Chemotherapy drugs for tongue cancer.
Hi, My Dad was detected with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and we got it operated. Unfortunately it had even spread to the lymph nodes on the left side which too were removed. The doctor has said that next line of action after the surgery would be chemotherapy and radiation. I would like to know what kind of drugs…
Hello friends ,today June 30 is been my graduation day ! my last day of radiation after 35 tx. I did very well, never need a peg ,the sores in my mouth was 4 ,painful at times and with some burnning sensation when liquid consume but, i handle it by using the novacaine gel and mind power with god help. Thanks to all ,who in…
Looking for port for chemo information
My husband has his first chemo treatment this Thursday. He has to make a decision whether he wants a port put in or not. Do most people do this? The oncologist recommended he get one put in so he wouldnt have to be stuck with needles so much. What can you tell me about this port? Is it painful to get put in? Can you shower…
doing your own IV fluids
i had them leave the needle thing in my injection port and did my own IV fluids the last 2 weeks of radiation and the 2 weeks after they gave me a bunch of supplies to flush it out everytime and they changed it once a week it was a little bit of a inconvenience having it in. But i felt so much better. I dont read about…
How often are treatments cancelled due to problems with patient's blood count?
Something was screwy with my husband's blood count (sorry I don't know what it was) and his chemo treatment for today was cancelled. He has only had 2 chemo treatments! How could his counts be so affected already? The staff at his oncologist's office were very serious cautioning him to not be around anyone sick, to keep…
Radiation Treatments - Salivary Glands - IMRT - Ethyrol - Amophostine
Hi, My brother has just finished his first week of 7 weeks of radiation and chemo. He has SCC with unknown primary which has metasized to his lymph nodes. The pet showed some very small hot spots but the camera in his throat, subsequent biopsies and the CAT showed nothing. He was not offered amophostine, but after…
throat squamous cell cancer
I am getting radiation treatment, had 2 so far, but before treatment, I have to prep with 2 tylenol, nuausea medication. steroid, and bendryal and then 1 hour later, I get injected in the arm, with some medication, I believe it has something to do for salivary glands, but it has been making me sick. Has anyone had this…
Question about F & A results
We just today had another series of needle biopsies performed at the VA. The pathologist who did the first ones 2 weeks ago said there was no indication of cancer in the 3 samples they took but the ENT didn't trust his info and sent us for another series. Today, the pathologist (another hospital) did 5 biopsies and said…
Love your sense of humor, Joe!
Joe, I love reading your comments and I always seem to chuckle when I read yours. You are helping all of us more than you know. Keep it up....you are an inspiration! Penny
Want to wish you luck tomorrow Glenna
Glenna, I just want to wish you luck tomorrow. If I remember right you are getting your first chemo treatment tomorrow....a day before my husband. My prayers are with you and just remember YOU CAN DO IT. Maybe taking a Lorazapam before you go will help. I am sure my husband will have extreme anxiety the morning he goes and…
teatment of family by cancer centers
As a wife with a husband that has head and neck cancer I found in the treatment center that I was treated like a stranger that had just walked in off the street. Ive been dismissed more times than I can count. Has anyone else been treated like this? HOW LONG DO CRY AND CRY? HE WAS DIAGNOISED 2 MONTHS AGO
Dentures Needed
Have been advised that all my teeth will need to be removed. Anyone have any suggestions about what to do. Who to go to. Help financially to get dentures. Don't know which way to turn. Any help and advise is appreciated. I am in my 5th year since I was diagnosed with throat cancer, stage 4. Was doing pretty good…
New at this. Just diagnosed w/base of tongue squamouse cell.
Have been reading everyone's posts since finding this site. I have found all very helpful. Found pennyn14 post first and read everything from everyone.Most of her questions were mine.My wife,Ruth, was scared to death,but after reading the posts in June, ending on the 21st she felt a lot better as did I. Soccerfreaks you're…
I just got my treatment plan and I'm scared - need your encouragement
I just received all the info about what my treatment will be and to say the least I'm very apprehensive as I will need the "dreaded mask" that I've read about and seen pictures of. My Dr. told me that one of my cancers alone would be bad enough but having both at once is very serious. I have squamous cell larynx and non…
6 more days to go !!
