Cancer journeys

SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

Reading someone else's post (don't ask for names, my chemo brain sucks) about how everyone's journey is different, that is true.

I didn't get sick, not once. Was I lucky or were my Drs that good? I'd go with 50/50

Cancer, if you don't have it, you've heard about it, or you know someone who has it.

Heard about it. If, like me you didn't know much, your view was, you get it, get cured, yippee. Or you get it, and don't get cured, the end. Expiration date stamped on your butt, bam!

No two people's odds are the same. Ever. No two people's experiences are the same. Ever.

We all do the same panic stricken thing, all of us, we hit up "Dr Google" and we read about the terrible odds, until we are a gibbering wreck. Then, we either find CSN, or someone tells us about it

This is a safe space, where you can ask the questions you forgot, or didn't think of. This is the tips and tricks of enduring cancer, and getting thru it, with your sanity intact.

The magic mouthwash (ugh) or the lidocaine gargle -bliss. The things to add to a drink to bump your calorie intake up! And this is something you will need!

Do's and dont's of feeding tubes, ports.. (I did the heaven sent port, skipped the tube)

Is this normal? Should I worry? anyone else have this? All the questions you never thought you'd ask let alone want the answer to! The answers are here, in these posts, do a search, keep it basic.

We have all been there, some are out the other side, some still fighting. This was my lifeline.

But please, don't snip at members. It is disrespectful. Many of us will answer questions, because we know you are in pain

Me? I had active cancer in 2017. I now have just about every side effect, that can be traced to radiation plus some they are just finding! Go figure!

If you have radiation side effect questions, I'm your girl. Radiation the gift that keeps on giving.

Ok, off my soapbox!

'hugs everyone'



  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Thanks, Suz, you are so right on with all your observances.

    As you have found it is just good to let loose and talk a little bit of everything with your cancer journey and cancer ideas in general.

    I am sorry you ended up with so many radiation effects but it seems somehow we learn to deal with what we have post-treatment.

    Thanks for your friendly rant, we're all in there somewhere.

    (NEGU) Never Ever Give Up

    Take Care, God Bless,
