Finally got dentures today

Hi everybody its been a long road from April of last year when i had 23 teeth extracted to start treatment for tonssil cancer stage 4a hpv+ at the age of 29 now i'm 30 woohoo but today i got my implanted dentures there are defnitly some sore spots here and there but they look awesome just hard to get used to i'm going into tomorrow to have some rough spots taken care of so at this time they are getting a bath is there anybody else that had to have the teeth extracted??? give me some insight thank you.Matt


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    What are "implated dentures"??

    I've heard of dentures of course....and implants...but never "implanted dentures"....please enlighten me.....I'm very interested.  I didn't have my teeth pulled for rads, but I did get them out years ago...

    I'll bet they look totally WONDERFUL, Matt!!  Gawd, it's nice to hear from you!


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Me too !

    Hello Matt !

    I had 24 extracted 1 hr. prior to my neck dissection.  Insurance deductible was met, but in less than a month it would have bite me in the rear end.  Yeah kinda a sucker for punishment but I figured I was gonna be in pain anyway.  I've had both plates now for 9 months.....and yeah there very nice.  I still have issues with lymphedema and numbness in cheeks, jaw and neck.  So more than not my new teeth don't work real well.  Go slow with them, I've been told our gums will toughen up eventually.  (sore spots ect.)  Boy that ENT I have loves it when I can pop 'em out so he can feel everywhere for issues on my jaw and under it.  About as fun as having the tube down the nose.  Wishing you much success with the new choppers Matt !   Katie

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member



    Nice to hear from you, I am glad you are well.


    I never had any teeth issues, but my teeth don’t come together quite the same any more.


    Good luck with the teeth and keep getting better.





  • lorig01
    lorig01 Member Posts: 83
    Hi. I completed treated for

    Hi. I completed treated for stage III SCC of left tonsil in September. I am currently using a temporary denture and I am about 4 weeks away from getting my permanent implanted dentures.   So, I am sorry I cannot offer any advice. I know that with the temporary dentures I cannot eat because it blocks what little saliva I have and they move around too much.  So, I am looking forward to the implanted dentures.  I wish you luck because at least for me, losing my teeth has to be the hardest part of this long journey.  I am glad I have the temps because I am back to work and at least I can go out in public. Let me know how you do with your new teeth. Good luck!


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    lorig01 said:

    Hi. I completed treated for

    Hi. I completed treated for stage III SCC of left tonsil in September. I am currently using a temporary denture and I am about 4 weeks away from getting my permanent implanted dentures.   So, I am sorry I cannot offer any advice. I know that with the temporary dentures I cannot eat because it blocks what little saliva I have and they move around too much.  So, I am looking forward to the implanted dentures.  I wish you luck because at least for me, losing my teeth has to be the hardest part of this long journey.  I am glad I have the temps because I am back to work and at least I can go out in public. Let me know how you do with your new teeth. Good luck!


    Same here

    I have temporary dentures and start the hyper baric chamber next week before I have 4 more teeth pulled and implants to attach a denture to. That was all supposed to happen last November but the jourey just keeps going on and on and on. I hope your teeth work well for you.