to MDA or not?????
Hello All, I'm facing a dilemma and would like a little input. My 83 year old mother is dealing with a recurrence of her paranasal cancer along the ethmoid sinus. She has an appt. at MDA on the 22nd. Her surgeons in Charleston at MUSC want to remove the eye, scheduled for this week. I'm scared the 22nd for MDA might be too…
parotid gland acinic cell CA
Has anyone had RT & chemo tx for acinic cell CA of the parotid gland ?
Food and Comfort - reposting Eagle project brochure to help those getting treatment for H&N
HI everyone, I noticed today that there are some new postings about trying to find food and drink and comfort items during radiation treatments. I'd like to share this brochure with you all. My son put this brochure together for part of his Boy Scout Eagle project. He did a survey of folks undergoing treatment and then…
Very disappointed I wasn't told that salivary gland damage was a permanent quality of life change
While I am grateful for seemingly being rid of the squamous cell on my tonsil I am very depressed and upset that for the rest of my life I will not be able to enjoy food as I did prior to the radiation treatments. If I had been told that this may result in a lifelong dry mouth I would of at a minimum research other…
plaque film on teeth
Hi I have had surgury, chemo, and radiation. The treatments were finished a month ago. I wake every day with sticky plaque film covering my teeth and interior of my mouth. I am very concerned about the damage this must be causing to my teeth, gums, and jawbone. Does anyone have any advice for controlling this and possibly…
urinary tract infections
I got one. What an awful and uncomfortable infection. I had one in my twenties but don't remember much of that one. Seems it's pretty rare for men to get them. Incidence goes way up past 50 y/o of which I qualify. Wondering if there is any correlation to our treatment? Wondering how many have had a UTI post treatment, men…
Another PEG question
O'k I have "tube envy" for those of you who've had yours removed. I'm at the other extreme; I had mine inserted after 15 years and it looks like I will have it cremated with me when I die. I've had mine in for about nine months and am wondering what the average time is before this one starts leaking or something and has to…
Recurrence and treatment options
Tony's cancer is back after 8 months post treatment. Original diagnosis was Stage 4 tonsil cancer that had spread to 11 nodes on the left side of his neck. He had radical neck dissection, chemo, and radiation treatments. And it's back already again in the nodes on the left side of his neck... has anybody been through…
Weight gaining and muscle mass
I am into my 11th month on a PEG...........Although I am up to 144 which is down from 190 but up from 126, I seem to be at a brick wall as far as further weight gain.........My intake mainly consists of shakes with one egg,1 bottle of Ensure plus,one packet of instant breakfast and milk 8 times a day.(which is about 2…
A little balance ...
We are all here today, basically, because we've traveled the path of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to treat our cancer. A lot has been said about the possible benefits of alternative therapies, either 'in addition to' or 'as an alternative to' our mainstream treatment options. Links to further information have been…
A new question or an old one if posted before
I'm still not feeling back any where near 100% pre chemo and radiation. Have been going to the gym, walking riding my bike to get my lost physical condition back, (or trying to). My end of treatment was in December 10, but I had many setbacks between then and now with various hospital stays for multiple related issues.…
fever up and down
I was at work all day today and my soon took my husbands temp when he got home and it was at 100.6. I took it 45 min later and was at 100.9. I called the doc and when they finally called me back it was at 100.1. They told me to watch him and if it gets to 101 or over to bring him back to the hospital. I am kinda…
What brand of stool softeners can you use
We are using SenokotS for constipation, but he needs a stool softener.
best hospital??
Hello Y'all, I have some questions for the family here. 1. How many of you were treated at MD Anderson? Good experience or bad, I would like to know. 2. Does anyone on here know the best hospital in U.S. for treating head and neck cancers specifically, anyone researched that? I know MD is best overall for cancer. 3. I am…
How long were you on pain meds
I have been on pain meds since July 2010. I have had 4 operations and have at least 1 more to finish the treatment that was planed. As of now im hurting more than i have ever hurt before. I have a cyst above my jaw and a bone eroding in my ear from radiation. I will find out June 8th what will happen for my jaw and ear…
Feeding Tubes- Smart, or weak
The to-PEG, or not to-PEG, issue has been with us for quite some time, and I, personally, have found some of the discussion to be a bit ridiculous in that it's true focus tends to get side-tracked by vanity, etc. PEGS/G-tubes have been around at least 30 years, and they only exist to make the intake of liquid Nutrition…
If you do not mind me asking why does your tongue hurt. They removed and replaced 95% of my tongue with part of my thigh and it is the only thing that does not hurt. Hope it gets better for you. David
What is Induction Chemotherapy
Hello, I want to thank everyone for all the nice replies from my previous post regarding my husband's Stage 4A tonsil cancer. I'm still new to all this and not quite sure what all of the technical terms are to what he has. He has a tumor on the left side and the cancer (SCC) is in his tonsils, HPV Negative. He has had the…
Keep yourself healthy during radiation treatment.
