My wife is convinced two things are happening with me. 1) I have been on Fentanyl Patch 150 Mics since mid August. The Patches are to be changed every 3 days. I have on occasion changed them late, and at the same time was expeiencing the "cold clammy sweats" and a geneal feeling of not being able to get warm. 2) Since I…
Worste headache ever
I finishid my first round of chemo yesterday, taxatir cyclplatin and 5fu and I have the worste headache of my life. I cant even spell now. This chemo is alot harder than the last I did, carboplatin Brad
All i can do is gasp
Decided to make this a separate one time posting. All i can do is gasp in awe at how you all got through the H&N, RT hell. I understand that coupled with the rads itself, is surviving the rad effects as time goes on.In any case,it is a celebration , for want of a much better word, that this is behind you all and you can…
Saliva production
This past summer I happened to visit my uncle, who had gone through Tonsil Cancer about 15 years ago. He was a tremendous resource and supporter during my treatment phase, and I asked him how he deals with dry mouth. He went to his medicine cabinet and took out a bottle of very small pills called "Pilocar". He takes one a…
questions about getting sick during winter?
Hi Guys I just want to know if you get a cold or sick during winter is it going to be harder to fight off the cold or the sickness after you finishing treatments about 5 months ago. Any good advice to fight this cold because I am scared that its going to lead back in to same symptoms that lead to my cancer. Any advice…
-HONDO what supplements are you taking?
hello, hondo first of all congrats on beating the cancer 3 times! that is amazing, and i myself believe that the power of prayer is great! my dad was diagnosed with stage iv floor of mouth cancer, which did move to the tongue and one lymhnode.. in march of this year he did that very aggressive chemo/rad treatment.. august…
To Pam
Hi Pam, I am sorry your PET results did not come back as good as you had hoped. I was wondering why you hadn't posted the results, because I know you had your CT about the same time Pat had his PET. I was very worried and checked often for your results. I wanted to ask you, but figured that if you wanted to tell us, you…
"Sing a song with a friend, change the shape that I'm in, and get back in the game"
(Blaze Foley reference) Not sure this is the place to post this, since it is largely lung cancer-related, but it does have to do with the head/neck stuff as well, ultimately. Today I visited Chemo Palace, where OncoMan resides along with his bevy of needle stabbers and chemo pushers. I was, for whatever reason, not…
My mouth is so dry
How dry is it? It's so dry that...... I sneezed earlier and sand sprayed everywhere. I was looking at the sores in my mouth and saw an oasis but it turned out to be a mirage. I went to brush my teeth and a dead camel fell out. I got a piece of water stuck between my teeth. I've been using it at night to make beef jerky and…
I think I peed my pants..........
On no, it was just another CT scan. Also did the eeeeeeeeee and had few other acts of torture performed on me. But at 8 months all is still clear. I did have something come up a few weeks ago though that I hadn't heard of before. There was a very rough spot along the inside of my gumline that was irritating my tongue, in…
Meet NED today
Davids pet came back NED and I couldn't be happier. Oh what a relief, God is so good... This news will make for a very happy holiday season for us and the family. Praise GOD!!
