How was everyones Turkey day?

BugHunter Member Posts: 152
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Mine was great this year I could both smell AND TASTE the food! WOO HOO!

Hope all is well with every one!



  • Christmas
    Christmas Member Posts: 101 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    It was Thanksgving 2002, before my diagnosis, that I spent in New York with my husband and two children. I am very fortunate to be able to do it again. Lots of things to be thankful for. Life has changed after the cancer treatment. But I'm still around to enjoy another Thanksgiving!

    Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!
  • wboaz
    wboaz Member Posts: 48
    It was good this year. This is just after my 3 year anniversary of my surgery (the rads and chemo went into the new year) and I was able to taste pretty much everything OK. I'm still really careful around rice dishes and others that are easy to inhale. Sweets are still a bit bland and anything with artificial sweeteners tastes like chemicals but I really enjoyed a slice of pumpkin cheesecake and some apple rhubarb pie. Mmmm. Yummy! :)