Acupuncture to help with salivation etc?
Does anyone remember the conversation about acupuncture for increasing salivation, etc? It seems that there was a reference made to an article? Can any acupuncturist do this, or is special training required?? Thanks All! stacey
more advice
My dad has always been a big sleeper, sometimes to much. I am worried the once the treatment starts that all he will want to do is sleep. The doctors really push that he needs to stay active. After he sleeps all day his mouth is really sore from drying out while sleeping. Any suggestions? I know his sleeping is not because…
How many people do you know that go through a separation or divorce during this? My husband is jealous of my older daughter caring for me. He doesn't want to do it. He has mental issues already and I had to have him leave because he was starting to scare me and the kids. Now he is hospitalized for another suicide attempt.…
preparation for radiation
What recommendations would you make for someone before they start radiation treatments? I am already loosing some weight (okay-that's not such a bad thing right now). But I worry about the mouth and throat sores and difficulty eating that I read about. I know sugar is something to avoid. I feel weak at times now and I want…
Sore Throat
Hi everyone. I am now 6 months post treatment (33 rads, 3 chemo sessions for SCC BOT) and was wondering if anybody at similar timeline was still experiencing a sore throat occasionally? Things will go along very well for many weeks and then all of a sudden I will experience some discomfort/ache in my throat when I swallow.…
Question very scared :(
HI all. I went to my doc this week. I have something in the back of my mouth, up above where your tonsils are. Doc says it looks like lymph material, but he's not particularly worried about it. He did, however make me an appiontment with an ENT, can't get in until another week from Monday, but the last few days, the whole…
My Dental Issues
Hi everyone, I had a dental visit today. I have been having very throbbing pain in my lower(especially back) teeth. They are also uber sensitive to hot and cold. I am taking about 6 extra strength tylenol at this point, 2 in the morning, 2 after work, 2 before bed to keep the pain down. Anyways, I thought it was rad…
the blues
i am a week into radiation for tonsil cancer with lymph nodes affected. i am losing my energy and my spirits are getting low. i am afraid of what will happen if i get depressed. i need friends and suggestions of things to do to stay motivated. please help...Andy
PET Scan
I have not been on here for a while. I just wanted to let everyone know Bob will be getting his PET Scan Wednesday and I have been worrying..which I am sure all of you have gone thru...I think I told you guy's we have had no support from his family. Brother's Sister's..only his Mother who has been praying daily. His 2…
Chemo sickness
How long after Chemo ends, carboplatin does the sickness end. I have two more left and I have been so sick all week. Take my pills and throw them back up. Brad
a miracle happened.
Hi Everybody. I cant write much here, I am home from the hospital,and very sore and tired. The good news is I do not have cancer. My ent got me opened up, started taking out stuff, sending stuff off to the lab, including my lump. The first results came up negitve for any cancer. Still she said she had to take out the lump,…
Hi Glenna - You are in my prayers, as I know you are awaiting results. Praying for the best possible outcome, and awaiting your post. Remember - "I can do all things through Christ..." He never lets go Glenna. God Bless! Love, Patty
head and neck radiation therapy. options?
Hello Cancer Fighters/survivors, I just met with my radiation oncologist today and got some disturbing news, maybe I am over reacting. She told me that I would be recieving radiation on both sides of my neck and subsequently would no longer have any salivary glands left because the radiation would make them useless due to…
vegetable Supplements
Have any of you heard of a product called Juice Plus? it is a vegetable and fruit supplement... any thoughts on it? Thanks
Double Header
Hey everyone, Had a setback on Sunday. Just got to where I couldn't control the nausea and had to go to the hospital. Boy this medicine is like fire when it comes back up. They admitted me and got me straightened out. But they stopped all treatment for Monday. I don't know what caused the problem, the rads or the chemo and…
Input needed
Hi all - especially you veterans of CSN. I have my PET scan scheduled for 4/19. I received a call from Mt Sinai research department, and they want me to participate in a clinical study. After my PET, they want to do an MRI immediately after to develop a new machine that would combine the PET and the camera of the MRI. This…
Chemo and feeding tubes
Hi I was wondering how long it takes to get chemo. My dad is going to do the chemo once a week with radiation. On the day they do the chemo does he then do the radiation later that day. Also, how long did the sickness from the chemo last days or the entire time. Did everyone lose their hair. These are things that he has…
Something Good to Eat
I thought this was something that many of you would find helpful. My favorite thing to make for my dad was pie. With his mouth being sore the crust was to hard for him to eat. I have started making him homemade custard pies without the crust. They bake perfect and come out in perfect slices. Since custard pies have a lot…
chronic ear infection and hyperbaric?
