State of 420 in California
As I am fortunate to live in the Golden state of California where everything grows like crazy and crazy things grow too, I decided to post an official 420 post on my experience even in the hippy state. My goal is to use all tools to battle cancer including MJ. I am not a user nor have been but there is clear evidence in…
Newly diagnosed
I was just diagnosed today with T1 SNUC. Had surgery on January 31, 2013 to remove nasal obstruction. What should I do next? My doctor is very unfamiliar with this and he is actually researching information also. Any help would be appreciated! My doctor thinks I will need 6 weeks of photon radiation 5 days a week.
Steroid Side Effects
I wanted to share what happened this week concerning what has been determined as a side effect from steroids. I was given three drugs to help control nausea from the chemo. Ondansetron, Dexamethason and Prochlorper (breakthrough nausea). Dexamethason and Prochlorper are steroids. I was also given Emend during infusion with…
Help with dentures
Hello everyone. my mother just finished her chemo and radiation for throat cancer. She had to have the rest of her teeth removed before they would start the treatments. Now she needs help paying for the dentures. She has medicare but they do not pay for anything. Does anyone know of places that might help her out? thanks…
Haven't seen you post for a couple of days. Just want to let you know you're being thought of prayed for. I know things are probably rather rough for you at the moment. One foot in front of the other. You can do this!!
I finally just caught up with my weekend emails and saw that there was a caring bridge post in your journal. I just wanted to tell you that you amaze me......for so many reasons! That's all :-) I know God has something special planned for you, I just know it. With love, Billie
feeling sorry for myself
Hello, I'm new here but after reading some posts I finally realise I'm not alone. I had been cancer free since last June (Uvula) but just found out that the big C's back with a vengeance. So now I need my soft palate removed and replaced with grafts from my forearm and due to a necrosis of my jaw my teeth will probably…
Wouldn't You Know It!
Now, I am sick. Started with the achy krap & fever yesterday afternoon. I left the hospital immediately and came home & went to bed. Alternated between fever, chills and dizziness all night. Drinking OJ right now. I really don't need this. Hubby may come home on Monday with IV antibiotic, so I must get better. He had more…
One Year Ago
Tomorrow is the anniversary of when Hubby was first diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Seems like so long ago and seems like only yesterday at the same time. He has had one cancer free scan, that was in October. Next appointment is Friday and we expect more scans. Scanxiety set in early. Hubby noticed a knot in his neck about…
ok so...
Hi everyone, Just thought id tell you where I am at today, after mealtime therapy(which they have become) of oatmeal and chocolate pudding, we scheduled my next swallow study for May 7 @ 8am followed by 9am therapy to discuss video. If all goes well I will be incorporating eating meals @ home into treatment and possibly…
ugh was told margins were not clear
It's me again, "first IDC now SCC" I had my follow up after surgery appt today. My surgeon told me my margins weren't clear on two place on my lip. One being close to surface, the other inside. She said she was going to talk to my team tonight at the tumor board meeting and is hopng my rad onc thinks he can kill the rest…
One Year Ago
Tomorrow is the anniversary of when Hubby was first diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Seems like so long ago and seems like only yesterday at the same time. He has had one cancer free scan, that was in October. Next appointment is Friday and we expect more scans. Scanxiety set in early. Hubby noticed a knot in his neck about…
sharon, does ur husband have an appitite? does food taste right to him? does food sometimes get stuck in his throat? can he eat anything he wants? i still have no appitite and food doesnt' taste right. it still gets stuck in my throat too. does any of this get back to normal? thank u 4 ur help w/my questions. God bless, dj
New Here
Hello all. I have been coming to this board since February of this year after my husband was diagnosed with unk primary involving a lymph node in his neck. Since that time, he has had surgery to remove the node while taking out 23 extra for a sample. Those were all negative. I remember thinking at the time how wonderful…
Kinda Personal (as in sex)
We were told by the Medical Oncology dept, that from time chemo is given and for 48 hours after infusion, we should not be kissing, sharing drinks, etc. because of the possible chemo being expelled through saliva, urine, etc. Now here is the question, should we use barrier type protection if we choose to get intimate? I…
I spoke with my Nurse Coordinator earlier today, and it looks like I will have to come off the clinical trial I have been on since early September due to two of my lymph nodes in my Mediastynum have grown greater then 20%. I do not have any new growth, which I guess is good, but hearing that my 24 plus week of good luck…
Asking for Prayers
Asking for prayers for tomorrows PET scan . I had a Ct scan a month ago and was told it was clear, then I found a lump on the top of my shoulder just above my colar bone last week so they took another look and there is "something " there so we are heading to San Antonio tomorrow for a PET scan . I will be having surgery no…
Skype ~ FaceTime
I just wanted to throw this out there for those of you that are pretty up to speed communication and computer wise... With technology and data speeds pretty good these days, communication is pretty great. Shelley (living in Florida), and her cousin (Melissa, living in Massachusetts), have Skype Saturdays..., cooking,…
Floride or not?
