Did anyone have a really strong 'metallic' taste only 7 days in to radiation???

Hi again everyone...I don't mean to be the squeeky wheel on the forum, BUT you all are a World of knowledge, and I continually learn good tips and tricks from you all!!! For the past day or two, Pat has been nauseaus, complaining of a very strong 'metallic' taste constantly leaching into his mouth. His salivary glands are still working, and it is to the point that he says that he almost wishes they would stop, because when his mouth waters all he tastes is metal...We talked to the Dr. on call today, and he didn't want to prescribe an anti-nausea med becasue he said this isn't a very common problem when a patient is only recieving radiation and no chemo. He didn't want to mask a situation if there happens to be more to it. So, we came home to 'wait it out' a few days and see what happens, but in the mean time, Pat is pretty miserable.
If any of you have dealt with this can you let me know? Firstly, I want to make sure it is 'par for course'. Secondly, I would like to know if anyone has found a way to deal with it...
My oncologist
said this WAS a very common reaction to rads. I only had rads and had somewhat of a metallic taste in my mouth (still do) and I noticed I had to drink my water NOT ice cold...cool, but not cold and using plastic utensils helped a lot. I didn't have chemo, but the metallic taste was mentioned in ALL of my radiation paperwork they sent me. The suggestions were using the plastic utensils and drinking milk. I hope that will help some, I'm so sorry he's experiencing that.
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If the Dr. got on
this site (and a few other HNC sites) he'd find out that it's not at all uncommon to get the metalic taste. I don't undertstand either, the reluctance the Dr. has to giving nausea meds....I mean nauseated is nauseated regardless where it stems from, and food and hydration are absolutely necessary during treatment! That persistant nausea is a bi*ch to live with.....knowing that nothing is going to stay down, even the thought of food can get a person gagging...and he has to eat!
I didn't have the metallic taste....but I remember the day I woke up and everything tasted fine....about noon I was sitting at the kitchen table with the Home Health Nurse, and took a sip of water, and it tasted like salty sweat....that was the beginning of the end of my "buds".
I'm hoping that Pat will pass thru this metallic phase, and move into no taste whatsoever.....that can be a blessing in disguise. Maybe remind the Dr. that nauseated people don't eat....and eating is essential to getting through this.
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Metallic taste is a common amongst H&N folks, also sweaty and salty. I always had a ½ gallon of the salt water and soda solution at the ready for constant mouth rinsing. He needs to develop a procedure which works for him and then do it methodically. I had procedures for waking up, going to bed, taking rads, etc. I had no choice, I either did what was required (whatever that may be) and do it or slack off and be in worse shape. My lovely wife could only do so much (90%) for me.
I devoured the information provided by the H&N forum and used what worked. To this day I am still drinking about 10 glasses of water a day and I swallow pretty darn well.
Hang in there,
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I think I need to clarify...
The Dr. on call didn't think that the 'metallic' taste was unusual, but more so that Pat is dealing with such nausea becasue of it. He told us that nausea is not usually something that somebody who is not going through chemo deals with. Yes, P, I agree...the nausea is what it is no matter the cause, and it is definitely NOT helping his appetite!! We will try the plastic utensils and also maybe try to have him drink more milk throughout the day. If that doesn't help I guess we will probably have to insist on some nausea meds.
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Chocolate Milk
When I went thru chemo and radiation, I drank chocolate milk. It actually tasted like chocolate milk. The nutrionist said to drink whole milk though.
In addition to the plastic untensils, try to avoid canned food. My husband always looked for jarred fruit. He had a hard time finding in. Now, when I go to the grocery store - I see it all the time - and think back...if only it was that easy 6 years ago.
Best of luck with your treatment. I'm glad you found this site. I wish I had 6 years ago.
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There have been many peoplej4mie said:I think I need to clarify...
The Dr. on call didn't think that the 'metallic' taste was unusual, but more so that Pat is dealing with such nausea becasue of it. He told us that nausea is not usually something that somebody who is not going through chemo deals with. Yes, P, I agree...the nausea is what it is no matter the cause, and it is definitely NOT helping his appetite!! We will try the plastic utensils and also maybe try to have him drink more milk throughout the day. If that doesn't help I guess we will probably have to insist on some nausea meds.
on here who have suffered nausea from the rads....it might not make "clinical" sense, but that doesn't change what it is....I did try Nux Vomica for nausea (it's a homeopathic med you can get at the health food store), and I also picked up Ginger caps from the same place, which is supposed to help nausea.....I know the Ginger is ok to use during treatment, but I'd ask about the Nux Vomica....
