Chemo Drugs are on the short list.
Hey Guys I just wanted to pass long I am currently watching cbs evening news and now they are saying that chemo drugs like Carboplatin,Cisplatin are on very short supply list which can be scary for us cancer patents.
neck pain, headaches?
Anyone else here ever experience neck and head pain following treatment? I'm about ten weeks out of radiation and chemo. In the past week, I've been having neck and head pain mainly in the posterior neck (occipital neuralgia) and up the back of my head. My head and hair are super sensitive to touch. It is painful to…
Chemo Blues
Hello all, I hope this Thursday is treating you well! I reported awhile ago that my Dad handled his most recent chemo session (now two weeks ago) quite well. He was symptom free for a week and then all the side effects started coming around: Completely exhausted, sleeping for days, feeling weak, nauseated. My mom brought…
Today is my Father's 65th Birthday! and guess what he has to look forwared to????
Today is my Father's 65th birthday! In addition, he does not have to go to the hospital for Radiation or Chemo today. He is done with that. i don't know of a better birthday present he could ever want. We are going to spend the day together at a tractor show. Just me, my Son, and my Father. Its amazing how priorities chang…
Post Surgery
I wanted to update you on my recovery. Left side neck dissection July 22. Really happy with the doctor. I pretended that I was at the spa at Stanford (I have a very good imagination!). Got the pathology report today. C was only in the one lymph node but it is a recurrance. My case will go to the tumor board tomorrow and I…
Ginger & Nausea
My daughter went to a natural helath food store and apparently bought everything and anything that had ginger in it. She read some where that ginger helps with nausea, she also bought some kind of bracelet that has pressure points. Has anyone here tried ginger for nausea? Gotta love my structural engineer daughter, she is…
Throat infection during radiation
Helllo everyone, The last three days I had a sore throat etc and put it down to normal side effect of radiation....when I turned up at radiation this morning they told me I had a mild fever. But retook it 20 min later and it was fine. I stopped by my oncologists office this afternoon bc I needed to pick up my iron tablets…
I read something interesting
Yesterday in the paper there was a story on the guy who developed the hpv injection. It seems that in 12 months he will have a vaccine for skin cancer. His studies have shown that cancer is caused by a virus and he believes all cancer is caused by hpv. Really interesting that maybe one day it will be a common vaccine to…
PEG question
This may sound dumb but do you keep a dressing on your PEG? The Jevity people always send tape and gauze pads with the jevity supply but it is aggrevating to deal with the tape on a hairy chest.
Survived my first week back at work
Have not been here for a while. I've been busy solving people's health problems. It was really difficult the first week. I was experiencing a lot of fatigue by day's end. Also, had weird paresthesias down both arms and then weird headaches in the occipital region. Seems OK now, with only slight residual. My Accupuncturist…
weight loss is it as bad as they are telling me
All my health pros are telling me to put weight on and are pleased at what i have put on but i had a band put in 18 months ago and lost about 50 kilo. I have had it emptied and put on 20 kilo and feel terrible my gut is interfering with my bike riding and everything. I want to pull back. Do you really loose a lot during…
A very funny comic
that our kids turned us on to. Copy and paste into browser. http://xkcd.com/933/ http://xkcd.com/931/ btw, if you let your mouse stay on these for a few seconds there is additional commentary. I hope you enjoy, Doug
An update on my Father
Well, The last 7 weeks have been rough to say the least. My Father, Steve, has completed all of his radiation and chemo treatments and is on his way to recovery. It has been a very emotial time, with the hope of relief in sight. For the last 3 weeks, he has not been able to swallow a thing, not even pudding, so if there…
Pegs or Nasogastro
just being lazy mentioned a lot on here were tubed i seem to recall Naso Gastric but wife who is an RN (Reg Nurse)is saying they would be PEGS and i am too lazy to read all the reports also it takes a long time to move around on this site. Ray ( The underdog LOL) PS No I am not as everyone says , lucky to be married to a…
My appointment today.
