What would you do?
Talked to the oncologist for the first time. I pressed the doc on killing the cancer and keeping it away. He said killing it was pretty sure. Said i'm a dream parient because I'm in shape, no other illness, good nutrition, ... But he said this bugger is "level 3", in his words "potent". So I asked him if low dose chemo and…
Chemo Normal?
I must continue to ask: Is this normal for chemo. I sleep 10 to 12 hours a day. Every little activity tires me, even watching an hour TV show. I pay a few bills on line and then must lie down to rest for half an hour. Is this fatigue normal? Is it the Taxol? Is it the Erbitux? Is it the anti-nausea pills? Is it the pain…
Long Term Disability Denied - Any Suggestions???
Hi, I am caregiver to my husband who was diagnosed with Stage IV Base of Tongue Cancer. He was treated with 8 Erbitux treatments and 40 radiation treatments. Treatment ended in April of 2012. Docs thought they had it taken care of but unfortunately cancer continued to grow from the center of his tongue to the right side.…
U of M says only Chest XRAYS once a year after tx???!!!
Ok....I'm floored with this news today and I need advice and I need to know your scan schedule. After what I've known from all of you folks on your scan schedules, this is bothering me. My loved one says his ENT/Oncologist is telling him that they do not like doing CT's and PET's regularly as they contain radiation and can…
NPC scan types and frequency
I have been reading alot of folks here typically get six month PET/CT scans after treatment but never heard anyone who had PET/CT/MRI scans. I have been out of treatment since December of 2011 and have had 5 PET/CT/MRI scans so far. I am having my 6th PET/CT/MRI scan in June. Besides the cost associated with the scans,…
Just beginning this journey.
My husband was diagnosed with tonsilar cancer (post tonsilectomy two weeks ago), with one lymph node involved on the left side of his neck. This was all after discovering a lump on the left side of his neck in late November, early December. We are fortunate we have the VA, as he is a disabled Veteran, and that's all we…
Sorry for all the question?????
My mom started her first round of chemo on Monday morning! It is the Cisplastin(sp) taxol and 5fu. She is extremely nauseated with vomiting and all she has done is sleep if she's not vomiting. Is this normal? Also about how long will this last. We go to doctor tomorrow to get taken off the 5fu's. She has two nausea meds…
climbing that mountain
Hey everyone, Just wanted to update you all, speech therapy is going really well. I go 3 times a week now and starting tomorrow(just in therapy) I am moving up to oatmeal! I'll tell you the stuff we realize during the fight and the after math from the fight is endless. I would never have guessed how many parts of your…
Swallowing exercises
Hey everyone just needed to remind again about SWALLOWING! Newbies to dx and tx, poor T, Wolfen's Hubby, newly NEDS Phrannie, Bille, our NJShore, Duggie, matt,Skiffin,Donfoo,Roar and anyone I may have forgotten: SWALLOW EXERCISES EVERYDAY! Even if eating, get it, got it, GOOD! Never stop, eating and swallowing isn't enough…
Where I am today - 21 months out
Greetings All Here I am, 21 months out since my last treatment. Things have gone well for me, my taste has returned although I still don't care for ice cream or oreo cookies - a small price to pay. My saliva has returned to nearly normal, swallowing doesn't hurt at all and hasn't for quite some time. My beard started…
chefdaddy & dawn
has anyone checked on chefdaddy, his daughter and dawn? they've all been heavy on my mind and was wondering how they're doing. if someone could give an update, i'd appreciate it. thanks in advance. God bless, debbiejeanne
2 weeks to go-tonsil cancer
In a lot of pain from radiation and sick a lot! How much worse will it get and how long for recovery? 2 weeks left of radiation.
Finally got this show on the road
My husband has finally started his treatments! Wednesday was an all-day cisplatin affair followed by his first and second rads Thurday and Friday. Mostly, things are fine but he has a heavy duty case of the hiccups, two days in a row now. He's been a real sport but it is causing him to have some acid reflux. Fortunately,…
Three months since surgery, doing great. mucoepidermoid carcinoma of soft palate
I wish I had found this website BEFORE going through my surgery, but it's better late than never! My google searches really scared me, but I am glad I did, for it eventually led me here. (I also prefer to be scared and semi-informed than clueless.) I just turned 32 last week. For 5+ years (that is, I remember it being at…
Unknown primary to head and neck
Anyone out there with unknown primary? Just completed 40 radiation treatments with 3 chemo (cisplatin) treatments. Just had my first clean pet scan. Everything was going great. Out of the blue I get an ear infection and my ENT says we need to watch/look for a tumer. I think being that the pet scan was clean, maybe all the…
Update On Hubby
It has been determined that my hubby has Sepsis. Docs are still unsure where the infection is coming from. One theory is an infection in the chemo port, but not certain, so he's being treated with broad range antibiotics. He had 2 litres of fluid drained from his abdomen and is feeling a little better. At least he is…
Surgeon visit
Hi all, Just my thyroid nodule update... I have been patiently waiting for a month now. Got the biopsies done last week. They wanted to biopsy 2 of 6 nodules. They stuck 5 needles in the dominate one, and one needle pulled a few cells. The second nodule when I arrived was considered 'suspicious' and after the first biopsy,…
The Super Thread has swallowing exercise info.