Hello all, This is my husband’s blog page, but I wanted to share some helpful things to do to keep your strength up. After diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in February, he has had the surgery and has finished 20 of the 30 RAD treatments. He has had a lot of trouble swallowing in the last week. Here are things that…
Need some advice
Ok, you all now my husband has been in the hospital for 5 days. His temp at 98.2 once they got the fever under control. I brought him home last night and this morning he looked like he was not feeling well and I took his temp and it's at 99.6. I am worried that he is starting to head south agian.
Need some help
I am about 8 weeks out after completing radiation (35 treatments) and chemo for tumor at base of tongue metastasized to both side lymph nodes. Feeling better, putting weight back on, working, getting back to my life - BUT - tonight I look in the mirror and I am swollen under my chin big time. It doesn't hurt, but looks…
New to this site - husband has stage 4a
I'm new to the site and my husband was diagnosed with stage 4a throat cancer. He has a lump on one side and also has it on his tonsils. Treatment option is radiation and chemo. Radiation 5 days a week and chemo every 21 days. Mask was made last week and radiologist wants a stomach peg in him right away. He's very reluctant…
Dad diagnosed with Throat Cancer 4A
Hello. My name is August. I am new to this site and would like for all and any to help me better understand what is going on with my dad. He has throat cancer was going through his treatments and then he got sick. Chemo and radiation did not affect him, whereas, making him sick...He is a real trooper. He did not have any…
mom couldnt handle all attention .. sooo she ran over my dads foot!
haha - just thought id share.. perhaps it would bring a smile to someone having a bad day! yes i do mean a smile because luckily we are laughing about it now! My mother accidentally ran over my dads foot in her SUV! Yes very scary at first but he is very lucky and very intact and we certainly have gotten a nice chuckle out…
ultasound okay!
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here! I'm back from Ky for cousin's son's wedding. It was very nice and probably inexpensive compared to most weddings today! Went for breast ultrasound yesterday which they did some more mammogram pix before the ultrasound; but anyway turned out to be clump of tissue which they were able to…
rad # 10 ... mouth sores
Mom has done 10 treatments ... Mom has whitish sores in the back of the mouth and inside cheek on side of radiation treatment. Rad doctor confirmed they are the dreaded sores. They are not really painful now, only when she brushes. doctor recommended baking soda + salt rinses but not magic mouth wash as they are not…
really need some motivation
hi all its me again!!! since now the doc say that my dad cancer is secondary from his previous NPC which was dx in year 2005 i think i should move back to head and neck tread.. doc say not curable only can chemo to slow down it growth but we all know that as time goes by the body will start to resist chemo drug so…
Just finished my radiation treatments ( neck )
I have just joined up. I have read some of the messages already about what happens to the saliva glands after radiation. I am not to happy with the outcome. It is very difficult for me to accept at this time. My spit is really thick and I seem to gag on it all of the time. Does it get better.
Foot and ankle swelling...???
So close to the end of treatment...noticed yesterday that my husband's ankle looked a bit swollen. Just a few minutes ago, saw that his whole foot is swollen. Had last cisplatin a week ago, 5 more rads to go. Was treated for blood clots in lungs 3 weeks ago and is on Lovanox and has a vena cava filter. This leg has been…
What I have learned about diet, nutrition & other therapies
I am 48 year old white male. I live in Florida. January 15th, 2010 I was told I had Stage III/IV Squamous Carcinoma. I was told that I had 6-12 months to live. I went the natural route but ran out of money, lost my condo, spent my life savings. Ended up on Disability $674 per month & Medicaid. I qualified for chemo &…