Just got a chuckle at a mental picture....the Dr. hearing you're going to pick up the Nux, might push him into saying "oh hell, here's a script for some Compazine"....LOL. Sometimes ya gotta play poker with these guys.
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Nausea is nauseaj4mie said:I think I need to clarify...
The Dr. on call didn't think that the 'metallic' taste was unusual, but more so that Pat is dealing with such nausea becasue of it. He told us that nausea is not usually something that somebody who is not going through chemo deals with. Yes, P, I agree...the nausea is what it is no matter the cause, and it is definitely NOT helping his appetite!! We will try the plastic utensils and also maybe try to have him drink more milk throughout the day. If that doesn't help I guess we will probably have to insist on some nausea meds.
No matter what the underlying cause. Permit me to be blunt: for the physician to think he would "mask" anything by simply treating this symptom is just silly. If this doesn't get treated its going to lead to other problems, like dehydration, so it needs treated now, not later. I'd go back and see the same guy if i had to , or a different one if I could, and quietly insist on meds. Or if you have a PCP this may be where you go to get some relief from this. sorry for the problems.
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Oh goodness!!!j4mie said:I think I need to clarify...
The Dr. on call didn't think that the 'metallic' taste was unusual, but more so that Pat is dealing with such nausea becasue of it. He told us that nausea is not usually something that somebody who is not going through chemo deals with. Yes, P, I agree...the nausea is what it is no matter the cause, and it is definitely NOT helping his appetite!! We will try the plastic utensils and also maybe try to have him drink more milk throughout the day. If that doesn't help I guess we will probably have to insist on some nausea meds.
I was on of the one who had nausea the ENTIRE 6 weeks of rads, no chemo. I was on anti nausea meds for 4 of the 6 weeks and the saliva gagged me so much that I had to get a PEG because I couldn't eat without vomiting. I'd insist on the meds. I am a person who REFUSES medicine unless it is absolutely needed and I took mine every day (gladly) during radiation. I had awful side effects (the doctors said I reacted as if I was allergic to radiation) and I felt like a freak! They assured me that nausea was quite normal and nothing to be concerned about. I hope he feels better very soon!
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Thanks friends...
Thank you all for making me feel like I have a leg to stand on if I/we need to call back and try to get some meds prescribed. Glad (glad...???) to hear this is pretty normal. I too was surprised about the Dr. not wanting to prescribe nausea meds...I can't imagine they would do much harm, and good point Pat, there is more harm by far if he stops eating.
Pat did get up and go in to the office, so if he's still feeling rotten when I get to talk to him I will put a call in to the weekend staff and insist on getting something to help him.
Hope you all have a great weekend. It's a beautiful day here...weather is crisp, and the leaves are full of color!
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Glad...j4mie said:Thanks friends...
Thank you all for making me feel like I have a leg to stand on if I/we need to call back and try to get some meds prescribed. Glad (glad...???) to hear this is pretty normal. I too was surprised about the Dr. not wanting to prescribe nausea meds...I can't imagine they would do much harm, and good point Pat, there is more harm by far if he stops eating.
Pat did get up and go in to the office, so if he's still feeling rotten when I get to talk to him I will put a call in to the weekend staff and insist on getting something to help him.
Hope you all have a great weekend. It's a beautiful day here...weather is crisp, and the leaves are full of color!
is a strange word to use, but it's true!!
I was always glad to hear that I wasn't having something unusual happen. You know the old saying "misery loves company". The people here on CSN totally understand and were VITAL in getting me through treatments. I wish I had found the site long before I did!
I love Fall! It's crisp here today and I'm ready to throw open the windows!!
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Heavy Metal
The rads didn't do that to me as much as the platinum based chemo did. The rads made water as well as other things taste funky though. I was one that could drink tap water regardless, but during treatment the taste was nasty. We bought bottled water and a filter for the faucet. That aspect hasn't changed post treatment.