Hi All, Just wanted to let you know where I found some great information on how to perform excercises for throat and neck stretching. Check out the Super Thread; Products and Tips; Stretching & Neck instructions. Hope this helps, and if anyone has anything to add, please do. Best wishes and big hugs friends. Jude
Long Term Disability Denied - Any Suggestions
Hi, I am the caregiver for my husband, Chuck. Have posted a few times in the past but nothing lately. We are currently in a situation and was hoping someone might have some insight on what if anything we can do. He had radiation and chemo for a tumor at the base of his tongue on the left side which ended in 1 year ago.…
My brother Bud passed away last week from prostate cancer, he would have been 65 today. I posted this on the Healing Well forum Bud frequented. Once again thank you all for the mutual support you show not just my brother but for each other. I'm not the type of guy who runs to the fad cure of the month or who is easily…
Stopping by for hugs
I have not forgot you my friends. It has been a hard week with visitation and funeral then getting used to being alone so much. I miss David and find I want to talk to him quite a bit. The other thing I do is call us we. I haven't been alone for a while and I really don't like it. I found someone to love who could actually…
The Countdown Begins
And here we go! I'm now "T" minus 9 for rads. Two more chemos to go! I can see the finish line! Unfortunately, I hit the wall pretty hard this week. Dehydration, despite my valient attempts to drink as much liquid as possible are not cutting it. I've been getting fluids (IV) every day. Solid foods went bye bye a couple of…
Help My Aunt...Repost for GYBOWMAN
gybowman Posts: 1 Joined: Apr 2013 Apr 09, 2013 - 5:43 pm Help my aunt My aunt had cancer and had half of her tongue removed. I suggested maybe I could give her some interesting soup recipes, since that might be easier. She said the radiation burned her tongue and ruined her tastebuds. She says I should imagine what it…
checking out of Phrannies pocket bc NED is here!!!!!
Met with onc MD and surgical MD yesterday who said that PET was clean and clear, nothing lit up, no cancer cells reared their ugly heads. He did say that the landscape has changed and that there was "junk" left over from the enlarged lymph node that had a large tumor. But he said it was not cancer...just junk. THe surgical…
Insurance denial
I have BCBS insurance. Not old enough yet for medicare. Even though most of my lower teeth were extracted to remove my jaw (cancer of the mandible) they are denying a claim for implants to replace them. They are even denying a denture. Wondering if anyone has had their medical insurance pay to replace the teeth taken as a…
Thank all of you and question about neck dissection
My husband and I are brand new to all of this. I want to thank you all for posting to this site (and for being brave survivors who are willing to share their stories). It has helped so much to read other's experiences. We feel like we have more questions to ask and more knowledge about what lies ahead. Can anyone share how…
Neck dissection pain
My husband had a radical neck dissection 15 months ago. He is cancer free and we are so thankful. He has been fighting head and neck cancer for 5 years. What I am wondering is, does the pain ever go away. We have asked numerous Doctors, Neurologist, Surgeons etc and never have gotten a straight answer. I have seen on the…
Completely Obstructed
Hello, my 82 year old mother was diagnosed with hypopharangeal cancer T3 N0 October 4, 2012. She was an alcoholic most of her life, she fought it and was not a bad mother but never overcame the disease. She has managible emphysema from smoking which she quit 10 years ago. She had a debulking of the cancer in early October…
Evoxac - Generic
I want to share some good news for those of you using Evoxac. I just had mine refilled and was plesantly surprised that it is now available in a Generic. It was costing me a $90.00 co-pay because it was not on my insurance company formulary. The co-pay is now $8.00 for the generic. The Gernic is Cevimeline. The next time…
Severe nausea, any suggestions
My husband is in the middle of week 5 of radiation treatment, 10 more treatments to go. Done with 2 big rounds of Cisplatin. He is so nauseated and everything gags him, that he isn't getting much nutrition in. Getting 1 liter of IV fluids 3 times/week. Compazine, Zofran and Ativan not a lot of help. No feeding tube and at…