Every day is gloves on and keep swinging.
I was diagnosed with scc of the nasal/septum area in dec 2009,since then i've had my nose removed with a sub total rhynectomy,reconstruction using skin and bone,vein from my left arm,have had nodes removed from my neck,survived radiation treatment in may/june 2010,several operations to keep shaping my nose with more to…
The day after the big day!
First, thank you all sooo much for the prayers and well wishes! I'm home now, got out at about 11am this morning. Surgery went well, took all of my right lymph nodes and didn't have to take my jugular. I'm cut from behind my right ear to about my thyroid area, but he did a wonderful job and it doesn't look too bad! I don't…
Hi everyone. I've been so focused on the counseling practice I have little time to wander these boards, but I have a bit of news I wanted to share. I had my 12 month PET scan Monday and last night I got the word from my ENT, "I think we got this thing cured ... ". I blogged it on my website and posted the mp3 of his voice…
Hello My name is breanna. I am a 22 year old female. I smoked cigarettes for about 3 years and I smoked weed for about 3 years after. I am here Because I am scared to death. I have a right tonsil that is extremely larger than the other. I have seen many doctors who dont take me seriously AT ALL. this has been going on for…
Dry mouth sore throat
I am having a problem with dry mouth and sore throat. I have tryed biotene dry mouth spray it works for a little while but I need something that will last several hours. If I go to the store by the time I get inside I am looking for water and at night I spray my mouth before I go to bed and I have to get several times a…
Hi..I'm new to this forum
I thought I will give you all my story. I was first diagnose with tongue cancer in 1995. I have no known risks factors but I guess that does not matter. I had my first surgery in January of 1995 and had to go back in in February because the margins were still not clear. I was cancer free until 2009, since then I have had 5…
Tomorrow's the big day
Well, here I go, hopefully into the final round of this crazy game with my nasty cancer. Tomorrow morning I have my neck dissection.....I'm nervous, not so much about the surgery, I kind of know what to expect from that, this isn't my first (never had a neck dissection but had full exploratory on my abdomen and that's some…
Medical Disability
I applied for SSI medical disability for my husband in April. He is stage 4a - T2N2Mo. We got a letter within 30 days stating he was approved and within 2 weeks we got a letter stating how much and when we will receive the funds. I have my fingers crossed that he will be back to work soon, but I filed just in case things…
An update on my Father
Well, Thursday May 5th, my father had surgery on his neck. After his surgery we were told that he may be able to leave on Tuesday May 10th. However, after the meds. wore off from surgery, he was pretty lethargic to say the least. He had 3 drainage tubes coming from his neck, and being that he had his jugular vein removed…
Im tired
I had 2 neck dissections with lyphnodes removed on one side, and 95% of my tongue removed and replaced with my thigh. Along with chemo and radiation. Now i have a knot on my tongue that i can not explain. I went to my oncologist and he was in surgery and i saw someone else and he called my doctor in the operating room and…
Hi all, I have been getting intense, skull splitting headaches in the past couple of months. I completed chemo (cisplatin), radiation and a partial next dissection about a year ago. I have visited multiple different specialists and -ologists. Can't seem to find a lot of help for this. Have any of you had similar…
Just wondering
Hi all: Anybody out there heard anything lately about Jim (delnative). I was just wondering. I looked briefly on lung c board but didn't see anything. I remember his telling us the beast had returned but don't remember seeing anything lately about how he's doing, treatment, etc. Just wondering. Jan (basketcase)
Something we can discuss/debate
I was just thinking the other day when my husband made a comment to his sister about there is no cure for cancer. But, we have chemo, readiation and surgery that seems to kill/remove the cancer. I see alot of people are cancer free for many years. Some may think that is a cure. What do you think. Let the debating begin.
Deafness or just infection?
Ok guys I'm hoping someone has been in my shoes and can tell me what might be going on. Saturday I thought I just had an ear ache becausey left ear just kind of throbbed, bought ear drops and took Tylenol. Sunday it throbbed here and there and just mostly felt like my left ear was under water (all sounds are muffled)…
Thanks to everyone that commented on my post =)
Thanks everyone that commented on my post. I have been to the University of Michigan ENT's office which is said to be the best in the state. The Doc. Looked at my tonsil and said that there wasnt anything to worry about but, honestly all things point toward the other direction. The nodes, the buldge on the tonsil (same…
PET/CT scan results tomorrow
I have purposely been avoiding Cancer Survivors Network website for quite awhile. Quite selfish of me, I know. My only excuse is I wanted to forget everything about cancer, even for just a few weeks. I wanted to pretend that my life was no different than before my diagnosis, and it worked for a little while. Now of course…
Entering the haunted house ....
