Laryngeal cancer question
My husband has end stage laryngeal cancer. Trach tube put in September to help with breathing. Well now the breathing is getting more difficult and he's taking hydrocodone for pain. There is a lesion/tumor behind the trach plate that has grown in the last month. This lesion bleeds on occasion, is tender and painful. When…
Can anyone have any suggestions to help with constipation issues? My husband is taking 3 anti-nausea drugs plus colace, senakot and mirilax and is still constipated. He's drinking as much liquid as he can but is going days without a bowel movement. Any help would be appreciated. I don't know how he(we)will get through 4…
Has anyone heard from Mick
Haven't seen a post from Mick in awhile. Just wondering how he is doing Dave
PICC line
My dad is getting a PICC line tomorrow. He has had A LOT of problems with infection. He has been taking antibiotics off and on since his surgery. He has been given a shot of antibiotics for the past two days. Now they are going to give it through the PICC line for the next 10 days. If anyone can share their experience with…
D- in computing
embarrassingly cyber challenged. how do I do my profile? keep it simple! thanks vince
PET Results
I finished radiation about 10 weeks ago for a malignant paraganglioma in the right side of my neck, it had also spread to 4 lymphs. I just had my first follow up PET scan and it showed two 6mm nodules on my right lung. They did a chest CT to make sure the spot were really there and sure enough they showed up on the CT…
My dad was given samples of an anti-nausea medicine after his first chemo on Friday. I was something that started with an A. He took on everyday after chemo for three days. It worked and he was never sick. Now the prescription he has for this time is Zofran. Has anyone used this and how did it work. The directions say to…
Dry Mouth can't sleep
Dry Mouth from neck radiation. Stoppers 4 works ok better than Oasis. My doctor just gave me Evoxa. Need to take it for a year. Has anyone tried Evoxac ? Having very hard time sleeping.
on my local Miami news station tonight
http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/MI87124/ decent news on research being done in my own backyard. news on tumor growth, or non-growth rather.....thought I would post. Kathy
Neck Radiation done.
I finished seven weeks of radiation with six carboplaten treatments, I am the sickest I have ever been in my life. The problem is I still have some esophagus rads left with no chemo this week but an oral chemo twice a day for five day the week after. I pray that chemo does not make me sick, anyway how long before I start…
need prayer, support & question answered
Been off board for a while. I live in Nashville and lost my house and car in the recent flood. Wife and beloved Westie were boated to safety but we lost 95% of our material possessions which I remind myself is just "stuff." We have a wonderful place to stay at my daughter's with lots of face time with grandson, a rental…
recurrent squamous cell
I'm asking if anyone has had the same recurrance that my husband has had. He started with a tumor in his throat in the piriform sinus which is in the back of your voice box and in the opening of your esophugus (mis-spelled). He had 40 radiation treatments (agressive) to his throat which the last treatment was July 10,…
Recurrent Cancer
My father finished his initial treatment two month ago. Apparently, everything was going well til three weeks ago. The radiotion oncologist noticed a 2 to 3 cemtimeter mass on the same location, which is on the base of the neck. My dad was scheduled for a Pet scan; however, he ended up in the hospital due to an infection…
The China Study - Book
I was going to wait till I completed reading this book but I am already quite astonished with what I have read so far and have been prompted by some to post the subject. I recently downloaded and watched a movie/doco called 'Healing Cancer from the inside' I found on a site about 'Green Smoothies'. A Dr. Colin CAMPBELL…
New here
Hi, I've been reading for about 3 weeks. My significant other has been diagnosed with SCC, unknown primary (CT, PET and Panendoscopy). He had a radical neck on 4/26 with two nodes positive, no muscle, nerve or blood vessel involvement. We're in Rochester NY at the Wilmont Cancer Center. I see a couple other newcomers from…
Post treatment fatigue/Pet Scan
Hi Everyone, thanks for all your help throughout my last six months of treatment for base of tongue SCC with two lymph node involvement. I had 35 rads and 3 cisplatin chemo treatments. I'll be getting the results of my first post treatment PET/CAT scan from last Friday and would appreicate your thoughts on Wednesday the…
PEG Removal
Got the PEG I've had for over 15-months out this morning. Surgeon who installed was the one who yanked it out, along with little advice: 1) Can eat and drink as I normally would, but in less quantity for a few days. 2) There will be seepage, so keep the hole covered w/gauze, and apply Bacitracin during the gauze changes.…
Need Advice
My dad has just completed 5 days of rads and his first chemo on Friday. He had no problems with the chemo. However, last week before he started treatment he complained that his legs got very weak, dizzy when standing and at times he seemed like he was in another world. I talked with the chemo nurse and she told me it was…
Any Sinus Cancer Survivors on network?
