My Fathers udate after surgery yesterday....pretty good so far
Well, the surgery has came and went. The Doc. wanted to take the infected lymph nodes out of both the right and left side of the neck, but after he opened my father up, he found one of the lymph nodes wrapped around the juggler vein. With that being said, he had to remove his juggler vein in order to get 1 of the 5 nodes…
New products
Well, at least they are new to me. Anyone tried something called "Pill Glide"?? Yea, I know....sounds like something from a dope addict amusement park. But anyway, it's a swallowing spray that you spray on your tongue and it really does help in getting the larger pills down the ole throat. It's sugar-free, dye-free, and…
A beverage that might be worth a try when everything is burning....
I know some of us spoke about this first beverage before, but we've had a lot of new people join, so thought I would mention it. One of the things that I could actually tolerate drinking when everything else burned, (even water) was flat, room temp, MUG rootbeer. This was a tip from the hematologist oncologist. It has to…
Question for everyone on board
How long have you been cancer free?
Unsolicited Personal Email
I received a suspicious email to my personal email account at 4:00AM last night. It references CSN.CANCER.ORG as finding and reading my profile. Wanting to get to know me, send a photo, etc.... Has anyone else received any emails like this. I know that I've posted my email on here a few times in conversations... Anyways,…
Anyone able to avoid PEG and feeding tube?
I'm just looking for some light. I'm in my second week of rads, which will last 7 weeks. Im eating regularly, but the taste has definitely changed for nearly everything, including water. I eat six times a day and understand that nourishment is necessary even if it doesn't feel great. This all being said, the nurses at the…
Little off topic: anybody know anything about Saccharomyces boulardii?
It is a active yeast to help control diarrhea. any thoughts?
I started waving at passing airplanes
and am really starting to enjoy it. You see I do a little jogging just to help with the anxiety. Scans in two weeks so this is always an anxious time. Anyway, I live rather close to an airport and the planes take off nearby. By the time they get over my residential street, I'm sure someone looking out, can still make out a…
xylitol for dry mouth!!!
Hey folks, hope all is well tonight!! Just wanted to share some info. I know most of you use Biotene that has some xylitol in it; but it doesn't specify how much. We should be getting about 5-6gm a day!!I find that chewing gum really helps with the dry mouth and it helps exercise the jaw!! I'm using a xylitol gum that has…
Cisplatin and 5 fu for concurrent chemo/rad for BOT?
My mom has decided to stay local for her treatment since my dad is sick too....The oncologist here said she would have 7 wks rads with cisplatin and 5 fu on wks 1 4 and 7....Did anyone else have fu 5 as part of their chemo/rad treatment?
CT results!
Went today to get my CT scan results from last week and they came back clean :) of course I knew they would! Next thing they want to do is test my thyroid to make sure it's functioning right since I'm oh so very tired all the time lol. Anywho nothing exciting, just thought I would share!
mom's helpers
No doubt the mask is daunting! I too had to take anti-anxiety pills at first, Roz. I had never had any problem with claustrophia before, it was really a form of panic. Good idea to ask for help with the sleeping thing. I have been staying up reading most of the nights, so maybe little 'helpers' are in order here. Thank…
what to expect at the end of treatment
My husband is just about done with his treatments. What happens next?
Keep on
Thank you all for your kind words! Yesterday after treatment I came home and simply CRASHED. Sometimes I'm so tired after the radiation, other times not so much. Don't know which of you have to wear the mask for treatment and don't know if any of you ladies are going through perimenopause...but let me tell you sisters,…
I can't taste anything
Hpv + scc / just received my second chemotherapy and finishing the fourth week of rads. My taste bud must be completely fried as I can't taste anything. Do any of you have suggestions on what I may still be able to taste without burning my mouth. I've been eating a lot of oatmeal and chicken noodle soup....any help would…
anxiously awaiting
Dad is having his first PET and a second CT as I write this. In a couple of hours we will meet with the oncologist for results. Thanks to everyone for your support....I am asking for prayers and support Again today too. Andrea
Tongue primary vs. tonsils and feeding tubes
My wife and I were just wondering what is the differences that most of you guys have experienced with tongue primary vs. tonsils. Who has had tongue, what was the treatment? was there surgery, if so, what was the end result? What about feeding tubes both before and/or after any surgeries? My primary is unknown at this…
Start treatment Monday, 2 May. What can i expect?