Hi everyone, just keep posting that i still doing fine so far ,and have 6 more days to complete my 35 tx of radiation.I lost so far 12 pounds so the weight is been going down gradually and healthy as i planned even that i was in the need of losing some pounds in order to control my b/p too. I experiencing some sores total…
New and glad I joined
I'm a new member thanks to my best friend searching websites to help give me some support. In January 2009, I was diagnosed with tongue, lympth nodes in the neck and a place on my lung. It is called small cell squamous cell cancer stage 4. Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck. My entire life has changed and I hate it. I…
Rash and tenderness from feeding tube??
I hope someone can help me with my concerns about my feeding tube as I don't want to be the type of patient who calls their doctor with a million questions everyday :) I had a feeding tube put in on Tuesday, June 9th and everything seemed fine. Yesterday while I was doing my daily cleaning of the tube and stoma (sp?) I…
g tube
just wondering when you get the tube if you are in a great deal of painthe day it is done doc told hubby it would be tender for a couple of days and he is in alot of pain says he has to push next to where the tube is to ease the pain they didnt send him home with a script for pain meds not eating and they wonder why they…
I Can do it - had my mask made today and I survived LOL
Hi everyone, I just wanted to brag about how well I did today when they made my mask. It took them 3 tries to get it right, mine will be down over my shoulders also. The only part I really hated was when they placed the straps on my wrists and then looped the cord under my feet so it would pull my shoulders down. Felt like…
chat room
does anyone know how to get to the chat rooms? it tells me it will load moment if not hit the connect button at the bottom there is no button on my screen thanks
Tonsil Cancer
My mother was just diagnosed w/ Stage 2 tonsil cancer. She is reluctantly having the peg put in -- but her doctor wants to relocated her salavary glands to try to preserve them. In researching the procedure I see it is experimental; however, I don't see where she has anything to lose by trying it. If ti works and saves a…
Stage 4A but primary site not found?
My husband had head and neck cancer stage 4a, but the doctors could not find exactly where the cancer started. We were at one of the best Chicago hospitals with excellent doctors, whom we have much faith in. Husband was diagnosed based on the lymph node involvement in his neck. Two of the three nodes in the neck were…
Husband just got results from ct scan - fabulous
Just wanted to share with everyone out there that we got the results from my husband's first ct scan since he completed inductive chemo and imrt radiation. The radiation oncologist said there was no evidence of residual tumor and it looked fabulous. He returned to work this week after being off for 6 months. He's taking it…
squamous cell:does anyone know how aggresive this cancer is?
I really want to know if this type of cancer is fast or slow growing and I cannot seem to find the answer.I would appreciate any input! Susanne
Side effects from chemo & radiation?
My husband has Stage IVa SCC of the left tonsil and lymph nodes. He had surgery to remove both 2 weeks ago, and now has been prescribed 8 weeks of chemo (carboplatin & taxol) and 8 weeks of radiation and chemo. From what I have heard from the oncologist is that it is not the day of the treatments that you feel terrible but…
Grandpa just diagnosed, Stage IVa - radiation questions, etc
Hello, My Grandpa was recently diagnosed Stage IVa SCC occult primary. He starts radiation in a few weeks, but first has to have some teeth pulled. I want to send him a care package with products that will be helpful during radiation. He will do a radiation / chemo combo. What products can I send him? I have read about…
I think someone wrote about this before but i lost the comments. I have 3 more weeks to go at 70gy x5 days weekly of Rad ,i will be done by June 30th and so far the sideffect are not keeping me from working or doing the daily living activities ,plus takecare my husband .Can anyone tell me how long it take so i can start…
3rd week into radiation.
Hello everyone ,here iam going into my 3rd week of radiation after the small tumor removal in my soft palate.I stared experiencing already some sores that due to the lost of feeling in my left palate after surgery can't feel any pain ,i only have one near my throat that it burn when i drink or eat, in 3 weeks i lost 6…
I keep a 4 x 4 gauze under my husbands g tube disk and this moring when I got ready to clean the opening and put on a new piece of gauze I noticed it was damp. This noon when I was flushing out his tube with water before giving him formula I noticed some water came out of the stomach opening. Then when I started with the…
I hear it is a MAGIC MOUTH WASH for the rad sores, i used novacaine 5% and it work but iam tired of ,,is any good refreshin , mouth wash anyone recomend. Thanks