Another that guy moment
So today we started the weekly chemo. I thought we were going to do one day a week 3 weeks on one off, but it looks like we have four weeks in a row. Anyway we received a phone call from the pharmacy on Saturday evening that we had a prescription ready. We thought it was dexamethasone since we knew we were getting a script…
Deadly Week
Hello All, I have been very ill and unable to post an update. Approx. Jan. 17, I came down with a stomach virus which put me under the table from severe diarrhea and flu like symptoms. Couldn't eat, but tried to stay hydrated. Tried to stay away from hubby also, but on Jan. 20, he started having trouble breathing. Morning…
I thought I'd show you guys the cool tattoo that my husband got in support of H&N cancer. I go to USC for my surgeon/ENT and their H&N unit has declared the giraffe the official H&N cancer animal. They've taken his long neck and created the cancer ribbon out of it. I think it is so awesome and such a clever idea. This…
Crappie North ~ Specks South - Fishin Photos...
Figured I'd label this with the fishin photos, for those that don't wanna see them.... Crappie up North, Specks down South, and Sac-A-Lait for those Canjun types... Took the Hewes to Lake Kissimmee yesterday (Saturday 25JAN2013), with a long time work and fishing buddy, to hit up a few specks. We found a few nice ones, 22…
Giving recognition
A short while ago I was reading a news board online and came across a book that peaked my interest, it was called "Knockout" by Suzanne Somers. This book included interviews with many doctors regarding cancer including one I was particularly interested in: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who "pioneered the development and use of…
Wallet biopsy
Managed to see chemo doc last night, he is extremely busy but stayed back to 8:15 at night to make sure I was seen given the mess around I had before. The first chemo doc told me 2 days prior to treatment I would have to pre pay $1700 the first visit, $250 the second and $150 each time after that (approx) and we have…
Another year older !
Hello everyone ! I now know what CSN'S saying bringing more birthdays means. I have been given the gift of another year, and also the gift and blessings of getting to know my online family here. 53 yrs. ago I was born into one of the most wonderful loving families and have been able to have my own wonderful loving family.…
Still Hoarse.
I am so glad that I stumbled onto this site ! Just wish I had found you guys about 6 months ago . This is my first post but I have been reading some of your post for a couple of weeks . I had almost givin up on ever being able to taste food or have any salava again until I started reading some of your post ! My Cancer…
Half treatment
Spent most of last week in The oral surgeon's office at our Military Hospital here in San Antonio. Because lack of spit has caused the remaining 4 teeth I have on both sides of my lower jaw to become totally rotten they will have to remove them before thay can make my new dentures. But they are only going to give me 10 HBO…
I am wondering if anyone has experienced bleeding sores in the mouth from radiation? What to do about it, if anything?
Question on low magnesium
Hey there ! I have had low magnesium since my resect back in "11. The nurses freaked during my last surgery because I guess it bottomed out. Anybody out there know what causes this ? I did a web search.....but nothing made much sense. When I ask about this as I did in the hospital.....they say oh don't worry we've got it…
B 12 injections
Hi guys ( and gals ) I have to go back to work soon, five months after Rad, I wonder will b12 shots will help? for energy
I could have entititled this tread: "Vomiting In All The Right Places". I walked into the oncologist's examining room and promptly vomited. For good measure, I missed the barf bag I was holding. Actually some made the barf bag and some hit the floor. I was also in a quite unresponsive state. One good thing, was that the…
Sore tongue for how long?
Finished radiation 4 weeks ago. Tongue has huge white patch and even apple juice burns. Still have a lot of pain. How long before things start to get better after radiation? All I can do is drink Boost Plus. Can't swallow anything else. Seems like things are worse now than when in treatment. What have others experienced?
