Haven't really felt like talking

I am 9 days past my last treatment and continuing what the doc called "the worst two weeks of your treatment", so far he has been right on.  Stacey, you nailed it on the head, this hairball is driving me nuts.  Today I thought I'd turned a corner, only mild discomfort for most of the day.  Now, 7:30 PM and it's back in all it's glory.  Add to that, even though the Silver Sulfadizine (thanks Matt) works really well, the burns all the way around my neck really bite. There's more, but you guys know them all, why make a list.

The worst though is the damn hairball.


Good luck all.


Joe Cortney

Dallas, TX


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Here's hoping the hairball subsides quickly.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Can't Talk Anyway :(

    I know the feeling Joe... for different reasons but nonetheless. 

    I had a tonsillectomy December 21st so I was out through Christmas and New Year. Now, with the neck dissection on the 7th, I'm spending my 54th B Day in a drug enduced stupor unable to communicate. My family and friends called and I have to have Marci speak with them as I can barely whisper. 

    Even writing is a challenge as my mind keeps drifting in and out of lucidity. I'll be sitting here reading and all of the sudden it's the head bob.... Swallowing is a real challenge too because my tongue is numb. I can't feel the pills I put into my mouth to swallow. 

    My cat still seems to think Whisker Lickin's are the answer to life's problems but I beg to differ with him ;)

    Hang tough Joe... 


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    fishmanpa said:

    Can't Talk Anyway :(

    I know the feeling Joe... for different reasons but nonetheless. 

    I had a tonsillectomy December 21st so I was out through Christmas and New Year. Now, with the neck dissection on the 7th, I'm spending my 54th B Day in a drug enduced stupor unable to communicate. My family and friends called and I have to have Marci speak with them as I can barely whisper. 

    Even writing is a challenge as my mind keeps drifting in and out of lucidity. I'll be sitting here reading and all of the sudden it's the head bob.... Swallowing is a real challenge too because my tongue is numb. I can't feel the pills I put into my mouth to swallow. 

    My cat still seems to think Whisker Lickin's are the answer to life's problems but I beg to differ with him ;)

    Hang tough Joe... 


    No comparison

    My problems pale in comparison to what you had to go through.  The good news is you are through with it.  Now you just need to heal.  Hang in there brother, sometimes the stupor is a blessing.  In fact, that's a pretty good idea right about now.  Think I'll hit the pain pills.  Won't help the furball but will ease up the throat a bit.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    bath therapy

    Hi Joe,


    Glad to see you post. It means you at least have some sustained level of fortitude to carry on. Have you or have you heard anyone taking a hot/cold/warm soaking bath to ease any of the aches and pains, especially those around the neck? It seems with some additives to the water it could offer quite some relief and once out you can more easily lather on whatever topicals to endure the next hours/day.

    I am building an outdoor soaker tub to prepare in case it might do me good and doing it now as I KNOW I am not going to be in any shape to wield a saw and tools during the "gaunlet" period.

    Keep well,


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    donfoo said:

    bath therapy

    Hi Joe,


    Glad to see you post. It means you at least have some sustained level of fortitude to carry on. Have you or have you heard anyone taking a hot/cold/warm soaking bath to ease any of the aches and pains, especially those around the neck? It seems with some additives to the water it could offer quite some relief and once out you can more easily lather on whatever topicals to endure the next hours/day.

    I am building an outdoor soaker tub to prepare in case it might do me good and doing it now as I KNOW I am not going to be in any shape to wield a saw and tools during the "gaunlet" period.

    Keep well,


    Hang in there Joe and T ..

    It does get better.  I had some pretty nasty burns on my neck (see my pictures under expressions) ....

    I am sorry it's tough right now .....whispered a prayer it gets better soon ...




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    The hairball should subside...

    it's just that everything in this is so slow to happen!!  The day you had today will happen more often and last longer...everything comes in degrees (and we know how small they are until they add up).  Glad you did an update, tho....you're going to start noticing that you're feeling better soon....honest!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    hairballs be gone

    Can't a suction be used to get rid of them? Now, I do not even know exactly what they are so maybe I am all wet.  




  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503

    The hairball should subside...

    it's just that everything in this is so slow to happen!!  The day you had today will happen more often and last longer...everything comes in degrees (and we know how small they are until they add up).  Glad you did an update, tho....you're going to start noticing that you're feeling better soon....honest!

    Good Call

    I woke up this morning and couldn't figure out was was different.  After shaking my head a few times I realized I felt pretty good.  Hairball gone!  Throat pain down to a dull roar.  Neck burns almost didn't even need lotion.


    It's now 3:30 PM and it's all back.  But, it was great while it lasted and maybe it will last an hour longer tomorrow.





  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Could Be Worse..

    You could have a black hairy tongue like GreenD did for awhile..., now that would be a little weird.

    I'll even give you permission to Google it.... Black Hairy Tongue

    Hang in there..., on the positive side... You are completely done, the things going on now are residual from past treatment... From now on, it's going to all get better more than likely. Yes slowly, and maybe even un-noticeable to you..., but still yet better.

    Best ~ John

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Skiffin16 said:

    Could Be Worse..

    You could have a black hairy tongue like GreenD did for awhile..., now that would be a little weird.

    I'll even give you permission to Google it.... Black Hairy Tongue

    Hang in there..., on the positive side... You are completely done, the things going on now are residual from past treatment... From now on, it's going to all get better more than likely. Yes slowly, and maybe even un-noticeable to you..., but still yet better.

    Best ~ John

    Thanks John

    I just wasn't prepared for it all to go back to bad so fast.  Kinda of cruel actually.  Now I'm ready for it as I'm sure it will happen lots going forward.


    Take Care Buddy,


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Dr.Ed
    Dr.Ed Member Posts: 22
    roughest time

    My docs didn't tell me that post rad was going to be the toughest time, it was the only time I questioned the whole process.

    but like every one else, things got better.Seems to happen differently for everyone, but  the "better" part seems pretty common. I don't know if your hairball is just thick mucus but if you think it is you may want to ask your doc about Caphasol, its two fluids that you mix then wash your mouth with. It was the best thing I had to losen that yuky stuff that i woke up with every day..and that kept coming back all day.

    Glad your past treatment, its rough but it will get better  ... Ed

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Dr.Ed said:

    roughest time

    My docs didn't tell me that post rad was going to be the toughest time, it was the only time I questioned the whole process.

    but like every one else, things got better.Seems to happen differently for everyone, but  the "better" part seems pretty common. I don't know if your hairball is just thick mucus but if you think it is you may want to ask your doc about Caphasol, its two fluids that you mix then wash your mouth with. It was the best thing I had to losen that yuky stuff that i woke up with every day..and that kept coming back all day.

    Glad your past treatment, its rough but it will get better  ... Ed

    Use it multiple times a day


    Thanks for the tip.  I would not have made it to here without the Caphasol.  All through treatment, that and salt/baking soda water was the only thing that kept the mouth sores at bay and I probably use it now 4 to 6 times a day.


    Take care,


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    keep drinking water and swishing with salt & soda



    Sorry to hear about the hairball, I believe Stacy had a furball, but they are probably very similar when you feel it in the throat.  At 9 days post, you are in the thick of it with relief just around the corner.  If you follow a predictable path your voice (or lack of) should be next.  Even though my voice is much, much better now I still have trouble fine tuning it for volume


    Glad to hear the Silver Sulfadiazine Cream worked, I guess figuring it out is half the fun.


    I am very pleased to hear from you and even if you don’t (think) you feel better, you most likely are, it is just a go slow game.


    Wish you well,




    I had black “manicured” tongue, also.