My angel David

VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
edited April 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

My David truly is an angel. He was pronounced dead at 2:24 am EST.  he fought a glorious battle and touched many lives in the process. I am so thankful that God spared his mind at the end and he got to say all of his good byes. I will miss him, but he has helped me in so many ways. Just as each of you has helped me.  God sent me to this site because he knew I would need your support and lots of prayer to get me through. I am proud to be part of this forum. i hate baring bad news but am so glad I have someone to share with. Cancer is a terrible beast. It strips us of so much, but thankfully there is power in numbers and prayer. I love you: Billie, Phrannie, Matt, Rick, John, Joan, Kris, Kari, dittos, Jan, Tim, Rachel and so many more of you that my grief and shear exhaustion make me forget names. 



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    My heart is breaking for you Vivian....

    but I feel a relief for David....he fought so damned hard....all that pain, all that illness....Fly high David, go in peace.  We will take care of your girl.  Hugs, Viv....BIG hugs.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member

    So sorry to hear about David.  May he rest in peace.  My heart goes out to you. 


  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283

    My heart is breaking for you Vivian....

    but I feel a relief for David....he fought so damned hard....all that pain, all that illness....Fly high David, go in peace.  We will take care of your girl.  Hugs, Viv....BIG hugs.


    Tears in my eyes...

    Dear Vivian!

    I thought and prayed every day... You came to this forum last year and I thought David and my Dad will have similar batlle. But with additional cancer for David our stories changed... Your warmth and love changed all of us, both of you have learned us so much. What is true love and tru commitment!

    Thank God that David left in peace! And I also thank God at the same time that it set you both free. Especially you who will have to go on with your life. Beside the sadness and grief you feel right now you will also feel freedom and peace. With wonderful memories of you and David you will find strength to rebuild your life! I'm sure of that! No more pain, no more suffer. Spring will come on your way!

    I'm also sending you hugs and giving you my virtual hand. Be blessed! Rest in peace dear David!


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    My heartfelt sympathies


    My heart has been in your and David's fight for so long.  I've read your posts and sought to bring help to you via prayer and through this forum, it is both sad and joyful that David's pain has come to an end.  He is with God now, he has no more pain, no more disability, he has been restored to the glory of his soul.

    I know that you will grieve for a long time, a love like your's and David's is uncommon. 

    When my father passed so many years ago, one of my relatives told me that he was not really gone, but that I just wasn't going to see him for a while.  So it is with David, he will never be gone as long as we hold him in our hearts and memories.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, David and the family.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    May You

    find comfort knowing David is now with His God~~please express my deepest sympathy to David's mother

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    yensid683 said:

    My heartfelt sympathies


    My heart has been in your and David's fight for so long.  I've read your posts and sought to bring help to you via prayer and through this forum, it is both sad and joyful that David's pain has come to an end.  He is with God now, he has no more pain, no more disability, he has been restored to the glory of his soul.

    I know that you will grieve for a long time, a love like your's and David's is uncommon. 

    When my father passed so many years ago, one of my relatives told me that he was not really gone, but that I just wasn't going to see him for a while.  So it is with David, he will never be gone as long as we hold him in our hearts and memories.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, David and the family.


    Immediately opened my phone

    Immediately opened my phone this morning to recieve the Caring Bridge update and my heart sank when I read the news. .He is at peace more physical struggles. I only hope you will find peace. You were the devoted and loving wife to him. In the end, all we have is love.

    Your sadness is my sadness. Thnking of you.


  • vermontgirl
    vermontgirl Member Posts: 66
    I pray for comfort

    For yoa knowing that David is now at peace and able to watch over you.  You are very so strong and showed us that true love comes not in time but in daily expressions.  You gave so much to David as I know he gave to you.  Know that you can come here anytime and we will always be here for you.  I am so very sorry and sad.  I wish I could give you a big hug and let you know that you are not alone. You have David above and CSN scattered in cyberspace around you.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    So very sorry

    I am so sorry to hear the news. David is with God now and in His care.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    In the company of Angels....


    My deepest heartfelt sympathies. Peace be with you. 



  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    My heart hurts for


    My heart hurts for you, yet rejoices for David. He was taken by Jesus and bought home to the Lord, he is finally without pain and struggle. God granted you peace and a vehicle to deal with your grief with this site. I wish I was local I would be there with you, but for now I aam hear hugging you in spirit. May you have comfort in knowing your Angel is never gone, he is right beside you.

    May God grant you peace and love. Rest in peace sweet David

    All my heart,

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    Oh Vivian

    So so sorry that you now have a loving angel named David.  You both fought the good fight, but now his battle on earth is over.  May you find a way to go on knowing that you were the best ever caregiver and wife that David could have had.

    I think we are all posting through our tears today.

    Rest in Peace, dear David.

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Love you too...


    I am so sorry that David is gone from this world, I imagine he's sitting with God telling him all about this awesome girl he met  and married, and how she was his angel on earth. I also believe that David's love will always reach you, and surround you.

    We love you too, and are here for you.

    Kari & Dan

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Words Are Hard...

    Nothing that I can say will take your pain away at the moment..., or the pain that I feel. I hate this part of our relationships here...

    David was a fighter, he brought it, he will be missed by many.

    Waiting to hear the bell today, I know an angel is about to get his wings...



  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    My condolences for you

    Viv, David was a brave warrior, who stood up to the beast and fought hard. As my heart aches for you as I write this, I know David is in peace in a better place.



  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    So heartbreaking


    My heart breaks for you.  I am happy that David got to talk to you and find peace at the end.  Cancer is evil and David fought as hard as he could.  Please know I am praying for you.



  • Joanielo
    Joanielo Member Posts: 55

    Hi Vivian,

    I am very sorry for your loss.  I don't write often but I know your journey.  My thoughts are prayers are with you.  David was lucky to have you by his side.  I hope you have many good memories to think back on with a smile.


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    I am in awe of you


    I've followed your threads for the last month or so and, having nothing to add but my prayers (which were sent) I did not feel the need to post all that often.  But now I wanted you to know how amazing (in my opinion) you have been throughout your ordeal.  Through all the of your trials and tribulations you did what was best for your David; often at the expense of yourself.  I could not ask for a better caregiver and I wanted you to know that your friends here, all would applaud you.

    You of course have my deepest, most sincere condolences.  David is a peace and now you can rest.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Skiffin16 said:

    Words Are Hard...

    Nothing that I can say will take your pain away at the moment..., or the pain that I feel. I hate this part of our relationships here...

    David was a fighter, he brought it, he will be missed by many.

    Waiting to hear the bell today, I know an angel is about to get his wings...



    I wish I could be there with you now to hug you and hold you. It is my hope and my prayer that the love you and David have for each other will give you the comfort you need.
    You are right, David truly is your angel now and you will feel his presence all around you.
    You will be rewarded for all of the extra special care you gave to David, God has special plans for you, I feel it.
    I'm sad for you that David is not here physically any longer but I am so happy that he no longer has to suffer. I hope that gives you some comfort too.

    Sending love,
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    vivian, i'm truly so sorry

    vivian, i'm truly so sorry for your loss.  may you find comfort in your fond memories of your time with david.  i pray God will bless you with the strength to get thru this.  you will remain in my prayers.

    God bless,


  • amy_h414
    amy_h414 Member Posts: 98
    I am so sorry

    Vivian you have my deepest sympathies. Wishing you peace....