Happy New Year!!
I am so grateful that my Husband is well again and on the way to a brand new and happy year!! He is the love of my life and I would not trade him for anything in this world!! I love you babe!! Love Darla
Blood nose
Hi. I have a question. Does anyone remember getting a lot of blood noses when they were young. I'm curious to know if there is a commonality there xxxxx. Happy new year to all you wonderful survivors. You inspire me daily and make me believe that this is really beatable.
What's normal??
I hesitate to post this because most people on here are reporting such positive things and I don't want to be a downer. But I am so concerned about my husband and just can't believe that the way he looks/acts right now is normal for chemo treatment side effects. Just a brief background....diagnosed Sept 2007 with base of…
Cancer gone and still losing weight
My brother, Paul was told the cancer on the back of his tongue is gone...that's the good news. He finished his radiation treatments about 3 months ago but still has a couple of small lymph nodes on his neck which in a couple of weeks he will have a Pet scan to see if they are free of cancer. I have two questions...the…
Numoisyn anyone?
My husband has 2 new unopened bottles of Numoisyn Liquid for dry mouth. Fortunately, he doesn't have a need for them any longer. He said it was a great relief when he was experiencing dry mouth. I'd be happy to mail these 2 bottle to anyone who is interested; I hate to throw them out. Just send me a message.
Tips to keep a loved one positive?
My father has tongue cancer that has gone in to his lymph nodes, stage 4. He is HPV positive, which makes his prognosis pretty good. This type of cancer can be cured! He is 75 and retired early, many years ago. He has COPD and has let that sort of damper his activity and he was probably depressed even before this…
Another First-Day Guy
My first day was 12/14. Made it through ok. After I got home I spent much time catching friends up on Facebook. Strangely, I was mildly euphoric and not tired. Must have been the pre-chemo drugs. I actually overextended and stayed up too late. Won't do that again. Starting Wednesday, I felt like I had a hangover, which…
Dumb Question?
Does anyone know if there is a link between radiation and skin cancer? My husband is one week post treatment for Stage IVa SCC. I've noticed that there are quite a few new "freckles" that are very dark colored. Maybe the radiation just changed some of his existing freckles, but it made me wonder if radiation can bring…
Holiday Hospital Update
Patrick has been in the hospital since Wednesdat December 22. He passed out, turned blue, and stopped breathing. After myriad tests, antibiotics, a seriously violent delusional spell where he had to be tied to the bed (think it was a come down from the morphine but don't quote me on that) so far this is what we have: The…
Writing this from the hospitaL. Well got my husband to the family doc but went from there by ambulance to hospital. Thought he was going to die last night but he pulled through. His blood pressure is 90 over 40 something (now) which is much improved and now he has a low grade fever. We will be discussing his hospice…
ENT Visit Tomorrow
I did a MRI last week to see if they could find any problems as to why my eye sight in the left eye is going dark, it came back as normal as can be for someone with radiation twice to the head. But did show a lot of infection still there in the Mastoid and other sinus areas Anyway I will be on my way tomorrow to see my new…
Looking for Doctor in Northern CA
I am looking for a doctor (Surgeon/ENT) in Northern California for a second opinion. I finished my treatment (Chemo and radiation for SCC Base of tongue at the end of August) and my 3 month PET Scan showed an area of activity in my lymph node. Rad Oncologist not concerned and believes it is probably residual inflammation.…
Back from NC for Christmas
Hi all: Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I got back from NC this afternoon after spending Christmas with Charlie's family. It was a bittersweet one. We had 8 inches of snow on Christmas Day and it turned out to be just me, his parents, his brother Steve and wife Karen and brother Stan. The weather kept the…
Where's kimmygarland?
Am I just missing her posts? Anybody heard anything from her lately?
Dale G
I haven't seen anything from Dale G since his post of a few weeks ago - 3 days after chemo and feeling great. I PM'd him and warned him that 3 days is often the calm before the storm and offered a few bits of advice in case the nausea popped back up. I haven't heard back and he hasn't posted anything more on the list. I'm…
The real question should be is anyone still having oral sex???
I haven't chimed in for a while; I was pretty depressed and trying to get my life back! I tend to stay away from the boards because I'm tired of thinking about cancer. I have probably broke some records I started dating someone back in Nov. I'm 5 1/2 months out of treatment. I eat what i want anything from a sub, pizza, to…
Really Scared - Beginning of the End?
I'm very worried and scared. Had to make a doctor appointment for my husband today. He's very very weak (because he isn't eating) and he says he has trouble eating because his stomach gets full right away. He's extremely thin (now around 100 lbs - maybe less). He's having a lot of face pain from the shingles he had which…
How Long To Bounce Back
Hey there, everyone ... So my husband has NPC ... had the concurrent radiation/cistplatin with his last radiation on September 7th. Then about a month later he started the three treatments of cistplatin/5FU ... with the last one being changed to carboplatin/5FU. He finished the last treatment the week before Thanksgiving.…
Hey All, Everything is clean and I get my port out in early January. Does it get any better? No more cancer paraphernalia. Steve
Musings on a Christmas Card
I received a Christmas Card from a very dear friend. Her personal message included the following statements "...2010 really sucked! Here's to a better year for us all!" Somehow, I don't agree. I don't believe this has been the worst year of my life. Diagnosis of Stage 4 BOT SCC with bilateral lymph node mets in January.…
Mutant Mucous
As disgusting as anything I can imagine... will this oversized, gross mucous ever stop shooting out of my nose? I have never seen anything as big come flying out of my nose when I give it a good blow. Someone could lose an eye!!! As gross as it is, does it ever get better. Im 2 years now post radiation... and still the…
Second chemo run (Cisplatin + 5-FU) for NPC? is that option?
Hello! everyone, I was stage III and just finished the radiation treatment combined with the chemo (Cisplatin) once a week. Following the NCCN Practice Guidelines, one month later, I will start another chemo run ( I called it 2nd run), it will be: Cisplatin, 80 mg/m2 day 1+ 5-FU, 1000 mg/m2, CI x 4 days; repeat every 4 wk…
Hello all. My last Thread was allot of good news followed by some potentially scarry news. I guess I jumped the gun on reporting. I had a Neck CT that also showed the top portion of my lungs. I initislly reported that the Neck Scan was clean. It was then reported back to me that the Radiologist saw 2 spots that did not…
Sepsis - anyone else have this problem?
I'll ask the basic question and if anyone would like the back story I can fill in the gaps. Has anyone else had sepsis? Where does it come from?
So their really is a Santa Claus
My wife Connie just got out of the hospital after 8 days. She started out with chronic diarrhea and then progressed to low platelet count. Of course these symtoms started from bad reaction to chemotherapy. The research team that runs the clinical trial that Connie is a patient never even gave her a call to show their…
Just Merry Christmas
I just wanted to wish every body a Merry Christmas.
My husband and I have declared this a day without cancer. Just for today let's forget about all the bad stuff and enjoy the moment. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. Skipper
Mood Swing For the Holidays
I felt for the lady who was losing her dad, posted note not to far from, Year ago I was a whole person, could breath normal, talk normal, eat normal, it all crashed and changed. Most people would say be thank ful, I'm sitting her tonight for what, sad isn't it, i was screwed up by a doctor with bad judgment, can't do…
Hair loss
Has anyone else lost there hair from cisplating chemo, I am not doing radiation at this time but my hair has been falling out. brad
Merry Christmas everyone
Just a short note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and the blessing of good health for you and all your loved ones now and always.