Update on Dad
Dad saw the oncologist today and he will start on chemo again this friday. The Dr. said the tumor has not changed that much since two months ago, but he wants to stay ahead of things. We talked about the issues dad was having and he said it was withdrawl from the bad fentanyl patches. Dad will have the same chemo as before…
Haven't really felt like talking
I am 9 days past my last treatment and continuing what the doc called "the worst two weeks of your treatment", so far he has been right on. Stacey, you nailed it on the head, this hairball is driving me nuts. Today I thought I'd turned a corner, only mild discomfort for most of the day. Now, 7:30 PM and it's back in all…
My Daughter, Johnnybegood
Just wanted to let everyone know that I spoke to my daughter tonight and she sounded really good. Her latest blood test shows her platelets are up to 120. That's so much better than the 65-70 she been stuck at since last June She's hoping to get the drainage tube out and be able to go home tomorrow. Thank you all so much…
Get a second opinion
My mum at 55 was diagnosed with aggressive squamus cell carinoma 2 weeks ago. The tumor takes up the right nasal cavity, Right maxillary sinus, Ethmoid sinus cavity and erroded the bone between the nasal cavity and eye socket and possible nerve damage in the cheek. The ent team (ent surgeon, maxo facial surgeon, professor…
Damage to saliva glands
It's me again I promised my dad I would try to find out some things that he has questions about before he starts his radiation on Thursday I have read so many posts but just wasn't sure- When you take radiation does it destroy your saliva glands and if so do they repair themselves after the radiation is over? How many…
Oral Neck Cancer Online Workshop
I see Posner is involved. http://www.cancercare.org/connect_workshops/336-treatment_oral_head_neck_cancer_2013-05-15
Warrior Tracking Chart
hi, One of the things I find hard to keep up on is where everyone is in their battle with the beast. I created a template of something that I would like to get your thoughts on as it might help others as well. I can keep it updated as long as I get the info in some standardized tabular format (yet to be developed). anyway,…
What is good to help healing process after a removal of the lingual tonsil surgery and biopsies in h
I'm feeling with my hands tied without doing much for my Papi's relieve, he have hart time drinking liquids because his throat have swollen tongue after the surgery, please some suggestions. So I'll help alleviate his pain or make easy his recovery. I feel like I'm not doing nothing to making feel good. Please suggestions,…
Tired , mucus and unable to eat.
I am writing for my husband John. He was diagnosed with tonsil cancer in Oct. had his tonsils, part of soft pallet, and tongue removed late in Nov. After 2 months of recovery and delays , he started chemo and radiation last week. He complains of being hungry , but full. We can't tell if it is related to mucus Or…
A side-effect
As some of you may know, I've been dealing with neck spasms on a daily basis for some time, now. Yes, arthritis has shown in two spots at the base of the Cervical section of my spine, but where the spasms happen is where I definitely got zapped with the rads. New Drs in my life, as my General Practitioner recently retired,…
Polar Ice Caps - the unofficial survey :)
So, how many of us were on line early enough this morning to see the U of Chicago "research" survey briefly posted on the Head Neck forum (until Admin took it down)? The survey supposedly addressed chemotherapy-related alopecia. Upon questioning, the poster admitted to Pat that the real point of the survey was to determine…
Recently diagnosed with SCC of the Nasal Septum
Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with SCC of the Nasal Septum (Mar 2011). It was discovered accidently (however the radiologist noted the mass on the CT scan) during a surgery to repair a deviated septum (1st surgery). My only symptom was a little nasal stuffiness. I had another surgery (18 Apr 11) to remove the remaining…
No more cracked and irritated skin
Hi all, One of the many side effects seem to be various forms of chapped, split, rashed skin disorders. I had a single sore from my first round of induction TPF and grabbed the old bag balm without thinking. I also have a dry sore spot in my upper nostril so a dab there too. It got me thinking I never saw anyone mention it…
Good news for a change
Finally we have received some good news. David is in complete remission from the Plasma Cell Leukemia. His is in doing a full body bone scan to see if there is progress on the condition of his bones. They are going to be doing a lot of tests in the near future. More PET scans, etc. They want to try to make the case the…
Finally got dentures today
Hi everybody its been a long road from April of last year when i had 23 teeth extracted to start treatment for tonssil cancer stage 4a hpv+ at the age of 29 now i'm 30 woohoo but today i got my implanted dentures there are defnitly some sore spots here and there but they look awesome just hard to get used to i'm going into…
ENT today. Surgery Monday
So I went to the ENT today and had a scope done. Low and behold he sees a spot on my right tonsil. I will be having my tonsils removed and a biopsy Monday. At first I thought he was joking about Monday but then he sent my to Hospital to do the paperwork. So I guess it is for real. He says the spot is small and he will be…
advice for problems week after treatment
Hi Everyone. I have been following all the posts and sending positive thoughts and congrats through the air but have not had any time to post. My husband and I and our two kids relocated to another state to complete weekly cisplatin and 35 rads which we finished last week. I have been homeschooling out kids, and taking…
Taste - Is There Hope?