Hi, My name is Jess and my bro had surgery about a month ago for a tumor in his sinus. Was looking around through the H&N section for other people who have had this specific type(placement) of cancer. My earlier posting with question brought many wonderful people into my life that have a wealth of information and support…
IMRT vs standard Radiation questions
Hi All, My husband is healing well from his neck dissection. Nerves are starting to come back one week post surgery. He feels a bit like his skin is crawling. Our next big decision is what type of radiation treatments. Our medical oncologist doesn't feel he needs chemo and has a great radiation oncologist that works with…
Holding your Head up is a Chore in Itself
I recently had a trach installed almost 2 weeks ago to help heal radiation in my throat. my ears burn, my throat feels like someone left something in there, you talk about phlem, out of the trach, mouth, continues, plus trying to squeeze food down is a chore. I go to the Doctor tomorrow to hear the game game plan, I hope…
Another big step...
Today is the day my Medi-Port is taken out. I asked my Oncoman last Monday about the time element of keeping it, he informed me that they have no new reason to use it and unless I want to used it for "recreational purposes"....then hey, take it out. It's removed on an out-patient basis, whereas they numb the area....cut a…
larynx cancer
is there any body out there that has larynx cancer like I do? If you do please let me know so we will not be alone. I know some of the problem we go through and maybe I could help or you could help me. It is a diffucult life that others do not understand, but together we can help each other out. a friend steve
mouth and throat "sunburn"
Hi. I just joined in. I am so scared for my brother. You can read in my profile the details of his cancer, but in short it was/is in his left upper sinus. Had chemo, surgery, now doing chemo and rad. Has only had one week of post op-rad and chemo. Serious problem with "sunburn" in his mouth and throat. Can barely talk let…
electrical like shocks when he looks down.
ok... My husband has begun having what he calls electrical shocks going thru his body when he leans his head forward to look down... I think I have seen something on here vefore about this but I can't find it... wondering if there is anything we can do about it.. thanks for your help. Wife
New member
Hi there I have been lurking for a bit & decided to finally join in. I am seven weeks post radiation & chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer of the tonsil. I must add that I have never felt fatigue quite like this plus all of the other extra's that came along with this illness. I truly enjoy the positive attitude of all of the…
he's so sick of it all
well, i have to say, the day finally came when Paul has finally said that for him its pointless to tell him any more suggestions of what will help with all of these side effects that just dont seem to get better. He says he will spend no more money on anything as he has a cabinet full of suggestions that have not worked.…
This looks like a good book...
"After Cancer Treatment, Heal faster, Better, Stronger" by Julie K. Silver, MD, a Johns Hopkins Press Health Book, 2006. The author is a physician, a mother, and a breast cancer survivor. I was able to order my copy from Amazon. Three radiation treatments left to go. Finished my final round of chemo this past week and it…
OT: Happy Mother's Day
I hope you guys don't mind, but I just wanted to wish all the mommies on the board Happy Mother's Day. Those of you with children have my utmost respect. I don't know how you do it. Especially the ladies that work full time outside the home as well. That's two full time jobs! You are amazing. Thanks for all you do!
hi, dad started his first week of radiation this past monday.. monday he had chemo for 3 hours and then followed by radiation... he did have two rounds of the induction chemo in the hospital before this... he is now on his 4th day of radiation, he will get chemo every 21 days.. he is completely wiped out! i feel so…