And so it begins. I'm actually sitting in the waiting from while mom does her dry run. We made the mask last week . It's much smaller than I thought. It doesn't cover her neck ... Just the face. Tonsil CA to one lymph node .. I Would think they would radiate other nodes down the side of her neck. Is that unusual? It ends…
I can't eat - tongue and inside of mouth is full of blisters
If anyone can give me advice: I can't eat - the tip of my tongue and the inside of my mouth is full of blisters caused by the radiation treatment. It is now my 16th of 35 rad treatments and my mouth is on fire everytime I try to eat or drink. Is there someone who can give me advice - will be much appreciated! God bless us…
Clothing Swap
I'm on my 3rd set of clothing now as I have lost weight and bulk from treatment. I figure most of us have went down a few sizes as we went through treatment and like me have some clothing laying around that doesn't fit anymore and probably never will. Also figure there are some out there just wearing their too big clothes…
ASAP Please
Husband 53 yrs. Although my husband underwent a tonsillectomy on 11/24/11 for cancer he wasn't "officially" diagnosed with SCC of the tonsil until 12/1/11. He is staged at T2 N2 MO Stage IVA. He finished a radical chemo/rad treatment 3/28/11 & just had a new PET Scan done. The scan showed an all clear for for the tonsil…
updating on Neil...3rd round coming up and ??
So, Neil has done really well with his second round as far as side effects, even better the 2nd time around! Less nausea and more energy this time. The 3rd round is tomorrow, but this past time the lymphnode changed shape and got larger, its over 7centimeters now and causing discomfort. When we saw the radiologist the…
Long term side effects down the road?
Hey all, I have scc hpv positive in my left tonsil. My tonsils and all the lymph nodes on my right side have been removed. The doc believes he got all of the C, but I needed to undergo 8 weeks of rads and 3 cisplatin treatments. I am beginning the seventh week of rads and getting my final chemo as I write this. I am hoping…
New Here-please give answers
Hello Everyone This is my first time on this site. My co-worker recommended. me here. Well here goes...I had tumor in my nasal cavity a while back. I did radiation and surgery to remove. Then have had 2 biopsies, negative. Well the doctors think the MONSTER is back in my eye now along the muscle according to ct mri. biopsy…
My Daughter has a hard lump in her neck just under her adams apple
My daughter, 31, has a hard lump just under her adams apple a little off to the right. It doesn't move..but it goes up and down when she swallows. She said it has been there for about 3 months. No problem swallowing, no pain, etc.. we are going to ENT next wednesday but I am terrified. Jazz
Husband Has Voicebox Cancer
A friend just introduced me to this wonderful website. I am overwhelmed right now and sick with worry. My husband was diagnosed with voicebox cancer on April 4. He started radiation therapy on April 11 and tomorrow will be his 20th session with 13 more to go. The radiation oncologist really didn't give us many details…
Blood Clots - S**T!
My husband, halfway through treatment (38 rads, 3 Cisplatin) All going really pretty well...then BAM, a blood clot from the calf to both lungs. He now has a permanent vena cava filter and is struggling with breathing. On Lovenox injections twice a day indefinitely. He is nervous about his radiation treatment on Monday with…
send prayers
please send up your prayers for my mom, Pauline, that her biopsy results will be negative!!! remember the biopsy in march was negative. Please pray this one is too.
Mixed results ending with more confusion after ct scan
Hello Everyone, Well Connie got the results of her ct scan with mixed results. Her radiation oncologists told her the ct scan was clear but to come back in 3 months for pet/ct scan. She seen her main doctor (surgeon) the next day and she said their was a small lymph node that concerned her a little. She mentioned doing a…
Keeping PEG tube dry
I just had my Peg tube "instaled" Wensday and one of the things they told me was while bathing I had to keep it dry as possible. While the nurse was showing my wife and myself how to take care of it she said when I shower to use a piece of the press and seal wrap for keeping food fresh over the top of it in the shower. It…
radiation, chemo side effects years after treatment
After providing the doctors wrong I am still here 9 years after stage 4 tonsil cancer. Even through I beat the odds 15% survival rate I have developed what the doctors say are the side effects from chemo radiation. First Feeding tube, acid reflect that they say was destroying my right vocal cord (left destroyed during…