I am 1 year post rad for parotid cancer, and have had problems with an ear infection for the past 5 months (the ear was in the radiated field) Have taken countless antibiotics, which are becoming fairly ineffective. Also have a perforated ear drum which is not healing. Just wondering if anyone thinks hyperbaric might be…
nothing new really
Hi all. I am still waiting for positive change to happen now +11 days post treatment. Mucus is still public enemy #1 and mouth sores still keep me awake at night (along with the mucus). I'm telling the Dr next week that I want my mouth issues to be reevaluated because I'm not happy with where I am. If I need to be doing…
radiation for head and neck cancer
I just had surgery for oral cancer. The cancer was under my lower front teeth. This was #4. I had wanted to have my remaining teeth pulled but was advised not to because I have a neurotic jaw. I got that because of having two years of intravenous Zometa. followed by Boniva. I was put on antibiotics to help with the pain,…
Sweating in the head while eating
Hi all, I am 3 months post radiation and chemo for NPC. My taste buds haven't fully returned yet. When I eat my head is sweating profusely, especially if the food has a little taste that is too strong for me (sour, spicy). This condition happens even during cold days. Anyone has similar experience? Thanks, Frank
Modified Citrus Pectin
MODIFIED CITRUS PECTIN Hi All, I had forgotten about this supplement till recently and started to take a dose a day. I was prescribed this not long after I had started treatment but found I could not take it due to the pain but It is fine now that I am over the post Tx burning. Curious if anyone else has been using it or…
"Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married"
This is an old blog entry of mine, from back in 2009, and I bring it to this board because it speaks, perhaps to some of the issues we face: (Dixie Cups reference) I used the above musical reference because I wallked down the aisle with my wife this afternoon and evening. In fact, I walked down aisle after aisle after…
Has Anyone Heard From
Mike ( Chefdaddy) or Mick I know they were finishing up but haven't seen them in a while hoping all is well with them Dave
Teeth after radiation and many years...
Hello, 13 years ago I survived Squamous Cell Carcinoma originating from my nasopharynx. I received a lot of regional radiation and now have a few front teeth left and struggle eating on a day to day basis. I am only 27 and have many more years of tearing food apart ahead of me. I was seen by a oral prosthetic Dr. and after…
Callin Mike ?
Mike Where are You & how are you doing? I started a new thread as the other was getting lenghty. Hope all is well Dave
How Much Care Needed
Hi, I know I have asked the question already, but I would like some more input. My dad will soon be starting his treatment for IV base tongue cancer. I work 2-10 at night and am worried about being able to care for him. My mom is home and able to do some things, but can not drive. I am trying to plan if I will need to be…
soft tissue swelling in neck
well...I'm back... I read these posts every day and usually my concerns are addressed without me posting. But this one I need some imput on. My husband has finished his treatments, had a follow-up scan and scope and there are no signs of cancer. Funny when they tell you you have cancer it hits you like a brick wall...when…
Last rad day. What happens? Machine breaks. No Joke.
Good Friday has been horrible. This was the day when I was to BE DONE with all the rads, which would complete my treatment altogether. But I may need to wait until Monday. I'm tired 'cause of chemo, so I'm going for a nap. Best, Mick