I am 8 weeks out from my last radiation and chemo. I had (hope operative word is had) neck cancer, unknown primary, one lymph node involved. Had a neck disection, 7 weeks radiation and chemo. I think I have some taste back, but it is so hard to tell if I am really tasting a few things or just a sensation in my mouth. I can…
Update on Best Friend's Husband
Hi all: Up early this morning so thought I'd check in early! Steve, (my best friend Beki's husband) saw the oncologist yesterday and Praise the Lord the cancer is not in the brain (a good thing). They are concerned about one lymph node that has traveled to upper lobe of lung whereas the other 3 are where the spot is; so…
Survived This Week
Well, here I am again. Started out the morning in tears, probably just for the he!! of it. Sometimes, I just feel so darned alone. I certainly can't "dump" on my daughter all the time. And as I may have mentioned before, all those "friends" I worked with were just that, "work friends". There is one very special lady that…
Ok... this Beast is starting to hurt for real :(
Hey folks, On Monday, I visit the dentist to have a tooth extracted and a small cavity filled. That along with previous exams, cleanings and flouride treatments will give me dental clearance for radiation treatment. The journey officially starts next Thursday with surgery to remove the tumor, do further biopsies and…
Really Needed a Good Day
Friends, The first of many scans (CT Lungs) I will take on this journey came back clear after the "official" diagnosis. The first step of a thousand step journey...followup with ENT on Monday and we have sent primlinary reports to MD Anderson in Houston and waiting on them to set up a new patient appointment for the full…
What a day :(
On top of the stress of Jeff's cancer (seeing the oncolugist tomorrow for 1st follow up) my 13 year old daughter's father passed away this morning of CHF. I had to tell her when got home from school. She was very close to him. He btought her home last night agter her basketball game and looked and sounded good. You just…
Hi Everyone, I wanted to post an update. I think that those behind me in the treatments stage might appreciate the information. We all experience this journey differently but here is the latest with me. I finished my radiaiton and chemo treatments (for tonsil cancer on left side and lymph node on same side) on Dec 19th. I…
Just Starting the Journey
The past three weeks have been just crazy and I feel so out of control! Still in the staging process but looking at III tonsil SCC with left nodule involvment. I am just so scaried...my kids come home from school and I have to go to our bedroom because I can't stop crying. My wife has been incredible and I have just been…
myxofibrosarcoma right nasal cavity
My mother is suffering from myxofibrosarcoma in right nasal cavity. Please let me know the survival possibility
New diagnosis-I have a Fur ball!
It is driving me C R A Z Y. All this hacking and gagging and throat clearing...and every now and then finally coughing up something that looks horribly similar to ear wax. I consulted with the cat (figured she was experienced in this area) but she just gave me a blank look and tried to drink the milk out of my cereal bowl.…
Unwelcome, Unexpected Surprise
We met with the MDA Rad Onc today. The good news is that there appears to be no lymph node involvemnt in the lung area, so Ron will be preparing for 4 Rad treatments on the lung which the doc feels will eradicate that tumor. I'll make arrangements to get his teeth pulled as he prepares for the tougher phase, the 35 H&N…
Was it BS?
Just wondering what happened to the post from this morning from the "17 year old Cody" who was broke but needed to see a doctor? I hate to seem this way but I have a feeling it was a scam of some sort. I want to be wrong but something just didn't seem right. If I'm right in my thinking it's scary because someone out there…
I understand why I have lost my saliva and my taste but does anyone know why I dont get hungry ? I have to force myself to eat just to try to not lose anymore weight.