Positives and prayer request for my brother-in-law
Hello dear friends, My kid sister called with some scary news. Her hubby had prostrate cancer 2 yrs. ago, and is doctoring w/the V.A. His dx was linked w/his service in Nam. Now he has probable mets to lungs, and had CT done. Will know more this week. He also has a massive blood clot in his lower leg. They sent him home…
End of 3rd Week
Tomorrow will be last treatment of 3rd week and my husband is getting worse day by day but still working (he is afraid that he might lose his job, his boss is not very cooperative and they also start to look for new person for my husband’s job). I would like to know if anyone has work during the treatment?? Also he started…
How Did You Chose Your Forum Name...
LOL... I decided to post up an old thread on the subject...check it out. There are some very funny origins, as well as some interesting perceptions of what the various forum names were derived... How Did You Chose Your Screen Name JG
Pat Derby - the passing of a fellow warrior
Pat Derby - I had the pleasure of meeting her once. She was the founder of ARK 2000, and PAWS, the Performing Animals Welfare Society here in central California. http://www.thepinetree.net/index.php?module=announce&ANN_user_op=view&ANN_id=34182 "It had to begin with elephants. I was born in love with all elephants: not for…
Just So Disappointed
Just when you think you finally might have all your ducks in a row, one of them drowns! For months now, have been waiting to squeeze in the opportune moment for hubby to have his dental work done. Have kept in contact with oral surgeon regarding all the various setbacks. Last Friday, they called to schedule the surgery and…
Constanly concerned
Hi everyone, you all seem to be so much help that I wanted to come right here to help me deal with new issue. Ever since being in hospital with apiration phenumonia due to new tx of Dysphagaia, constantly paranoid of cough or gergal sound which is usally phelm to cough out(salvia so bad, to dry to push salvia without water…
Checking in
I am 4 months post treatment, and for the most part doing OK, struggling with nutrition, still no swallow, and fatiged all the time, when do these symptoms start to get better? I am trying to return to work 1/2 days and it just wipes me out, but can't continue with no income. Feel like I am between a rock and a hard place,…
Constantly concerned about a sniffle
Hi everyone, you all seem to be so much help that I wanted to come right here to help me deal with new issue. Ever since being in hospital with apiration phenumonia due to new tx of Dysphagaia, constantly paranoid of cough or gergal sound which is usally phelm to cough out(salvia so bad, to dry to push salvia without water…
Dental questions
Hi all, most of us visit our dentist 3 to 4 times a year for cleaning, what I want to ask is do you do deep gum cleaning or just regular cleaning? personally i never had deep cleaning done before. Any issues doing deep cleaning post radiation?
A Rare Breed Indeed
Hey everyone, What an absolutely crazy two days. I had an appointment to go see my surgeon on Monday morning to get the staples out and getthe results of the biopsies and surgery. I did make it to my appointment but unfortunately not in the manner I would have preferred. I went to bed Sunday night and was awakened by a…
Fentenayl pain patch side effects
When dad started on his third time with chemo the doctor incresased his patches to 50 mg. He told me there would not be much of a difference as far as side effects. But I have seen a major difference. Dad is sleeping 20 hours out of the day, says he feels really drunk and is having even more memory problems. Could any of…
Dental Question for Billie67 and/or those without teeth
HI. I am 5 months out from Tonsil cancer treatment. Prior to treatment I had all of my teeth removed. I saw in a previous post that you said that debris below the gum line can cause loss of bone, etc. If you do not have teeth how can you prevent debris in gum line? I brush my tongue after meals and rinse with biotene…
Any recovering addicts post cancer treatment
Is there anyone on here that has been a recovering drug addict and than gone through cancer treatment? Jeff has been on the roxinol and fentenol patch. He is having trouble coming off. His thoughts are tending to wonder. He is thinking of going on methadone. Has anyone been through this? Sue
Finding a doctor
Hello, I'm a 12 year stage 3 cancer survivor. I was diagnosed when I was 21 years old. I'm moving to Madison, Wisconsin and was hoping to get names of great doctors in that area. I also need a dentist who has experience working with oral cancer patients. Any help would be great.
One of us back to work...
