ENT today. Surgery Monday

So I went to the ENT today and had a scope done. Low and behold he sees a spot on my right tonsil. I will be having my tonsils removed and a biopsy Monday. At first I thought he was joking about Monday but then he sent my to Hospital to do the paperwork. So I guess it is for real. He says the spot is small and he will be doing some more looking while I am under.

I have a VERY strong gag reflex and that did hinder him some today, so he will have more oppertunity Monday to get a better and more indepth look.

As crazy as it sounds I am glad he found something and I was not going crazy.

So all in all I feel good! We are catching this early.

I will be bowling all weekend in a tournament so that will keep my mind off of worrying about all this. However, they said no drinking so I know my ability to bowl will be shaky. LOL



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    bowling then surgery



    Well your ENT doesn’t fool around, he takes action.  It will be good to get these questionable areas biopsied to determine the path your treatment will take.  Remember it is not serious till they tell you it is.


    Good luck on the bowling, that will keep you busy and try not to worry.



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Get ready for this....


    I had a similar experience last December when the PET scan showed, besides the lymph node, a slight right tonsil uptake. I went in less than a week later for a tonsillectomy and biopsies of my BOT and nasopharynx. I just had my lingual tonsils and more BOT biopsies done among other fun stuff Thursday. 

    Having your tonsils out as an adult is definitely no fun. The best advice I can give you is to stay ahead of the pain. It wasn't so bad the first couple of days but it kicked in with a vengence the 4th day on! 

    Good Luck... Ohhh .... ice pops and a humidifier are must haves!


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Hope it's nothing....

    Hopefully you can finally get to the bottom of this and it turns out to be nothing.

    Good luck with the bowling..

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    No time to worry..


    great that you have no time to worry! Hope you roll a 300 :) 

    now you'll get all the ice cream you can handle, and a few weeks off, when you've recovered, maybe a bit of spring at your door step!

    good luck, and ill keep you in my prayers.


  • cricketskid
    cricketskid Member Posts: 25
    NJShore said:

    No time to worry..


    great that you have no time to worry! Hope you roll a 300 :) 

    now you'll get all the ice cream you can handle, and a few weeks off, when you've recovered, maybe a bit of spring at your door step!

    good luck, and ill keep you in my prayers.


    Bowling a 300 HAHAHAHAH :)

    You make me laugh.

    Thank you all for al the suport. I know getting your tonsils out as an adult can be tough, but I hate icecream. I think I will have to focus on fruit smothies as that is about the only way I can have icecream without it making me sick. LOL

    However, I am also a long time smoker and in suport of that all my employees at the bowling alley have decided to quit with me. So today before I head to the tournament I am going to get "Stop smoking baskets" filled with gum and candy and nicatine patches  for everyone. For every week they stay smoke free they will get $100.00. They are all excited. It should be fun.

    NJSHORE------ How are things going with the TPN? Hope it is giving strength.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member

    Bowling a 300 HAHAHAHAH :)

    You make me laugh.

    Thank you all for al the suport. I know getting your tonsils out as an adult can be tough, but I hate icecream. I think I will have to focus on fruit smothies as that is about the only way I can have icecream without it making me sick. LOL

    However, I am also a long time smoker and in suport of that all my employees at the bowling alley have decided to quit with me. So today before I head to the tournament I am going to get "Stop smoking baskets" filled with gum and candy and nicatine patches  for everyone. For every week they stay smoke free they will get $100.00. They are all excited. It should be fun.

    NJSHORE------ How are things going with the TPN? Hope it is giving strength.

    TPN is great


    The TPN is great. Now we use heprin in the lines and no more issues. Dan said yesterday, he doesn't think he would have made it without it. It's still providing most nutrition, along with fish filets, corn and frosted flakes. He gained two pounds In two weeks, as of tonight the yuppies his sugars and proteins for more weight!

    the nice part is he is feeling better with nutrition in him, I cen see his recovery speeding up.

    great idea to get your team to quit with you.. Strength in numbers. And what great gift baskets, creative and supportive idea.

    Thanks, Kari

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Quit for Sure

    I was an off and on smoker.  When they said neck cancer and stop smoking I spent my time consentrating on cancer and so smoking just faded away.  I was never a heavy smoker.  I do know that once the treatment is done if you can or have stopped smoking the cure odds raise dramatically.  Hope it turns out to be nothing and you can quit also then all will be great.  Good Luck