Well, I went to my doctor today. I was a little irritated because he does not, in fact, 'do ears' any more and he was told I requested HIM specifically to see me. I told him that was not the case. That I was adamant that SOMEONE from ENT see me, because the first time I called I was told to go back to my PCP, and then when…
Guess I wasn't meant to have a big tube
I was bragging not long ago about being able to select my big (26mm) feeding tube to replace the original. Well at 2:00 this morning I felt a bit of pain at the tube entry point and lo and behold the damned thing just fell out. Made a trip to the hospital to get a new one and they gave me a very short and limp 24 mm tube.…
afraid of being fired
Since the CT scan and first appointment with my ENT and getting the initial "I think its cancer" from him, I have been a mess at work. I have since had my biopsy and confirmed. I have been in constant communications with my boss, who was recently promoted to that position as the prior manager took another position in the…
thank you all
I dont know if anyone remembers me from several months ago. I am about ten weeks out of rads and had my first pet scan show the cancer is gone. I just wanted you all to know that i have stalked this sight throughout my treatment and have come here time and time again to reread your posts for encouragment. I dont think i…
Onco visit
I have an appointment today with my onco, to go over the PET scan results from last week, this visit will also be where she tells me what my course of treatment will be, my nerves are on edge and I have to remind myself to take deep breaths. I've got my "35 questions" printed to take with me. A good friend is going along,…
Checking In
Hi all: Made it thru mine and Charlie's birthday which was the 27th (remember we had the same birthday) It was rough at times but all in all was a good day. Went to bible study and they sang to me; then went to Build-A-Bear at the mall and made a Sammy dog (dachshund) and the girl there was talking to me and I asked if…
1 Year PET Next Week
Hi Folks, Have my 1 year PET/CT scan coming up next Monday on the 8th. Actually my 1 Year 'anniversary' was yesterday and really, it seems much longer than 1 year now. The scan was scheduled for this week, but we have our annual golf tournament this weekend which is one of those things I had to skip last year and don't…
Just could not go to radation today
Hard to swallow,can'nt eat and ready to throw the towel in.For some reason I,m up&down all night urnating--nurse said that when I had chemo that they add a chemical to flush your kidneys. Has anyone had this problem? This is only my 2nd wk. of cemo on Fri. & radation the other five days-does it get better or what--this 1st…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the tongue
Wondering if there is anyone else out there in this situation. Family member had kidney transplant 15+ years ago. First cancer diagnosis was 3 years ago PTLD-post transplant lymphoprolifrative disorder. Cancer was on the gums. All immunosurpressent drugs were stopped, no kidney rejection. 2nd cancer diagnosis recently,…
choking and suffocating feeling ! please help
Hi All Please advice if any one had to deal with this before. My husband had a neck dissection in mid of april where they removed lymp nodes. Since after his surgery he has constant choking feeling, pressure against his windpipe. He feels some one is strangling his throat all the time. Is it common to have to this kind of…
Has anyone here had the RapidArc radiation treatment, my onco's web site has a short video on it, it appears to shorten the radiation treatment times. Thanks, Linda
Week seven complete and so is treatment!
Hello all, I haven't been posting but every few weeks during treatment. I am happy to report that treatment is done now and I am working through recovery. I did end up with a feeding tube....just lost too much weight and need the tube to bounce back. I won't say that it was a cake walk, but VERY doable. I did't experience…
Ear issue update.
Well, as some of you know, I have had an ear infection for two weeks, and despite going to my PCP three times, its not gotten any better, in fact it's worse. It just started with my left ear and now it's in both. I am on my 3rd different antibiotic, and when I saw the CRNP on Monday, she said they would call my ENT again,…
Hi, I'm back and with 13 rads to go!
Sorry I haven't checked in lately, after getting my gtube in I was hospitalized for about 5days......I am back home now..... really tired and mostly getting all my nutrition/hydration through the tube. This Tuesday I have 13 rounds left....... Praying for everyone!
Facial and neck lymphedema
Hello Everyone I am really learning a lot on this terrific website. In late January of this year I found out I had cancer. Primary is the base of tongue Stage 2. Metastisized to lymph nodes. I found a lump the size of a walnut at the top of my neck near my jawbone. That was found to be cancer, but not lymphoma. A PET scan…
Scans during radiation for re-planning
Question for everybody. Has anyone had any scans half way through their radiation treatment for re-planning purposes and was it a worth while exercise? The reason I ask is, I start my 3rd week of radiation treatment tomorrow and I have also been booked in for an MRI and then CT scan the following day. The reason my…