What I have learned about diet, nutrition & other therapies
I am 48 year old white male. I live in Florida. January 15th, 2010 I was told I had Stage III/IV Squamous Carcinoma. I was told that I had 6-12 months to live. I went the natural route but ran out of money, lost my condo, spent my life savings. Ended up on Disability $674 per month & Medicaid. I qualified for chemo &…
Feeding tube removeal
I am haveing my feeding removed Wed. What am I in for I was told they jurk them out and it is very painfull and you have a lot of drainage and I would be unable to do much for a week. Can anyone tell me what it's like what do I need to expect? I am very worried and caint sleep. My throat still hurts and I cain't eat much…
Still at the hospital part 2
Well today his white cells are up BUT his red cells are really low now. So, guess what he is getting to liters of blood. I am kinda getting worried here. My man is pretty darn sick. If anyone has info on blood transfusions let me know.
Pre-treatment Tooth Extractions
Hello, I am new to this board. I am awaiting final diagnosis but the docs think I likely have SCC with lymph node involvement that originated either in the back of the throat or nose somewhere. I have infections and cavities in my upper teeth and the docs said I will have to have all of my upper teeth removed and some…
Dont understand my ct results
The nurse called me today and told me that a bone was eroding by my ear from the radiation i had. She also said i had a cyst formation above my jaw. Its suposed to not be cancerous. I have more pain now than when i had cancer. Anybody have these side effects from radiation or chemo? If so what was done about it. Thanks…
At the hospital
We are at the hospital. Took my husband in last night. He was running a fever (101.0). They admitted him and said his white blood cell are really low. Waiting for the oncologist to come in.
length of treatment
Hey Y'all. I have some questions as usual but bear with me...this site is my strength. 1. how long did y'alls treatment last ...from beginning of treatment to end? 2. how many of you have had a recurrence and how soon after original? how many years cancer fre since then? 3. what did you do to cope? i do pray and study my…
Where in the World Are You - Updating
I thought this would be a good time (Dawn is kicking me in the Butt), to update the CSN Location Map - Where in the World are you. So you can check it out on Google Maps, or Google Earth (which looks way cool)... Here is the link; Where in the World Are You If you would like to be added, just post your first name, and…
Can't eat or drink
Can someone please help - what should i do? I can't eat or drink and if i do try a shake or even water i vommit and it's all out. I finish hopefully monday the 6th June with rad. I feel weak and unstable on my legs - do i need to check in for a drip? what kind of drip? My mouth is bleeding in the inside because of the…
re: Superthread
Hi Sweetblood and Skiffin, My name is Laurie (username: ellamenno). I am a 10 yr survivor of Hodgkins Disease. I originally came onto this site as I had a friend with HNC and another with CRC. Sadly, both have passed :( Over the months I have become very attached to both of these forums and even tho I don't post often I do…
Tongue Tumor Size
When we went to Mayo, the ENT surgeon said that my mom's tongue tumor that measures 5cmx4cmx2cm was "massive". He said that she has already beat the statistics because 99.9% of people with this size tumor would already be dead. He said that this tumor would take her life...He said in 35 years of practicing that he has only…
TPF Induction Chemo to being tomorrow a.m. and I am freaked? Anyone with advice for a newbie here?
I have to have four days, 24 hour of TPF Induction Chemo beginning tomorrow. Need some advice desprately as I am so upset. I have already had SCC Sage IV in my tongue removed and now a tumor growing around my larnyx, trachea, carotid artery, thyroid and esophagaus. This is what they feel will help shrink the tumor so as to…
Ear pain
I had 2 neck dissections and 95% of my tongue removed and replaced with my thigh. Plus chemo and radiaion. Also several surgeries on my tongue to try and shape it right for speaking and eating. My left ear hurts really bad but the doctor says he can see nothing wrong with it. He thinks its just nerve damage from the…
early pet scan? scary
Because my husband is having an early check-up with his ent surgeon for a chylothorax complication, they are going ahead with his first pet scan. He'll just be 2 months out of radiation/chemo treatment. I seem to recall some discussion here that early scans had shown some spots "light up" that were residual from radiation…
To NPC fighters
Hi, im new so im gonna let it all out. I first got diagnosed við NPC in my neck and a primary tumor in my nasal cavity, when i was 17, in 2006. I got 4x cisplatin and a few other drugs, cant remember the names, and then the 40+ radio therapy. To this day the doctors cant find anything in the primary area witch they think…
Should i worry
I saw my oncologist last Friday because of severe pain in my ear on the side where i had cancer in my tongue and lymphnodes. He told me he thinks i have temporomandibular joint disorder. He ordered a ct just in case. I was sick and throwing up all day Thursday and Friday. When i turned on my cell phone today my oncologists…
Swellig of Mouth, any suggestions?