Please give an opinion if we should use the floride trays or not? Heard good and bad things. Radiation to the neck for 8 weeks. Thank you.
Tired Still - Second Question Hope That's OK
I am 4 months and two weeks our from my last readitaion and checmo (unknown primary); I still get very tired easily. I can do about 4 hours works then have to rest or nap. Some days a little more work some a little less. I find it very hard to get up anything before 9. I know I have some depression, but also just phyical…
Beyond Tired & Discouraged
Just a quick update to let you know my hubby is progressing very slowly. He still can't stand alone. He was given an Ambien for sleep last night and the effect was the same as before, semi-concious and hallucinating all day, but without the fever & infection. NO MORE Ambien. The Ascites is back, so he's getting an…
Scan Coming Need Pryers
Jim has a CT scan scheduled for tomorrow, Monday. He had told the oncologist no more scans or treatment but we and the oncologist are curious as to why he has no symptoms of the matastis cancer to his lungs. The oncologist had given him less than a year to live last June because there were numerous nodes that tested…
Hearing loss and speech changes
Hey Guys, I just want to ask, have any of you lost hearing from Cisplatin and/or rads? If so, did the quality of your voice change? I lost large portion of my hearing and understanding of certain letters in 2010, 10 yrs post cancer, it was probably going for sometime but did not require hearing aids till that point. I…
Chief Daddy Mike
Mike is having a very hard time dealing with the death of his Son please continue to keep him in your thoughts and Prayer. We all go through a lot in dealing with cancer, but having to deal with your own cancer at the same time dealing with your only Son’s cancer it more then a person can bear. He is a wonderful guy and…
New Member
Hi All, I am a new member based in Singapore introducing myself. I have however been through the discussions and am impressed with the wealth of information and also empathy and caring that shines though. My story in a nutshell was that I was diagnosed with a SCC on the left side of my tongue in early Jan this year. A…
I wish
that this was the home for esophogeal cancer too. My friends father in law was just diagnosed and I told them all about CSN but then when I went to check out that forum it wasnt nearly as helpful, friendly and resourceful as ours. Billie
Miracle Fruit Tablets to restore taste, stimulate saliva
Hi, everyone. "T" posted information about miracle fruit tablets at the end of a post on another topic so I thought I would re-post his information here so that others would become aware of it. Here is what T said (thanks, T): A tip/hint I'll confidently pass on as I've personally seen it's effectiveness. When I started to…
Weekly Chemo Visit
Had my weekly trip to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), my home away from home. Two things: Creatinine: My creatinine level was high. Creatinine is a kidney tests and the docs thought I was dehydrated. So I got hours of fluids IV. (Will pee every hour all night.) I can't think that I drank that much less fluids.…
13 days post-surgery - neck noose and increased pain swallowing
I am not too worried about this but I thought I would ask folks about it. I am 13 days post-surgery after receiving tonsillectomy and biopsies of tongue, plus selective neck dissection both sides. They found a small primary tumor at the base of the tongue. It was really tough after surgery, but I have been making steady…
Hoarse Voice - How Long Does It Last? - Really Got Scared Today
I am four months and about two weeks out form my last radiation and chemo. My voice is hoarse and started getting that way about a month after treatment stopped. It is not really getting any better. Mouth is very dry I think like most of us. Had a check up with my oncologist and he said, almost in passing, it could be a…