Has anyone had Surgery for nasal adhesions after treatment for NPC????
My husband had Nasopharyngeal Cancer, diagnosed in 09/10 with mets to the lymph nodes and liver. He has been NED, since finishing treatment- Praise God!! He has had a consistent problem with nasal and sinus infections, which the ENT Doc contributes to scaring from the radiation treatment. The Dr is recommending surgery due…
Mother struggling to deal with a life without food
My mother had a peg put in a couple of months ago and is really struggling with the prospect of a life without solid food, I am writing on her behalf because she is only getting used to computers, she is really looking for the perspective of people who are going through the same thing as opposed to medical people who have…
Hello again
Hi it has been some time since I last checked in and it is nice to see the same names and faces of the people I read about when I was going through my cancer treatment. I am still recovering from my rad treatment, which ended May 1st of this year. I was diagnosis last week with cancer..... Again.....same one! I am still in…
pallaitive care becoming euthanasia
http://catholiceducation.org/articles/euthanasia/eu0010.html My husband experienced this, food and water withheld for days until I signed for hospice and got him home. Be educated on this please, I was not.
cant swallow
The last two days I cant swallow. The water goes a little way i can feel it in my throat then it comes back up. I got my voice back a little bit yesterday but its gone again this morning. My throat feels tight and I have a smattering of tiny white spots in my mouth. I have mucous again. A week Wed I have a visit with my…
I'm the wife of Tom who was diagnosed the end of August with stage IVa SCC of the epiglotis & 2 nodes. Finished 8 cisplatin chemos last week & has 2 more rads to go for a total of 38. The last 6 rads are to be directed at the tumor. I've been reading a lot of the posts here and have an idea what to expect, but a big…
WBC still low. New baseline?
Hello, Robert is doing well being 19 months post treatment. He is holding on to this WBC of 2.1, just wondering if anyone else has had a new low baseline with their WBC? thanks, Denise
clean PET scan again Update
I again have no signs of my cancer. In Dec 2009 I had a lump on the left side of my face. It was cancer I was operated on at John Hopkins ln Baltamore Md on 2/5/2010 then had 33 Rad treatments ln 2011 the cancer returned in my Right shoulder the Dr gave me 2 to 4 months to live .I had 14 rad treatments and months of…
Any insight?
When my dry mouth is bad, it's bad. No amount of water can help. Xylimelts and Stoppers 4 not too much help but my swish and swallow does give relief. Eating also provides relief. I'm fortunate that it isn't a constant thing but it is annoying when it does happen. I have been trying to determine what, if anything, triggers…
Roof of mouth
I promised myself I wouldn't, get overly concerned by symptoms that appear in the early stages of recovery...but.. I have lumps on the roof of my mouth. I can run my tongue over them and they feel smooth lumpy, different sizes. I looked in my mouth and can see them with a torch. it.s the same colour as the roof of my mouth…
Well at lease it is not pneumonia - - - - yet. I been feeling sick for the last week or so and finally went to see the doctor. After she checked and did an x-ray told me I had Bronchitis and I am one step away from pneumonia. For some reason I can’t help but to remember our friend Denny, he was always having problems with…
Johnnybegood Doing A Little Better
The bleeding has finally stopped, but still no answer as to the cause. She is still having severe diarrhea & abdominal cramps. Crazy doc asked her if she felt comfortable going home tomorrow with the dairrhea & cramps & no answer. She told him "NO". She lives 100 miles from the hospital. Makes me angry that hospitals just…
Hi guys update on mom
Sorry it has been so lond since I have posted. My life has been anything but peaceful. Mom got sick and started throwing up blood the first week in September. After doing a chest xray they told her she had a mass in her lung that had been there for 2 1/2 years and after futher test the found spots in her liver. The blood…
I was just wondering if there were any others here who will have to keep a PEG tube in for life. I am right at 15 months now with my first PEG tube and it’s due to be changed next month. It has been a lifesaver to me but it has its times of just getting in the way and I want to just pull it out but then think, how will I…
Hi friends...