Guys, What can I expect hte mask fitting to be like? How long do rads normally take? What is chemo like? What zaps your energy more, the rads or chemo? How long does the rads take to start feeling the effects, when does it start to suck? How long does the chemo take to start feeling the effects, when does it start to suck?…
Ground Hog Day again?
John, thank you. That perspective fits! I read your post when I got home from treatment today and I have to tell ya it was very uplifting to find your message. Just showing your regard, just showing you care. Thank you. And to all of you. (again) I'll have all of you in my prayers. Man, I sure am one lucky person! Rubytoos
Spring Is In The Air
Hello Everyone, It's Easter Sunday. For me, that always meant that Spring had sprung! Last year at this time I was in a hospital bed recovering from the surgery of Good Friday to remove 41 lymph nodes and to remove a tumor on the base of tongue. The shock of learning that I had cancer and multiple biopsies lay behind me…
Do you think it really matters what facility performs your radiation treatment?
My mom is so torn between going back to Mayo for all her treatment or staying here in Peoria, IL and having it done. Staying local would help my sister and I as my dad has cancer too. My sister and I are going to have to take two week turns going back and forth to Mayo to be with my mom and while we are home have the…
still unable to eat
Went to my doctor yesterday and he showed me pictures of the swelling in my throat caused by the radiation. This is causing swallowing problems and as a result i have not eaten any solids for 7 months. My radiation treaments were completed 6 months ago howvever i was unable to eat a months before my treaments were done. I…
Biopsy Results Came In
So I had my one year appointment on the 11th of this month. I thought it was going to be a celebration but instead my doctor found something in my nasopharynx during the scope and he wanted to take a biopsy. It was a blow to the gut plus I had to wait like 10 days for the procedure. I had the procedure a week ago today and…
has anyone just had surgery for mouth cancer
hi my husband has floor of the mouth cancer on the 10th of may he has his op which means he has to have all lower teeth removed the floor of his mouth base of his tongue and part of his jaw bone chipped away he said it is the same op as what is used for tongue cancer with flap built only more work we have had 2 opinions…
"The Silver Tongued Devil"
(Kris Kristofferson reference) I have been wrestling with ways to eliminate trolls from this site (even though I am not being paid to do so, and so must just be a total nerd). I thought of a number of techno items (and passed these on), but they don't work with creeps. Creeps are like cockroaches and they just multiply.…
Got the other 5% Friday. All clear B9 NED!!!!! The doc get's his red Porsche. Best to all!!!! Steve
bleeding in track
Hi my husband had to go to the emergency room this morning because he started bleeding from his track. They took X-rays and did blood work but they said that they could not tell where the bleeding was coming from. They said that we should go Monday to the ENT AND let him look at my husband. Just wondered if this has…
what induction chemos did you use and which is better induction followed by chemo/radiation or just
My mom has stage 4a base of tongue cancer with metastis to bilateral neck nodes...the oncologist said that she dould go with chemo induction with cisplatin taxotore and fu 5 and then get 7 weeks of radiation with carboplastin chemo at beginning middle and end of rads or just go high dose cisplatin with rad...she said there…
Not cancer but I just drove through some of the areas hit by the tornado (this one was just an EF3)and it really is bad. Pray for them and send help if you can.
is a feeding tube that goes up ure nose called a peg tube
my husband undergoes surgery on the 10th may he has to have flap rebuilt and floor of the mouth removed nurse told us he will have a feeding tube for a few weeks is this a peg tube she said it will go up his nose any info please