Well, we complain when CSN is slow :) So thank you it's seems to now be fixed :)
Well the last two weeks the CSN site has really been easy to get on and I have had no errors or problems...and since it's our nature to complain when it's not easy....I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to those who have worked hard to get us back up. I have been busy with the ski season here in resort town :) ...so I…
Hopeful oncologist visit
The oncologist can't figure out why Jim has no pain or breathing problems yet. He gave Jim less than a year to live 6 months ago. He has scheduled a lung CT for April which hopefully will show God has done a miracle on Jim. He does want Jim to see his Head and Neck doctor for the lip sore that isn't healing. Debbie
White blood cell count post treatment still low
Hello, My husband Robert's white blood cell count is at 1.8 nine months post treatment. Family Dr. wants to get his chemo doc involved. Aren't there shots that he could get to boost his cell count?
chemo above the neck?
Hello,some say this is not practiced...but not the case on here I see
Ready to pull my hair out
I am having a really hard day today. We found out David will most likely not be a candidate for a bone marrow transplant. We were told that one of the requirements is that you can't have another cancer within the last five years. So his head and neck cancer disqualifies him from getting one. I can't stand never having a…
Lipo-Flavonoid® Plus ?
Has anyone who has ringing in the ears from Cisplatin tried Lipo-Flavonoid® Plus? I heard it can help stop it. Sue
Hiya from pascotty
Hi fellow dx. Just want to say hi and let you know that I'm still doing great and loving life. Dx 2009 right tonsil scc and 1 lymph. 34 rads 3 cisplatin. finished treatment April 2010. Have all taste buds back. Saliva is still helped by chewing gum. Yes sugar free. Tinnitus still there but only notice it when I mention it.…
Cabin fever
Hello everyone ! I'm out about a month from surgery and doing good....but because of this rotten flu that's going around in our area I've been stuck in the house. It is really hitting hard here, had a call from the kid's and people (friends) that they know are in hospital on respirators. Normally very healthy people. I…
R.I.P. Vikeman10
H & N Forum, Per Coleen Sewick’s post on their CaringBridge site, Randy Sewick (Vikeman10) passed away Saturday morning. He made many hopeful posts here very recently and for those who have or haven’t read his Journal entries he was a gifted writer. My prayers go out to his family. Matt
Healing tips anyone?
For those who have finished treatments does anyone have suggestions on jump starting the healing process? Jeff finishes rad the 31st and chemo this friday. The mouth is so cut up, red, sore, on fire and just plain beat up. You all know what I mean. He was wondering if anyone had suggestions. He uses the muguard about 10-12…
Well, we complain when CSN is slow :) So thank you it's seems to now be fixed :)
Well the last two weeks the CSN site has really been easy to get on and I have had no errors or problems...and since it's our nature to complain when it's not easy....I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to those who have worked hard to get us back up. I have been busy with the ski season here in resort town :) ...so I…
Meaning of TX and other x's
i see u good people refering to TX and such, what are u talking aboit,just a country boy here..
Post treatment confusion
Diagnosed June 27, 2012 with T2N2CM0 Stage IV SCC (HPV+) primary right tonsil with left and right lymph node involvement. I'm currently 4 months post treatment and returned to work 3 Janurary. The first thing I noticed was the amount of confusion I experienced when I had to multitask. It was and still is evident during…
Web chat on HPV/Head and neck cancer
Hello everyone, Saw this on cancerquest. It will be on January 24th at 12:00 p.m. A Dr. Mark El-Derry of the Emery Winship Cancer Institute will be having an online web chat about HPV and H/N cancer. Sounds like there will be a chance for asking questions and getting them answered. The link is below…
CURE magazine
I came across a great resource for patients, caregivers and survivors while in my oncologist's office yesterday. You may have seen it, but just in case you haven't, it's C.U.R.E. Magazine (Cancer Understanding, Research and Education). You can get a free subscription at: www.curetoday.com The current issue has a great…
sore throat and canker sore been two weeks of rad and 1 chemo so far still have 4 1/2 weeks to go fo
Hello, just new here and actually my husband is the one diagnose of cancer at the base of the tongue, actually we really dont know how he get it, he dont smoke and drink but one time he had a lump of his right side of his neck and since then he went check up. until confirmed it was malignant cancer stage 3. he's dont with…