Hospice Facility again

jim and i
jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member

Well it is Wednesday evening 11 PM and I am spending the night with Jim at the hospice facility. This morning, Jim took a nose dive and started to decline fast. His anxiety and pain was not being controled even with the increase in meds. Jim said this morning that he wasn't going to make it back from this one. Yesterday he started having a little rattle in his throat. Today it was worse and the apnea was increasing. The nurse said that Jim has anywhere from a few hours to a day or two. He is comfortable now but unresponsive to touch and voice. His digestive system has completely shut down and he is very cold to the touch. His oldest daughter and two sons are flying in from Seattle tomorrow, I pray they are in time to say good bye. My daughter said I was so strong (and several of you have said it) but I really am not. I am saving my break down  until after. I want Jim to pass peacefully assured I will be ok.






  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    oh, debbie, i am so sorry

    oh, debbie, i am so sorry this is not being kind to Jim and that he has suffered so.  i'm glad he is comfortable now and i'm praying he stays comfortable for whatever time he has left.  i'm also praying his kids get there in time to say goodbye and that when that time comes, it will be very peaceful for Jim.  I pray God will hold Jim in His loving arms and make Jim feel His love and know that it's ok to be with him.  I'm also praying for strength for you.  I hope you will not be alone the next few days.  You are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for.  many would have already broke down going thru this and you have been a rock.  you and jim are both in my thoughts and prayers, Deb.

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Sending prayers of peace....

    to Jim....and YOU!!  It's difficult for us to see ourselves as strong, because we're looking from the inside out.  Trust me Debbie....you are strong.  The "weak" are unable to be strong for others.....and you surely have shown all of us that you are more than capable of being strong for Jim. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jim.


    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    CivilMatt said:



    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jim.


    Debbie, my prayers also to

    Debbie, my prayers also to you both.  I know you have had difficult times in the past weeks.  You will know when the time comes and may peace be with you both. 

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Thoughts and prayers with Jim, you and your family. There is strength in numbers, hoping the kids arrive for support.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    God Bless you Debbie

    In times like these there are no words that we can say except we love you and are there for you in this time of need. You have been through so much and God has giving you the strength you have needed to endure the trials before you. Remember we are only passing through this word to one where there will be no more sickness or paid or death. This is the promise we have of God for all who love Him and do His will.

    I might be here in my office but I am there with you in my thoughts and prayers.



  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    praying for peace, pain free, understanding, wisdom and safe travel.

    you are so specially strong. 


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Bless you

    Bless you Debbie.  So hard yet so good you are able to be there for Jim.  I think that you have made a good decision so you can remain healthy during this journey.

  • TheOtherDitto
    TheOtherDitto Member Posts: 58
    KTeacher said:

    Bless you

    Bless you Debbie.  So hard yet so good you are able to be there for Jim.  I think that you have made a good decision so you can remain healthy during this journey.

    In our thoughts

    Doug and I have been following everyone here, we just don't post much any more.  You, Jim and your families have been in our daily prayers.  I agree with what Tim (Hondo) said regarding just passing through this phase of our journey until we reach our ultimate destination in heaven with our Lord.  I pray for a peaceful passing for Jim surrounded by loved ones.  Doug and I have had numerous dealings with Hospice and I can assure you that they are a godsend.  Continue to speak with Jim even though he's unresponsive at the moment.  He will know that he is surrounded by loved ones.  When my aunt passed from esophageal cancer several years ago, we stood around her hospital bed (which Hospice had set up at her home) and just kept singing her favorite Hymn's as she moved from the last phase of her earthly life.  We could truly feel God's presence that evening - there to escort his faithful servant home. 

    Our wish is that Jim's family from Seattle make it in time to say their final good-byes to their father before he leaves for his heavenly home.  We mourn the fact that we no longer have our loved ones physically in our everyday lives but must rejoice in the fact that they are at peace and pain-free in their heavenly home. 

    Praying for peace and comfort to you Debbie. 

    Doug and Diane Ditto

  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member

    Debbie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.  I remember when my mother passed, the hospice nurse was talking with my sister and I and we were laughing about memories and things we had done when children.  All of a sudden my son called us into the bedroom, mother has passed.  Our hospice nurse said that mother knew we would be okay that she could hear us talking about family gatherings, stories of our childhood, and laughing and knew it was time to move on.   We knew she was at peace.

    Wishing you all peace and comfort -- Sharon