Doc says malignant
First, I hope everyone is doing well out there. I still pray for you all daily. Got my results in, and doc says it is cancer. He has scheduled me for surgery to remove my tonsils on 8/8/11. He said we need to also see if its spread. If it hasnt spread he can either do surgery to remove the lymph node which, with how large…
falling down + low blood pressure = dehydration
We saw his rad doctor yesterday and they took his blood pressure and weight and he was at 98 over 62 with heart rate 76 (sitting). He asked the nurse when he should be concerned about the low blood pressure. So, she said stand up and lets take it again, it read 89 over 54 with a heart rate of 85. The rad docotr said it was…
Check up tommorow
Well I go down to San Francisco tommorow for a check up, I have not had a PET scan done for this. I had one done in May wich was only 7 weeks after radiation stopped and it was not clear. I imagine she will put the camera up my nose and take a look. One thing that has changed is my voice keeps going out, I hope it is…
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Hi everyone. I have been reading your posts on this discussion board for the last couple of days. I find them to be very helpful and you are all so brave, strong and compassionate. I am looking to you all to help guide me through this incredibly scary time for me. Here is my story: I am a 39 year old mom of 2 and a step…
Still here and still tired
Hi All! Been away for awhile but still here and thinking of everyone. Can anyone relate....I am 11 weeks out of rad treatment (35)(cancer of tonsil) and am still feeling very very tired. I think I am getting enough nutrition (PEG) but some times I swear I feel like I could just FALL OUT on the spot. I was not this tired a…
Ear pain that hurts
Hello everyone, Connie is over 4 months now from last radiation treatment. In the last week she has experienced severe ear pain and I have heard a lot of people on this site say they have experienced it. She goes in for another CT scan in a little over 2 weeks. Is this normal or should we be more concerned, I don't know if…
"But I can't help falling..." (for amdog64, a post of from way earlier this year)
(Elvis Presley reference) Here's how it goes: one day I am stepping over Dusty, the older of the two golden retrievers and the one who believes his job is to be in your way in whatever way he can be in your way, and he decides to rise, to move, as I am stepping over him. It turns out for at least one of us that this is not…
Thankful today
Jim and I were talking on the way home from radiation today about how thankful we are that 1) He feels stronger today 2) He is back to his own personality today [no more Mr. Hyde] 3] He has only 13 more RADS to go 4] That so many people believe in prayer and are praying for him I thak God every day for this website and…
An encouraging HELLO!! :D
Hi everyone! It has been quite some time since I have posted anything. Just a drop in note to gratefully say that I am doing so very well!!! I have been "cancer free" for just over a yr. and a half. I was quite a regular on this board. And you have no idea how much support I got and how I so very much appreciated EVERYONE!…
Back again, for the moment
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, due to a combination of heavy workload (now over) and major health problems (only beginning). Being a journalist, albeit one who retired July 1, I’ll keep this brief. I wrapped up a 34-year career as a reporter and editor on the final day of Delaware’s legislative session,…
I have just been diagnosed with Tonsil and Soft palate SCC
The surgeon just called me today after the exploratory last friday, he said there were contra indications about using the robotic surgery because, if he has to take more out then he sees now, he will destroy my soft palate and can't fix it...If he does the standard surgery he can rebuild what he destroys...He hasn't said…
Teeth, Insurance and hyperbaric
Several months ago my teeth started breaking off at the gum line (5 so far) my onc said I need them all out (I did Hyperbaric at the end of 2009 and had 4 teeth taken out)The insurance company (health insurance) really balked at having to pay for total extractions. They finally authorized the whole thing, HBO again,…
hospital again
Jim is back in the hospital, left side of the face and ear area is swollen. It looks like a baseball under the skin. They think it is an infection. I am so stressed I can't control the tears. Jim has turned into Mr Hyde and is angry with everyone. He has given up. I want my sweet gentle husband back. Please pray for us…
Hand Pain
I have had chemo and radiation in Oct 2010. Now i am having severe pain in my hands. From 1 to 10 its about a 8. It might be arthritus because i have that in my back and neck except not this bad. Could this be a side effect from radiation? Its so bad i have to take my pain meds out the night before because i can not work…
Chefdaddy just called me.
