Quad Shot Radiation

MJG1 Member Posts: 137 Member
edited January 2022 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I'm looking for anyone with experience with quad spot radiation for head and neck cancer treatment?



  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member

    This is pretty late to the party but wanted to comment none-the-less. I sounds like from your post prior to this that your husband was dealing with both HPV related disease and non-HPV related tumors? If that's true then that's a tough situation to be in. It also sounded like he had reached his lifetime therapeutic radiation maximum.

    Quad shot radiation therapy is not therapeutic, but palliative, meaning that they aren't hoping to cure the cancer but to only reduce the discomfort or symptoms associated with the tumors.

    I hope that it is working for your husband.


  • MJG1
    MJG1 Member Posts: 137 Member

    Ya, all the studies he has been in are considered pallative, however, there are people in every study he has been who have survived and are doing well. I am well aware that it is pallative, but my question was is there someone that has had experience with it. I was looking for others in the same boat, not someone to attempt to educate me on what I already know. Thank you for making it ever so blunt though.

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member

    Yes, and I was hoping to add a little more information (for future forum searchers) and bring the topic back to the top to hopefully draw a response from someone who had direct experience (which I do not). I still hope it is working for your husband.

    Best wishes.
