Remember Silver Fox?
She could really use your prayers/intentions/thoughts/hopes/well wishes. She's facing ANOTHER surgery after docs found cancer AGAIN. Dunno how many this is - remember, she's a lary who has had issues with her stoma for some time. She's on FB as Roxanne Jacobs.
Titanium Plate after mandibulectomy
Hello, I have a titanium plate in my lower jaw due to an inadvertent fracture of my jaw during the removal of the tumor/mandibulectomy. My tumor margins and subsequent lymph nodes removed were clear, so thankfully, I did not need radiation. Is there anyone out there who can share with me how the plate has affected them? I…
On to the next phase
We are about to go to Jeff's 35th and last radation . Now it's on too healing. Mouth real sore (on fire) Magic mouthwash has really helped. Thank you all for suggesting it. It really puts the fire out. He tried a bite of a milky way the other day and it caused a 5 alarm to erupt, but MM put it out. Neck and face raw and…
Off for a re-check....brrrrr !
Hello everyone, Off to see the H/N onc this a.m. and it's -1 with a -35 degree wind chill. I don't remember as a child ever hearing about wind chills. Back in the day in Minnesota cold was cold. Should be a good visit....as on the phone I was told NED. But I still have my handy dandy list of questions. Have a wonderful day…
Anyone getting treatment in Austin, Tx ??
As mentioned in an earlier post, I may be moving from STL to Austin. There is no NCI certified facility in Austin, and my medical team feels ok with me continuing my once a week Erbitux treatments in Austin if we move, my wife's new employer is Seton Health System, and I can receive treatment there, (Shiver Cancer Center)…
Some days I should just stay in bed !
Hi everyone, I had a pretty big scare today. After such a wonderful visit w/my ENT yesterday. I had severe chest pains that radiated down the left arm. I thought what.....no way this can't be happening. So I went to the hospital for an EKG, and of coarse the enzyme test. Came back all normal (I was so relieved) no signs of…
Dad is in hospital...parotid gland infection???
Hello All, Monday was supposed to be treatment 24/33 getting Dad into single digits (a smile to Phrannie here ;-) ), but tx was canceled due to what looked to be an infection on the right cheek below ear area. Rx from rad-onc MD was for tetracycline. Well, rx couldn't be filled since it is not available anymore per FDA…
Outcome of PET/SC scan and another waiting game
Not such great news from my husband's PET/CT scan. Now we are awaiting the scheduling of two biopsies -- lung and at the cervical of the esophagus and a little ways down. Specialist thinks that maybe the PET is wrong concerning the cancer dealing with the cervical of the esophagus and that it is only inflammation.…
Good News!
Well Dan got his central line put in this morning, and the nurse will be here in an hour to teach me how to administer TPN! Nutrition is on the way! while we were waiting this morning in the IR unit, Dan asked for a bottle of water. I gave it to him and he drank. Normally! Not the painstaking baby sips where it takes him a…
Last Chemo
Jeff had his final chemo today...YEAAH. 4 rads next week. Chemo was a nightmare today though. They ran an 1 1/2 late, it took 3 nurrses and 6 tries to start the IV. Something that should have had taken 1 and 15 min took 4 hours. At least it was the last and not the first. If it had started this way Jeff would have quit.…
Something off subject of H&N
Just a share if I may. I am heating our home with wood heat this year (trying to keep electric down). So I cut about 5 cords of wood and purchased 1 cord at the beginning of the season. Thought that might do it...well, beginnig of January I was gettin low and purchased another cord of wood...burned through that pretty darn…
Phrannie.....you look amazing!!!!
I love your cute hair! You look very chic. Did your hair come in differently than before? My radiation hair loss is coming in sooooo curly! I have some natural wave but this new hair is crazy curly, kind of fun! Anyway, looking good girlie! Billie
A little worried
I am a tad worried about David. He didn't eat much yesterday and asked me not to hook him up to his feeds this morning. Not that I have never seehe in queasy before, but he is acting very tired and said he feels strange. I miss the days when I could just write this off to a stomach bug. I try not to excessively worry, but…
Thread error.
Am having trouble transferring the roll call data. I will post it later. Please do not update your status on this thread. Thank you. I do not know how to delete this entry.
Stomach capacity
Hi folks, hope you are all doing as well as you can be and to exceed your wildest dreams. One quick question: how many 8fl oz. of boost can I insert into my feeding tube at one sitting, can the stomach take 2 or only one? Didn't want to find out the hard way. Thank you in advance Michael.