Well, here we are, nine days left. I sure am happy that Matt told me to leave 'my big girl pants on' for a little bit after my last post. I may have been a bit too 'upbeat' that early in the game. LOL! I have been reading up on most of the new posts, and want to be around to help; especially the 'newbies' who are here, and…
Major worries about my taste returning to normal
I'm 4 weeks post treatment from SCC right tonsil cancer with two right neck lymph nodes affected. I've had 35 rad treatments and 2 high dose cisplatin chemo treatments. None of my surgeries were to actually remove the cancer, so it’s being treated completely by the rad and chemo. 3 DEC is my next visit for results of this…
Check up with the surgeon yesterday...
and he said that everything looked GREAT! I can open my mouth in the "normal range" again....the very lowest reading, but still just barely in the range. He said that I was good for another 3 months but to continue to see my rad onc a couple of more times. Boo!! haha I will see him later this month. He is not recommending…
What is worse then not having Saliva.
After both my radiation treatments were over and having too drink water with all my food I thought that there was nothing worse then loosing my Saliva glands; well I found out that there is. As many of you know I am unable to swallow due to nerve damage from all the treatments. Not being able to swallow is something I…
Questions concerning tips for XRT
Hello again, I think I have most of what I need from reading the thread on RT, but still have a few questions to ask the group. My nurse gave me some ALRA therapy lotion to use but not less than 4 hours before treatments. I started the L-Glutamine powder from Vitacost. It has a small scoop that has 5G in it and I am not…
Nose bleeding (spotting)
I've done two chemotherapy and 20/33 radiation treatments. I've noticed lately that after radiation treatment, my body, mouth, and throat feel hot. I can feel each time my heart beats. When I rinse my nasal with a nedipot then blow my nose, blood comes out but not continous bleeding. Along with that is a big snot with what…
My husband is in his first week of radiation and is doing well so far. He is using Mugard and Magic Mouthwash daily along with Biotene. He hasn't had any problems with swallowing, saliva or eating yet but we both know it's matter of time. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with juicing and if there are certain…
A rare moment
I've never been even a lousy cheerleader here but I came across this a few days ago and feel like it will put a smile on your face and warm your heart. I'm certain you will set aside and forget all about any illness, pain, or malady of your body and mind, if only for a few minutes.…
Has anyone suffered with anemia post treatment. I,m at the start off second week after radiotherpy. I,ve been getting more breathless and tired by the day. At clinic this morning I had to do blood tests for anemia, I only have to stand up for a short time before I feel weak and out of breathe. on a trip to the shop I had…
Developed mild spondylosis-From Radiation tx?
Kreg recently had an MRI of spine and shoulders due to some pain radiating from the neck down the arms and shoulders. We have the report, but have not yet spoken to the doctor, but it indicates mild spondylosis(compression of the nerve roots), as well as disc bulges mildly compressing the thecal sac (matter surrounds the…
I Am Scared....
I finished treatments for left side tonsil cancer 11 months ago. I have been recovering nicely and all scans have been good. All of a sudden, I feel like my throat is swollen, throat feels tight, and swallowing seems a little difficult. It feels so much like it did when I was diagnosed. It feels swollen on the left side…
Anyone else starting XRT this week?
Just wondering if anyone else is starting radiation therapy IMRT this week? I start tomorrow and would like to coMISERYate with you if that is ok. PJ
falling apart, stage 4/ aggressive treatment radiation and chemo for 6 weeks
Hello, we went to our first appointment yesterday at the cancer center. The cancer started in his tonsil, than spread to his throat, tongue, and a lymp knod, He has been seeing his primary doctor off and on with complaints of sore throat and ear pain, between dr. Cancelling his appointments, seeing different ones in his…
Really ambivalent about the gastrostomy tube tomorrow
Hello survivors, I am getting ready to go for a bike ride on this beautiful day before yet another surgery (3rd in 3 mos). I am scheduled to have a gastrostomy tube inserted via laproscope tomorrow afternoon and would love some insights/encouragement. I had TORS surgery 9-4-13 and Left neck dissection also. My margins on…
Prayers Needed Please For Johnnybegood--UPDATE
I posted this on the Colon Board, but am also asking all my friends here for prayers & good vibes for my daughter, Johnnybegood. She was taken by ambulance to Louisille with uncontrolled rectal bleeding. My son-in-law will call me as soon as they figure it out. We are all so very scared. Luv, Wolfen The bleeding has slowed…
Hello to my H&N Family!!!!
Hello All. I just wanted to stop by and say hi, let everyone know you are thought of often and to update you on my progress. To date I am doing well. My two year mark is this January. I've lost another 20lbs but I will attribute that to hunting and cutting wood. :) For all the new folks on here, I'm sorry you have to be…