Hi all, I am a 43 yr old 1.5 year Stage-2 NPC survivor. Had IMRT radiation + chemo. I started having acid reflux symptoms right around when my treatment started 1.5 yrs ago. I was put on Nexium and then Prilosec and they worked fine for a year or so. About 5 months back I started having acid reflux, heartburn, gas,…
nerve block
Just came from the pain management specialist. Jim's pain has been uncontrolled using duragesic patches, hydrocodone and, recently, neurontin. The doctor wants to perform a superficial plexus nerve block. This follows his treatment for a hypopharyngeal tumor. Anyone have any experience with this?
Feeding tube scare
Late Saturday night, I brought Ken his final meds for the evening in the syringe. He pulled up his shirt and went to get the end of the tube pulled up. When he pulls it up, I see this brown, rubber piece. For a moment, I thought it was a rubber band for your hair and I was wondering how that got mixed up under his shirt.…
Okay, I'm really scared again.
Well, I joyously posted on here back in November that my PET/CT scan was clean after surgery/rads for Parotid salivary gland cancer. Today, I met with my surgeon for a check up. I mentioned that I had been having some neck pain and I found a small lump around my jaw line. This made me a bit nervous. My surgeon said he…
ROLL CALL, January 2010
My apologies for not being on the board as often. We started this in August 2008. The purpose was to account for those who volunteered to be on Roll Call. Every six months, they were supposed to check in. You can just log in and state your presence. Update your status if there is a change. The below are the last status of…
"Button" style Peg vs regular peg tube
Hubby, Buzz, is scheduled to have his peg changed on the 17th. His last radiation is January 10. He is 100% tube fed and it will take time (based on all of the posts) to return to normal eating. Would the button-style peg be better than the traditional one? Would like feedback from those of you who have or have had the…
Clean is a wonderful word
I am completely petrified when the date of my appointment approaches then become eerily calm as I sit in the exam room. The doctors seem to be awe of their work. I know that I am incredibly blessed. I attribute the strength that I feel to the wonderful people on this site. I realize that the cancer can return. However, I…
David has this crap again! Has anyone else had thrush constantly since treatments finished? I know David's salavia glands in his mouth are gone andthat is probably the cause, just wondered if any of you has had a constant case of thrush. His just keeps coming back...?
I am slowly able to eat more things by mouth, but find that my ability to eat allot in one sitting is just not there. Last night for dinner I was hungry and made myself a cheese omelet, but was only able to eat half of it and got full. I am still taking in 80-90% of my calories via my feeding tube, but I can take 900 ML of…
I want to apologize
Hello to all, I want to apologize to you guys and gals for not showing continuous suport on this board. I just finish my treatments yesterday. The treatments really draged me in to this darkness I can't shake. My emotions are all over the board. I am putting my wife through hell and it's not fair to her. I am hoping with…
Still Running the Race into 2011
As 2010 comes to an end and before us is a brand New Year 2011 I would like to encourage those of you who are still running the race and looking forward to the finish line. It is my hopes, my prayers and my wishes that each of you will find peace and healing as you continue through your treatments. Remember Cancer does…
So Excited
I'm so excited I have a doctors appointment tomorrow in Indy with Dr.Freeman! He is the only ENT Specialist I have felt comfortable with! (At first I was upset when my husbands insurance change again and had to go thru the process of verifing all the doctors but I hit a gold mine....I as told that Dr.Freeman is back in…
New Member Sort Of
I am new to the Head and Neck discussion board but not to the Survivors Network. My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in July 2009. He was treated, had surgery, and things looked good in Dec.2009. Cancer reappeared in a lymph node in April 2010. More chemo and radiation. Had a clear PET/CT in Sept. I was…
Severe pain
Hi Everyone, I need your help desperately. I have only 10 more treatments left, but literally overnight I'm in so much pain I can barely swallow. I'm doing everything I've been told to do. I do baking soda rinses w/o salt, salt hurts. Magic mouthwash, nystatin, I'm going to order Caphosol tomorrow. This is really horrible,…
A new test can help detect cancer quicker.
some good news to us cancer patients and future people who come down with cancer. News comes from yahoo. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_med_cancer_blood_test
Shoulder/back bones rearranged?
