroids i take the night before (dexamethasone)and the anti nausea med zofran are working good. The acne rash from the erbitux has been bad and…
For Bill
Good that you have a sense of humor because to go thru all that you have you need it.You sound like a great person and I am so glad I found this site on the web.Till now I had no one to talk to about this because unless you have been thru it you don't really know.They had no hope fpr me at all,so I feel that God has other…
2nd PET Scan
Just wanted to let everyone know that my 2nd PET scan was negative! Yay!!!!
Answer to Joe and Bill
I did not have surgery.If I would have they would have removed my tongue and voicebox.At that time I told them I would rather die than live that way.I only had radiation and chemo.I then went to what they call bracheytherapy(hope I spelled it right) for 2 treatments for 5 days.They shoot radiation beads directly into the…
Cancer of the tongue
Hi all I'm a survivor of this cancer by the grace of God.It's 5 years since I went thru my hell.Anyone out there with this type of cancer?
No Operation untill June 30th
Hi all my op was cancelled due to a good case of what flu I don't know. I do know that I hated having it cancelled because this stuff can be bad and travel else where when you are coughing and blowing your nose none stop. Well they gave me an azeptomiacian and a steroid shot because my throat was spasmiming or closing and…
Ham vs. Bacon problem
I am 15 months post tx and still can not taste ham but can taste bacon. Has this or anything like it happened to anyone else??? BILL
Full-time work
I have been finished with treatments - chemo & radiation since January 08. I have been working on-call (when I want to). I would like to work full-time again but would like feedback from others on how you are doing working full-time since treatments.
Financial Assistance specifically for Child Care
I was first diagnosed when pregnant with my first child. For quite some time I have been fortune enough to have my parents staying at my house with my husband and I to help take care of my son. Unfortunately, they are unable to permanently stay living in my house and must move home now. Can you tell me if any one knows of…
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Does anyone have any information on adenoid cystic carcenoma when it occurs in the ear?
first chemo didnt feel anything
actually worried they didnt give me anything. Tommorrow is my second chemo (every thursday) I started getting a little rash from the erbitux yesterday. I have to eat a bunch of steroids tonight 5 pills of 4mg dexamethasone. Last week was my supposed loading dose. Boy did those steroids made me hungry i ate the night before…
questions for nasopharyngeal patients
Hello, my dad was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal and finished chemo and radiation last May. It's almost a year and he still feels really tired and have a hard time eating. He refuses to eat anthing other than porridge and I'm afraid he's not getting the nutrients he need. Any suggestions and is it normal to still have such…
Need Advice please
I am 40 year old male diagnosed stage 3 base of tongue cancer in January. I was treated by 42 radiation treatments in 30 days and two full weeks of chemo. Sysplatin followed by 5FU. (sp?) Week 1 & 4... Judging by many of the emails I've read I am doing OK and most of my complaints are typical. I am actually ahead of the…
Hi hope everyone is well Operation on June 20,2008
Well I just got back from Seattle. They are wanting to do a double neck disection, do something to my nose, remove all glands in my neck,scrape my mandible to make sure no cancer is there remove my tonsils. Guess what I went from a stage 4 to early stage.Lots of Prayers answered.In the MRI here I had a 7cm by 8cm and…
Neo Nasopharynx after treatment
My husband had thirty radiations treatments with around the clock chemo. He finished these in Dec. The scan shows the tumor has shrunk about half and he is due another scan next week. he has a feeding tube and will hardly eat anything as he said it tastes so bad and his mouth is always dry. He also has congestive heart…
doris using the site
Hi sis this little cat is not wanting to eat and it is hard to keep him alive. this site will help you with understanding my cancer you will be able to ask questions and the people here will always answer. I love ya bunches. click on any of the sites you have acess to everyone on line. On the side is where you can view my…
anybody get induction chemo
they want to give me 8-9 neeks of taxol/carboplatinum/erbitux then 8 weeks of chemo and radiation with i think just taxol and erbitux. then 4 weeks rest and then surgery I think because im stage 4 with a 3 cm tonsil and a huge 7 cm lymphnode
heres what my medical onc prescribed
He hasnt got my pet scan results but his suggested method is 6-8 weeks of carboplatinum/taxol/erbitox then 2 weeks rest then 8 weeks of radiation plus carbo/ taxol then 4 weeks rest then surgery but i am being treated for tuberculous so the might have to switch the chemo to TPF taxotere/platinum/5fu because with the first…