Heavy Hearted
I'm very sad! received some very bad news regarding my aunt who is losing her battle with lung and bone cancer. Our family has been hit very hard the last 10 years with a total of 3 deaths from cancer. My dad age 56, aunt lorretta 45, aunt marguerite 54, aunt tiny who is fighting for her life right now and my aunt mary who…
Cold Hands & Feet
My hands and feet stay pretty much continually cold. Of course this is much worse in the winter time than summer. This makes for a very uncomfortable time most of the time. My treatment is now almost four years out (Chemo & Radiation) for Pharyngeal cancer. I do have however a burned up thyroid from the radiation. I have…
I am new at this and this is my first post. I had stage iv cancer of the throat and had a trach put in before treatments started. I am now 5 months post treaments and having problems speaking eating and drinking. Up until a week ago I was unable to swallow causing me to aspirate. The doctor was able to dilate my esophagus…
Pain in jaw and tooth
I've just started radiation with only 8 treatments under my belt. My surgery was in the floor of my mouth on the left side. I am experiencing pain in my jaw and my tooth closest to the surgical site. Has anyone experienced similar pain in their jaws or teeth during radiation? Thanks, Shelly
New Guy Introduction
Hello everyone. This is a 'club' that I did not wish to join. This forum however, has been a great source of information so far and I thank all of you who have shared your experiences and information. It is good to know that I am not unique and that others have posted stories remarkably similar to mine. In late October, my…
Water Blisters
I have a quick question. My dad recently got a amall water blister on his gum. He had these off and on through treatment. Have any of you had this problem post treatment. The Oncologist told him they are nothing to be concerned about. He has started eating a fair amount of citrus fruit in the last week could this be…
spam filter problems
All, As you know, we've had increased problems with spamming on the boards lately. In an attempt to minimize spam, a spam filter was installed this morning. The filter has been marking some posts as spam which are not spam and blocking the authors (i.e. members) from posting on the boards. Please excuse this inconvenience…
Lost My Husband
My sweet husband lost the fight on November 19. He was diagnosed in June 2009 with stage IV Tonsil SCC. We did lots of chemo (five different types) and seven weeks of radiation. It eventually spread to lung, bone, liver. He was the most beautiful man in the world and I will miss him everyday! You all have no idea how much…
Next Wednesday I get a second dilation procedure under general. Although I do not look forward to another sedation, I am hopeful the widening will improve on swallowing and I wont aspirate as much. I have a date for the removal of the g tube - Dec 15 - one week after the second dilation. The tube has been a blessing and a…
Now Aretha Franklin Now!...
I just read Aretha Franklin has been diagnoised with Panreatic...What else that has been great can be taken away from us, I have never saw so much talent over this year taken from us..This Cancer has to be Beaten, really angers me for the my family and others that have lost someone special they loved...Sorry, But so sad.…
Tooth extractions
looking for any tidbits on tooth extractions after treatment. This time last year I was just finishing up the neck disection. I had 39 rads and chemo also. I just got my third tooth abcess since finishing treatment. This last one is because of a failed root canal in which the root has broken off the molar. Wish I hadn't…
Thyroid out at 2 years
Well I made it almost two years to the day but my thyroid has finally given up. Biggest thing I noticed was cold hands but also some fatigue and definitely constipation. (Also look for droopy eyelids, slow reflexes and achy joints and muscles among other things). I have a question for everyone on Synthroid/Levothyroxin. My…
I had a Modified Neck Dissection on the Right Side and I have really started to notice this large clump of loose skin to the left of Midline and when I look in the mirror, it looks like my Airway shifts to the left also. Is this my new look forever and ever? Are there any excersises I can do to try to correct this?
Great News but still confused
Received great news today no chemo or rads! But still no answer why the cancer returned. I think I'm looking for an answer that I'm never going to get! The biopsy came back squamous cell carcinoma in situ. They have me under a every six week watch. I feel very lucky but afraid they are missing something! I have not had any…
NED after chemo yet still 7 weeks of radiation?
My husband, 28 years old, was diagnosed with stage 4c nasopharyngeal cancer this Sept with distant bone mets. He has just finished his 4 rounds of TPF chemo. The PET scan now is clear, and the doctor says there is no visible cancer, yet she still want to put him on 7 weeks of IMRT. Any of you guys had similar experience?…
clear PET
I got a PET this week and it came back clear! unbelievable relief. I thank God. I also thank everyone on this board for the info and support. Greg
One more "You can call me Ned"!
Sweet! This morning I got the word and joined the club, the NED club! Call me survivor. Call me bad-****. I kicked this cancer thing's butt big time! Just over 9 weeks post-treatment and I am pain-free and eating totally normally again. My voice is 50%, but I never could sing to begin with, so that's no big deal. Slight…
Clean PET / CT Scans
Let me be the latest to offer up test results. My ENT had me in for a check-up and PET / CT Scans of the neck and chest this morning. They all came back clean! She scoped the area as well and said everything had healed up nicely. No evidence of disease (NED). I'm doing the happy dance! Rush
Daily Aspirin Linked to Steep Drop in Cancer Risk
Interesting read http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20101207/hl_hsn/dailyaspirinlinkedtosteepdropincancerrisk