I notice that 5 months from my left neck dissection that some of my bones are now more pronounced or re-positioned. Has this happened to others of you? My clavical is more pronounced on the surgery side, and the bones of my upper back and shoulder have rearraged themselves. I won't try too name bones, but if yours have…
GRAVEY Checkin In
Hi Everybody! I honestly apologize for not checking in in so long, I honestly have to admit I have really enjoyed getting my life back to as normal as I have been able to. I really dont have any side affects left besides some pain in the surgery area, although all my facial numbness and lip droop has gone away as well. I…
Hello Everyone: I apologize for not posting and commenting on your posts for the last week or so. I have been with Paul at hospice since last Tuesday. He is still hanging on but is slowly fading. My daughter was with me until yesterday. She had to go back to work and pick up her son from her soon-to-be ex-husband. She also…
Quick Update on My Dad's 'Tude'
Well - I had high hopes after last Thursday and Friday. I had shared some comments from the board on staying positive, what to expect, and tips. (Thanks to you ALL!) But I guess while he seems to rally for me - when I am not at my parent's house, apparently he sits, mopes, and will not eat more than two bites of anything…
Just Found Out
My wife and I have just found out the lump on my neck is cancer and are waiting for surgery. In the mean time the lymph gland on my neck feels and looks like it is huge. The unknown is so scary and the internet is a blessing and a curse. CT scans shows the tumor is putting pressure on the artery and vein in my neck and my…
Best weight gaining drinks?
So - I was poking around but didn't see a thread on this, of course I am sure there is one somewhere. Any points in the right direction would be appreciated. Above and beyond the Boost and Ensure - any recommendations on good protein powders or additional shakes etc. that help for weight gain. THANKS!
D for Done
Just finished rad #35 to head and neck. No more rads, no more chemo; just time to rest and heal. I am so happy to be done! Just in time for the New Year. Thank you all for all your support. Bob
Amazing day
How could it be any better than today. 14 years plus post treatment and you start another year off with walking you second of two daughters down the Isle. Adding a Son to the family. Just saying with lack of better words, PTL. Happy New Year everyone!
NOW I Have News to Share - and How Are Your Necks?
Had modified radical neck dissection (right side) last week - out of hospital on Christmas Eve - healing well, I'm told. Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts - they matter. Went to ENT - they say I have a lot of swelling - probably due to radiation. Voice and swallowing are still off, but I can talk and…
We got a New Year's gift
Joe finished his 35 radiation treatments on November 5th and had a PET scan this week. His doc is on vacation this week and we were to get results next Monday. We got a suprise call from her nurse late yesterday with a New Year's gift telling us the scan is all clear! Joe had Stage IV left tonsil cancer and the tumor was…
Alcohol after treatment is anybody still drinking?
After I finished my treatment I asked my ENT was there anything I could do to prevent my cancer from coming back, He told me don't drink and don't smoke! Ive never smoked but I did like to drink occasionally. Ive noticed alot of people here say they continue to drink. He told me that smoking and drinking are the top two…
A little disappointed with new ENT today
Well I am a little disappointed with my New ENT visit today, not that they had made a mistake and schedule 4 people for the 8:30am appointment, anyone can make a mistake. He came in to the room and I could see he was in a hurry but sometimes that is normal. He sprayed my sinus in prep to do a scope, and left for about 20…
Happy New Years!!!!
Hi everyone, I pray everyones new year is filled with many blessings I have a question have anyone had ear problems after treatment im having what seems like blockage or something at times it seems like swimmers ear the last time i felt this with my ear was when I found out it was the cancer blocking my ear what every is…
Happy New Year to Everyone
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here. Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year. The "boys" and I ushered in the New Year quietly and alone. TN lost its bowl game but hey, we're just happy we got to a bowl game this year! I'm beginning to feel like I might be heading toward hitting that brick wall so many have told me…
Can I risk not having radiation?
Hi there, I am new to this website, and I am glad to have come across it as it has been a hard adjustment, to say the least. I was diagnosed with a tumour in my tongue at 26 (I just turned 27)in October 2010. It was not alcohol or tobacco related as I have never smoked and do not drink. It also came back negative for HPV.…