I just spoke to Mike, and he asked me to do a post and update everyone. He is at the hospital with his son. They have given all his options, and they had him chose what he wanted to do. If he did nothing, they figure 1.5 - 2 weeks is all he would have. Doing a low dose of chemo, to try and spare his liver, may buy him a…
How about gerd and treatment?
I have GERD and have bad reactions to dairy products, Before I was diagnosed they had me on Cipro and Steroids, I had such bad GERD that I was beside myself with the pain of acid in my esophogus...When I have my treatment and have the feeding tube in, what will it do to my GERD? I am worried because lately I have had more…
Thyroid FNA
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on the accuracy of FNA for diagnosing papillary cancer?
Prayer Request
Hi all: I need to you to add my best friend's former boss/co-worker to your prayer lists. He was dx with esopophgeal cancer and had surgery last July which was successful has been thru rads/chemo and has just recently found out that it has recurred; not good;mets to lungs; been given 6 months to a year. My friends of…
Hi all: Thought I'd check in before I take off to Chatt. to pick up niece and sister and then we head for the mtns. for three days! Yesterday was mine and Charlie's birthday. Another first. It was rough off and on but all in all had a good one. Went to Bible Study and they sang Happy Birthday to me. Then went to…
Hur ting And Scared
My doctors continue to struggle to help me with the bad ear/jaw/throat pain that I have been having. Last week, I had a biopsy of my cheek and they took a bunch of blood for various tests but I haven't heard about those yet. The one I am really scared of is the upcoming PET/CT. My ENT moved up the date on this about three…
Recovery length
I've been treated for throat cancer with radiation and chemotherapy. My treatments ended in March, it's now the end of July and I still haven't returned to work. I still am fatigued and have been getting very depressed. I feel that going to work will help me in that it will make my life more normal and give me something to…
putting off surgery by 2 weeks?
My husband was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on his tongue. He just had the neck dissection and is healing nicely. Originally the doc wanted to do surgery on his tongue one week later. My husband would like a few days to eat normal foods and enjoy the pain relief that his recent surgery brings. Next…
ENT today and throat scope.
Today my husband visited with his ENT today and they did a throat scope and they said everything looked good, felt around his throat and they felt no lumps. They are pretty optimistic that he is going to have a good outcome from this beast. We will have our pet scan on August 26th.
Metastasis to pelvic region
I wrote back in June that the docs suspected tumors in the bone of my husbands hip and you were all great to tell me not to panic. Well the biopsy came back as squamous cell carcinoma so confirmed our fear of recurrence. It recurred only six weeks after treatment ended. We are now beginning a new cocktail of chemo that…
PET Scan This Morning
Well today is the day..... My 2nd annual post treatment PET is scheduled for 08:30 this morning 25July. Wish me luck, and keep me in your thoughts and prayers today. Best, John
When the radiation and chemo is all done and you have healed can you be grouchy and a pain in the neck to your family, my family is forever telling me I have changed, I think I have, I am now different, I think, but do not know what to do about it.
Scared Mommy
I can't believe I'm writing on a CSN board. I'm a 37 year old mommy of 3 who was told on July 1st the cyst they removed from my vocal cord was cancer, squamiss cell they thought. This isn't the 1st thing I've had to fight & recover from, I am a recovering alcoholic/addict clean & sober for 1408 days. I am very involved in…
falling down
We are in the kitchen cooking and my husband kinda woobles and says I am gonna fall. Next thing I know he is falling on the floor and falls back against our cabinet.It took him a minute to realize what happened. We got him up and in the room. He said he does not remember saying he is gonna fall. He said he has been light…
Sweetblood ear progress
Haven't heard how your ear is doing, Sweetblood. Praying it has improved. Debbie
Thick mucus
Does any one know how to wash or clean the mouth from mucus