low platelet count after carboplatin administration
My husband was diagnosed with head and neck cancer in November of 2008. He has finished the induction chemo and is now in the radiation phase of his treatment. He has taken two carboplatin treatments (apparently a low dose) but has missed it the last two weeks due to low platelet counts. His prognosis is excellent but…
miracle fruit for taste buds
saw a news blip on tv the other day about something called taste tripping you eat this little friut called a miracle fruit and it makes lemons taste sweet and it makes your taste buds wake up they even mentioned a study for oralcancer people.
would anyone know if there is a place
would anybody know if there is a mailing group for people to help other people who has been there where that person is going through
tongue removal with 2 muscle flape , stiffness of neck.
Has anyone experiencing what my hub is ?,he had 3 surgeries and 30 hyperbaric oxygen treatments ( HBO), he has had to have 2 muscle or tongue flaps as some call them , his neck will not bend side to side or front to back , he also when he bends over it looks like the little flap blocks his airway and he cannot breathe. He…
radical neck dissection
I may have to have radical neck dissection, can someone tell me what I have to look foward to.
over secretion saliva
Hi, I am from india aged 32 and diagnosed with SCC in december08 and underwent surgery and also had 27 fractions of radiation. my problem is over secretion of saliva. i had developed oral thrush from the last two weeks and gettig treated for it. I am facing a problem of over secrition of saliva and was told that by my r/t…
neck disection question, please help
Has anyone heard of losing your voice for a month because of neck disection?
Any substitutes flavor for salt?
I've tried a lot of different foods and it seems that if I could taste the salt flavor I would be able to eat them.
Plan and Prepare
I am in the very early stages of treatment. in fact I am waiting to have my port and peg installed and hope it will get done Friday. If so I will start treatment on Monday. What i am posting this for is hopefully others in the early discovery stages will read this and it will help. Plan for every visit to all your doctors…
Say a little prayer for me wednesday if you would!!
I had to move my next check up date from February to next wednesday. My nodes around my original treatment site swelled up as big as pre treatment almost overnight and were sore as could be. I don't think it is anything (ok, that's obvious bs or I would not have moved my appt)but thought I should get it looked at sooner…
follicular thyroid cancer- lymph node showing in neck ultrasound post bilateral thyroidectemy in 20
My doctor called about my yearly ultrasound yesterday and said he could see lymph nodes on my scan and made an apt for me with a endocrinologist. The ultrasound tech told me at the time that if I had any kind of infection it would show. I had a sinus infection at the time. The doctor did not mention the likelihood of a the…
Speech Pathologist in Los Angeles
Hello, I underwent laryngectomy about 7 years ago in New York. The hospital I used to visit is now closed there, and the prescription issued by them has expired. Currently I'm in Los Angeles and am looking for a speech pathologist who could examine me and provide a new prescription. Any help would be greatly appreciated.…
growth on vocal cord
I would like to share information -(pre-op/post op) regarding my up-coming surgery to remove a growth on my vocal cord. Is there anyone on this forum who has had this surgery? My doctor assures me it is quite common, and that I will have a sore throat for about a week, that's all..but he has to give me a general anesthetic…
i have an ENT doc here, but no oncologist. i have Medicare Parts A,B and D. i have a case worker, however, i am confused about who she actually represents. i will find this out tomorrow. i am in severe pain and it is getting more painful and difficult to eat. i started drinking Ensure and high calorie smoothies. I am…
Where is Hawvet?
Haven't seen any postings from Hawvet since December.Hope everything is okay.Are you going to do the roll call this month and when.Don't get on everyday but don't want to miss it.Blessings to all who are fighting their personal battle.Stay strong and keep the faith....Betty
Throat cancer
I was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2000. At first, it was believed it was benign then, after surgery, tests showed it was malignant. It was in a rare position, in the back of the throat by the tonsils. I was told most with this type of cancer only live about five years. I'm still here!
Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Does anyone have experience with medullary thyroid cancer?
I would like to wish everyone on this site a very Happy Healthy holiday and New year.My prayer for all of us is that those who are still in treatment will recover comp-letely and those of us who are finished that the cancer will not return.I have been blessed thus far.As some of you know it has been 5 1/2 years for me with…
Need direction - where to go next - is it cancer again?
I am a 50 year old female that was diagnosed with NSCLC Stage3B in Feb '06. I had surgery to remove right upper lobe, had chemo, recurrence in hilar lymph node and several other nodes 9 months later. I started on Tarceva in Nov.'06 and after about 7 months I have no sign of lung cancer. I was however diagnosed with bladder…
bisphosphonates and dental work
I, a 12 year cancer survivor, was taking Actonel or Fosamax for osteopenia when a crown broke off a tooth. My dentist was able to clean the tooth stub and glue the crown back on. Then 4 years later it broke off again. (I stopped Fosamax last year when I heard about the risk of jawbone necrosis.) My dentist was able to glue…
Lack of saliva
Has anyone found anything that helps ease the dry mouth problem after radiation? I am 18 months past my operation and about 16 months past the radiation treatment for BOT cancer. My saliva glands are about 25%. Salagen was a bust. I keep trying to find something to keep my mouth moist and have been unsuccessful. My best…
Has anyone out there taken Ethyol (amifostine)? If so, I would be interested in hearing "the good, the bad, and the ugly" about your experience with it!
How was everyones Turkey day?
Mine was great this year I could both smell AND TASTE the food! WOO HOO! Hope all is well with every one! BILL
BHMLabs - Please don't SPAM
You may have a great product but please don't append a message to every thread about your product. Maybe create 1 topic with some useful information about your product and leave it at that. I have flagged your posts as offensive. nuff said!
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
Stage vi cancer WHY?
as some know mom died with stage iv laryngeal sqaumous cell carcinoma cancer T2N2cMo im just wondering why it is that some have a good outsome then others with the stage iv. yes i do know that is varies and is different for each perosn as treatments varies but was just a little curious. i like to learn as much as i can…
adenoid cystic carcinoma
I was just wondering if anyone had any advice about thistype of cancer. My father was diagnosed a month ago with it, had surgery to remove the tumor(6mm). They know have to do radiation to get the rest, but he's hestitant about radiation. Thanks for any help and good luck to everyone
I am not, lately, known as a social person. Since the tongue and neck thing, in particular, I have tried, and I think at first I did a good job with it, but eventually, and with the things that followed, I sort of closed up a bit. There is always eating involved, principally, and that is, or can be, awkward for me. For a…
healing and pain management
hi, it's me again. i know this is a rare cancer and there aren't very many active members here. since my dad was diagnosed, i have been researching on the web, trying to find out everything i can about it. since i joined, i've been reading through the threads here and reading profiles and blogs. i know my dad is worried…