I am 6 mo post treatment for stage 3 tonsil with lympnodes removed. Healing seems to be going as well as expected with the usual side effects many of you talk about on this board. The real problem I am having is swelling of the mouth,and throat. THis comes and goes, but yesterday it started and never seem to subside. Today…
Hi, I wanted to give everybody a smoothie I came up with that helps you maintain weight or gain weight. You can drink it or tube feed it by thinning it a bit 1 can ensure plus 350 2 scoops protein powder 120 2 tbls peanut butter 240 2 tbls flax seed oil 240 4 tabls cott cheese 100 4 oz apple sauce 100 Blend all this really…
tonsils cam e out this morning
The stories are true about the pain being severe for adult tonsillectomies. I am in the most pain I have ever been in, but my Dr finally found the narc that works for me: hydrocodne. Thank god too, I will post more as I get to feeling better. Keep me in you guys' prayers, Mike
Your personal expiration date 11-21-20xx?
Chromosone technology that could predict how long you have left to live has been in the mainstream media for several weeks now and the common question by news people is, "Would you really want to know when"? Everyone always answers absolutely not! I was wondering if we collectively were any different for obvious reasons. I…
new ENT
My husband and I just got back from Fl last Sat. We went to a new ENT today and he put the scope down his nose and said "I see something that concerns me and I want to do a biopsy in 2 weeks" He said that my husband has a infection in his throat and wants him on antibiots for 2 weeks. So now we are worried again. Does it…
Well, the doctors here at MUSC in Charleston, SC said my mother's biopsy was positive for recurrence. this after biopsy in same area showed negative for cancer in March. OMG!! The area is now along the eye muscle so they say they need to remove her entire left eye. We're so upset that we didn't go to MD Anderson in the…
A bit worse for wear, but I'm back
Hello, all. Some of you may recall that in February I had what was supposed to be my final PET scan after surviving Stage III HPV-related SCC of the right tonsil, and that the scan showed that I now have HPV-related SCC of the right lung. This is the first time I've logged on since then, so here's the latest. On Monday I…
Last day of Chemo
Today is my husbands last day of chemo and tomnorrow is his last day for rads. Now, he can get a break and start the healing process. I have posted in the past about my husband not eating. He is still not doing well with the eating thing. No peg tube. He only drinks one protein shake a day and the last ferw days he has…
Prayers requested
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here. About to leave for Chatt./Lexington KY in a few hours for a wedding. I have a dear friend, Tamara, who found out in April her mom has leukemia and they found out yesterday the chemo is not working and will stop it and call in hospice as they think her mom has days/weeks. Tamara of…
Opinions, please, from the experts here...
Hi all...my husband had his last chemo today - and as a reminder: tonsil cancer, stage II (although originally we were told stage IV) HPV positive. He was originally scheduled for three rounds of cisplatin. Received the entire first one, the second one was reduced to half because of low wbc and today, even though numbers…
Well we got the results of Neil's biopsy. Seems like the 2 rounds of chemo didn't touch his cancer. Onc told us that he does not believe more chemo would do any good. They still want to do radiation with immunotherapy. The word he used is "untreatable". Neil still wants surgery if at all possible, this lymphnode is really…
Results are in "What do we have in common"
Hi there everyone, I've been a bit absent for a while, just getting on with this wonderful thing called LIFE. I have tallied up all the response to "What do we have in common" remember the questions a lot of you answered, well 58 of you did and here is the percentages from the questions Responses were from 22 Females, and…
Interesting site!
Just thought I would pass this along! www.drinkyourmeals It may be a benefit to anyone on a feeding tube etc. It was started by a head & neck patient. Ton's of interesting & healthy recipies for all.
Burning Water and Disappearing Gum Lines?
Hi everyone, tomorrow I will get the 29th of 33 radiation treatments. No Chemo for me. My Doctor did not recommend a feeding tube so I've been inhaling the ensures. After about the 20th treatment I have had to take a swig of Mary's Magic 10 minutes before drinking one. I've heard folks say on this board that it is…