Evening All, Just wanted to say, I am not being rude, but just took on the work challenge again. I work from home so it's not a major change for Dan, however it's another 40-50 hours to toss into all the new jobs I have acquired the last few months. I am able to read more than I have participated, but know I am here.. and…
Too much chemo for NPCA Non keratinizing Stage 2
I would like to inquire about chemotheraphy protocol. My husband was diagnosed of NPCA stage 2 he went to 3 cycles of cisplatin (1 day admission every cycle) and 3 cycles of cisplatin & 5fu (5 days of admission per cycle). His onco wants him to undergo last cycle of cisplatin & 5fu but before she told us that it will only…
1 year and almost 4 months (March 2,2013 )
check up and scope....a little nervous
3rd week of Red
Hello everyone, weekend was great My husband had his first acupuncture therapy and he felt more saliva in his mouth all weekend log and he still have saliva in his mouth so that’s great the sad part is he already have mouth sores and it's hard to eat for him. We started aloe vera juice and l-glutamine powder (one spoon…
A Very Poor Day
Ran a fever (100.5); which make one feel like sh*t all by itself. Skin burns all over. Burns when just clothes tough it. Legs arms etc. NAUSEA. Other types of pain. Can't concentrate. Hard to even take the meds. So this is what round-2 of chemo is like. Three more weeks of round 2. I did say that chemo would almost kill…
A question about swallowing....
I want to bounce this off the group. Last weeks surgery makes it two tonsillectomies I've had in 3 months. The first (Dec. 21st) they removed the palatine tonsils. The standard get your tonsils out tonsils. Along with that they did biopsies of the BOT and nasopharygnx and a laryngoscopy. That, for lack of a better word,…
My Day of Diagnosis - For all the newly diagnosed on here
I see a lot of new folks on here. This is not meant to depress or be a downer, but if you were like me your first day, week of diagnosis your world was spinning as much as your head. You are NOT alone and your online family cares. Here is my first day of diagnosis story…
popping in to say hello !
Hello everyone ! I'm doing pretty well after that surgery in December. Still having issues with the lungs, but no more surgeries. (ever...wouldn't make sense) I am completely off of the 02, but get weak very easily doing every day activities. I remember I could shower, dress and be off to work at 4:30 a.m. in 20 mins. Wow…
vaccine ... so near and yet so far
It is so frustrating to know that vaccines like this are so close to being perfected, yet so far from being available to the patients who so desperately need them: http://www.emergencyemail.org/newsemergency/anmviewer.asp?a=2629&z=33 French researchers at the Universite Paris Descarte in France have invented a promising…
Late term radiation effects
Hi, I am a 12yr Nasioparengeal Stage 3 Survivour, I have the normal side effects, teeth are almost all gone I have like 10 real and 1 bridge, jaw scarred down to with teeth 2 inch opening, taste buds are back and fine, salavia is thicker and does nothing to break down food or wash teeth or relieve my throat. I am writing…
Beer or Wine Never Again?
Me - Stage IV HPV neck, unknown primary. Neck Dissection, 7 weeks radiation and chemo. One of my doctors said never to drink anything with alcohol and another said one or two beers or glasses of wine every once in a while is just fine. I am still without much ability to taste so neither have been a temptation. When (notice…
trach out
Haven't been on here for awhile, wanted to let everyone know that I got my trach out 2-13-13 after 2 years from my Laryngeal cancer, best ever Valentines present, I am blessed and thankful. bjw1955
Any professional career issues by sharing personal blog publicly?
What is the general experience of those who have shared publicly their personal blog or journal? From a professional career or business standpoint, does the fact many are aware of your situation hinder current or future business? I run my own business but want to hear if others have had issues arise due to your cancer…
Jaw discomfort in area of Mandibulectomy
Having a lot of jaw discomfort in area of mandibulectomy. The new mandible/flap feels very swollen. It is not mucositis. I'm on Rad #13, chemo # 4. Just wondering if others experienced this, Thanks
Set back
This has been the worst couple of weeks. Jeff finished Rads on 1/31, yeah. Than we got snow almost everyday (we take care of commercial places that need to be plowed/shoveled). He broke out with the erbitux rash (finish chemo 1/25) two weeks later. Really bad, a lot of pain. My daughter's father died 2/7. Jeff started…
Recovery- Sore Throat Worse
Finished rads 8 weeks ago. Was feeling gradually better until Wed. Had a dental cleaning Wednesday and two days later throat hurt much worse. Is it normal in recovery period to have throat pain get worse? Two steps forward 3 steps back? Still not able to eat anything other than pudding and milk shakes.