I had anti nausea drugs and kept up on them to prevent nausea as opposed to treating it. I still have a prescription and have used it on occasion in the six months post treatment. I agree with insisting on an anti-nausea med. It's a nasty feeling and as stated, could cause other issues as treatment progresses.
Positive thoughts and prayers
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Metallic tasteTracyLynn72 said:My oncologist
said this WAS a very common reaction to rads. I only had rads and had somewhat of a metallic taste in my mouth (still do) and I noticed I had to drink my water NOT ice cold...cool, but not cold and using plastic utensils helped a lot. I didn't have chemo, but the metallic taste was mentioned in ALL of my radiation paperwork they sent me. The suggestions were using the plastic utensils and drinking milk. I hope that will help some, I'm so sorry he's experiencing that.
I was also warned about a metallic taste. I had a strong taste of salt throughout tx. While not pleasant, atleast it was a taste I was familiar with. I don't think the metallic taste is an unusual one to get. Plastic utensils make sense.
Good luck!
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off taste
In general, many suffer loss or altered taste. For me, my taste just went soft and things never went off taste. My tastes became very sensitive and any seasoning and flavors were actually very strong. Any salt was just too much. The most comfortable foods were all natural and I loved tasting all the naturally occuring flavors without any salt.
Now, at 4 months post-tx, my taste buds are getting stronger, so to speak, in that they can take more spice and salt and more flavorable prepared dishes. I LOVE to savor foods bursting with flavor and spice and now progressed back to where average spiced foods are tasting pretty good. Will have to wait to see if/how long before my taste buds return to full duty and embrace the spiciest and hottest of what is out there. LOL
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Metallic taste
Yep they told me that too, because none of them ever went through radiation treatment. I read something on line about why but none of it made any sense to me and none of it was from radiation treatment. I do remember something about metal in the blood and as the blood flows through the beam of radiation in the mouth it made a bad taste. That is just one of many reasons not to say it is the right one. There are some mouth washes that he may be able to use, but check with the doctor before using anything. Also he can try using baking soda when brushing his teeth if helps sometimes.
Wishing you the best
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Hi Jamie, first never feelHi Jamie, first never feel like your a Squeeky wheel :-). Bring it...that's why were here. I did have the metallic taste. I also found that Plastic untensils were a staple at my house. Kept them in my pocket :-) if I left the houSe. My hubby was great at amking sure where ever we went that that was taken care of
... I loved me some chocolate milk too. Found foods that seem to bring that taste more than others i just noted and learn to avoid it. Fruits were not a friend for me :-( guess it was the aCidic ones. I personally never experienced the nasuea Really am sorry he's having to endure that on top of the treatments and everything else. I would also hope that the doctor will offer him some solution. i agree with Phrannie nasuea is nasuea and not eating does not need to be an option...why have to have nasuea if it's not necessary and there are solutions.
prayers he takes a turn and this gets better,
P.S. Bless you especially tonight Jamie...and take care of you too!!
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ONCHummingbird3 said:
Hi Jamie, first never feelHi Jamie, first never feel like your a Squeeky wheel :-). Bring it...that's why were here. I did have the metallic taste. I also found that Plastic untensils were a staple at my house. Kept them in my pocket :-) if I left the houSe. My hubby was great at amking sure where ever we went that that was taken care of
... I loved me some chocolate milk too. Found foods that seem to bring that taste more than others i just noted and learn to avoid it. Fruits were not a friend for me :-( guess it was the aCidic ones. I personally never experienced the nasuea Really am sorry he's having to endure that on top of the treatments and everything else. I would also hope that the doctor will offer him some solution. i agree with Phrannie nasuea is nasuea and not eating does not need to be an option...why have to have nasuea if it's not necessary and there are solutions.
prayers he takes a turn and this gets better,
P.S. Bless you especially tonight Jamie...and take care of you too!!
My ONC gave me 3 different anti-nausea pills before I ever started tx. The first one that I tried worked and I stuck with it. Never did have any nausea. I would certainly question your doctor.
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Metallic Taste
I had to stop using regular silverware , went to plastic, even taking plastic with me on the ocassions eating out or asked for it. Anything out of a can had the same metallic taste...no issues during chemo...all thru radiation. ...subsided after all radiation complete.
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