Hi, Not much rest or sleep lately. Last night we were watching for low blood sugars, I don't do well if trying to wake up and at getting back to sleep before the next alarm goes off. Then, after 7 liters of saline in 5 days home, and a additional loss of 6 more lbs in 3 days, the Dr has decided to start TPN feedings this…
PICC Frustration and anyone have this issue?
On Tuesday morning Dan had his double lumen PICC line inserted. On Tuesday night for 16 hours his first TPN ran over night, Tuesday morning, it flushes, it's put away until 4:30, when it doesn't work. It was blocked. On Wednesday night, we try to flush the first line again, no luck. We run the 16 hr TPN in the second line…
From My Blog I started today...............
After reading all afternoon I realize I am on a journey of undetermined endourance. I have had sinus problems all my life. Get a couple three sinus infections a year like clock work. Three or four years ago I had a small benigh polyp removed. Two years ago I started to have nose bleeds. Nothing unusual as I have always…
update on my dad - not good
I wanted to update all of you on my dad. It seems that he has really taken a turn and not in the good direction. Like I posted before this all started on December 29th when he fell two days in a row. He was talking srange stuff and keep thinking there were people in the house. He walking became very bad. When we saw the…
Had to postpone a treatment today
Hated to do it with only 7 remaining but I got hit with full blown Thrush last night. I had a twinge of a Thrush thought about two days ago and started a Flucononsol (sp?) regime just in case and I'm lucky I did. It was ugly last night but much improved this morning. I still don't think I can keep the mask down through the…
PEG removal
Hi Everyone, We are going on 9 weeks post and doing well. Liquids, soft foods and still doing the Ensure, Boost, and 2.0 for calorie consumption. Kreg's visit with ENT on Jan 3 was a hand and scope check and the tumor of the tongue and lymnodes were not felt. First PET scan after tx will be end of Feb. This Thursday he…
Just diagnosed
I am new to this site and this discussion group. For more than a year, I suffered from a chronic sore throat that included neck pain, stiff neck, eare pain, headaches and difficulty swallowing. Multiple tests including two ENT endoscopies, an upper GI endocsopy, a barium swallow test, a thyroid ultra-sound and allergy…
Swollen salivary gland stopping rad tx for a few days
Hi All, Dad has 10 rad tx left and we'd already been told there would probably be another break in treatment and it came today. His right jaw line from his ear downwards is painful (last night a 10/10--he cried himself to sleep) with an eggsized knot. Dr. thinks it's salivary gland infection and is treating with…
Reoccurrence and residual disease
I apologize in advance for my following rant, I am just in a bad mood this morning; I am not trying to scare anyone. I hesitated a lot if I should post this or not, but the urge to vent is too great. I recognize myself that some of my comments are controversial. That’s a fear I am facing, reoccurrence and residual disease.…
Can anyone please explain
how you can have a recurrence when there was no spread of the cancer. My husband was first diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in July 2010. He underwent 35 radiation and 3 chemo treatments for a large tumor with no spread. Then in February 2011 we found out it was back, but according to the specialist we saw, it never went…
Salivary Gland Transfer
I saw a post from a few years ago on this subject and read about it in another forum. They take one or more of the salivary glands form the area that's due to be irradiated and move them to a safe area during treatment. The result was very positive and while saliva production didn't return to normal pre radiation levels,…
Our New Journey
I am new to this forum...at least as a contributer. I have been reading since I was first diagnosed last November. I thought I was ready for this, I've had all the scans, appointments, and discussions of side effects. I had my rehearsal run this afternoon, tomorrow starts the rads then Thursday starts the chemo. I thought…
My Tongue Cancer Survivor Story _ Thick Saliva / Dry Mouth Symptom
I am a Stage four Tongue Cancer Survivor. It has been over 7 years since Radiation treatment.(December, 2005 - January, 2006) I have thick Saliva (mostly in the daytime) and very dry mouth at night. Does anyone else have the thick saliva? It is a horrid side effect, one I can barely live with. Every time I drink anything,…
New and Scared
Hi all my name is Dennis and I found out that I had throat cancer on the 2nd of jan 2013. Since then I have had surgery to remove my Right tonsil at the VA Hospital in Houston. If any one could give me a Idea of hat the Chemo treatment will be like please let me know. The oncology doctor I saw said he was going to do…
Please, Send Prayers Or Good Vibes
My daughter, Johnnybegood on the Colon Board, saw her surgeon today. Her patelets refuse to rise enough to allow her to resume Avastin and all other options have been tried, so she will be having a spleen removal this week or next . Her lung tumors have multiplied from 6 to 38, so no lung surgery is possible. Her only hope…