My bro is holding up- kinda -....he added some writing to his expressions page, which I thought I'd bring to the discussion table..... "THis may come across as trivial to some here but here it goes. This has been a rough week my body didn't react well to the second round of chemo and rad. Ended up in ER Tues morning b/c my…
Iffy PET scan
Hi there! Well? Yesterday, I went over my pET scan results with my surgeon. He said he is not sure if it is scarring is shows, or still cancer. It has been 7 months since my last radiation treatment, and he feels I should of been healed faster than it shows. So now I am waiting to be booked for a biopsy. I have an appt.…
round two
Wow, what can I say the last time I was here was about three years ago answering questions from newbies on what to expect from treatment, recovery ect ect.....Low and behold my Ocologist called me and said they found two hot spot's on my PET scan, one in the back and one in my chest..... funny thing is I was diagnosed with…
Where are you at Joe?
Alcohol consumption and tonsil cancer?
Hi friends, My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil and lymph nodes last year. He has gone through surgery & treatment and has had his first round of post diagnosis/treatment scans a few months ago which thankfully all showed he was "free" of the cancer. One of the "causes" of tonsil…
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I wanted to ask all of you for some advice. I am a 28 year old female who has smoked for about 15 years now. I did start very young and wish to god I never did. About 3 months ago I started to notice this feeling of a lump in my throat when I would swallow I didnt really pay much attention but then it started to hurt about…
Too Soon?
Hey everyone, Just a quick question. I finished my rads April 9th. My ent has a pet scheduled for next week the 28th. Does this sound too soon, I mean is it at this point just gonna show a bunch of bad spots. What do you guys think? Thanks, Steve
Pain meds
My husband has laryngeal cancer stage 2, no nodes, no cartilage, no cord involvement. However, the reason we even discovered it was because he started having ear ache and sore throat. He has had pain level 3 to 8 for 4 months now. After going to a pain clinic he was put on long acting morpheme, short acting morpheme and…
Bad News Lisam61
Hi Everyone I don’t know if you remember Lisa “Lisam61” but I am sitting here very sad tonight hearing that her husband Luis has passed away a few weeks ago, please continue to keep her in your prayers. As you remember his NPC cancer was treated but then they found it in his chest. He was taking Chemo and got an infection…
Wish Me Luck - 18 month Checkup Time
I leave for Houston to MDAnderson for my 18 month MRI and check up. I belive in good results. Wish me luck! Sirena
New member
Hello, Everyone. May I please join this club that none of us wants to belong to? I have been reading your stories for about a week and I am so impressed with the knowledge and compassion you all posess. I have learned so much from you already, but now I am ready to talk. I am a 41 year old mother of two living boys, and…
As of this morning, I am DONE with 38 radiation treatments and three rounds of cisplatin! I never believed that this day would come. It was a long hard path to climb. Couldn't have done it without all the advice, reassurance and support from the folks on this board. Thank you all for being here. gratefully, Deb
great news
I went to the doctor yesterday and got the pathology results from my surgery. He was very surprised but said the remaining mass that they removed showed a benign tumor and not the olfactory neuroblastoma. He said they would be getting my original slides from my first surgery that showed the malignant tissue and discussing…
Update on Tim
Hi Everyone Been a while. So, Tim was able to speak to the Chief of Oncology at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Dr. P, he recommended a different second course than the one Tim's oncologist, Dr. R, wanted to go with. Dr. P spoke to Dr. R and she agreed to run his suggested treatment instead. Tim's cancer has spread to his…
Pet Scan results
I hope this isn't posting twice but I didn't see the first one post up. The doctor called me this morning on my way to work, had to pull over, he said the pet scan did not show anything suspious and looked good. He said that there was some iregularities in the neck area but said it is most likely from the surgery and…
phlem medication at drugstore
Somebody mention a over the counter drug to help dry up mucus, can you please give me the name again. Thanks Dennis
Product called "Thick It"
The chemo nurse told my dad about a product called "Thick IT" to add to his water to help him with swallowing. It has been wonderful for him. It is available at CVS, and Walgreens. I found it next to the Boost and Ensure products. He adds about 3 tablspoons to two cups of water. You can make it thicker if you like. It has…
Our heads are spinning
Glenn and I met with his treatment team last Wednesday from 1pm to 430pm. We left there totally unable to process any more information. He is TxN2M0 (unknown primary). Chemo is on the table but he's squarely in the middle of the algorythm that helps Drs. determine a treatment plan. His nodes were cystic making it difficult…
Update on my dad
I just wanted to give everyone an update on my dad. He has just completed two weeks of treatment and is doing great. Once we got over the issue of dehydration things started to improve. He has not had any problems so far with chemo and the side effects from the rads have been tough but not horrible yet. Also, did any of…
Hey guys, just looking for some more prayers and well wishes today, Im going for my second CT, the 3 month PET/CT was clear but they said they saw some pixelation on one of my lungs, which is why Im having the CT today, to verify that it is nothing. They never, with all the testing I had before, said anything about a lung…
Possible Assistance with cost of Ensure
The American Cancer Society just told me about and organization that might help with the cost of Ensure. Their website is www.pparx.org and phone 1-888-477-2669. I just printed out an application and plan on sending it in. It appears to be finacial based.
scared and confused in Rochester :(!!!
Hello, Unfortunately I'm a new winner for the head and neck cancer lottery. I'm only 38 years old (too young for this crap in my opinion! Non-smoker moderate weekend drinker. Yes it was HPV + so I assume that was the culprit! :( Was dx Mar 29th with IVA SCC Tonsil primary with 1 Right lymph node involvement. T2N2M0. Had…
Just got off the phone with my bro. They ended up giving him IV fluids and Zofran (after he threw up)...is having appt this a.m. with Chemo doc. Said he couldn't brush teeth because gums were all torn up....I told him that one of you had posted about using baking soda and water, he was going to go try it. He is ready to…
prayers please
I am having my first follow-up PET scan tomorrow. Please pray that everything turns out OK Thank you and god bless all of you.
Hiya Sweetblood.......
Hiya Sweet....Just wanted to tell you how wonderful your new pic is!!! God Bless!!! Jess
hurry up and wait
Saw my oncologist yesterday, to discuss Pet Scan hot spots.Three of the five spots are not able to be biopsied, because they are to close to major blood vessles. The only one they can get to ,is in my lower spine. They are also doing a full bone scan Monday, and a upper GI. She still believes that this should be orginating…
Radical Necks: Give it to me straight!
Mark has completed all 3 of his surgeries. The final one, resulted in a radical neck dissection. I know it has been discussed in many threads; but I want to know so I can inform Mark of the realities of living with a radical neck. The obvious is he is alive and the cancer is out. He also had the nerve to the shoulder…
Reading Skiffin's response to the "blood count" string has prompted me to open this post. 1. Can you or anyone else give me some ideas as how i should organize my filing system which in itself is supposed to be organised,right? THIS would transform my life. I have a hard copy binder/file/ simply because everything is…
Swollen eyes.....?
Hi everyone, my bro went to ER today and as of this moment (10:30 ish EST) is still there. He has the sunburn that comes from the radiation. I know I posted about this kinda before, but was wondering about any advise for alleaviating his pain/swelling in that particular area. He would have posted himself except that he can…
Hi everyone. My life is busy with school (finishing my MA, trying to graduate in three weeks!) and my computer died, so I have not been very active on the public boards. In addition with our friends not doing so well (hang in there Mike!) I have not wanted to clutter this space with my less critical recovery woes. Thrush,…