Mental health question
So a family member went in for a scan and they found a 1.7cm spot on his lung. The family member understandably did not take it well. He was convinced he was dying before the more targeted CT scan had happen. After the second test the spot had shrunk and the doc said it was almost certainly not cancer and he wanted to have…
Single father, too scared to leave...
Hi all, I'm Justin. I only wrote on here once a couple of years ago.. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about 4 years ago. At one point I was fine, cancer-free, only to find it had come back about a year later. Now I have 2 adopted children, and I'm just convinced all of this isn't going to get any better. I don't…
Getting through the holidays
I wish I could fast-forward through the next six weeks. When we are at homes of family & friends, I can go on auto pilot and just smile and nod politely. However my husband who is nearing end of treatment wants to keep to our annual routine of hosting his family at our house for Thanksgiving. I couldn't believe it. I was…
So Much Anger
My husband was daignosed with Omentun Cancer on April 11, 2016. Everything now sucks. I have so MUCH anger over my husabnd's cancer that sometimes it disables me. But I try no to show it. His is a cancer that there is NO cure for, so only time will tell. But all I can think about is how angry I am that we have lost our…
Still in shock after wife's initial visit with internist who detected 6 cm mass in the omentum.
We have our first follow-up appt scheduled for Monday Mar 7 with a GYN and another with an oncologist. Scared! Numb. Living in limbo. walking dead.
Celebrating b-day today with cancer
Today is my husband's birthday. He has cancer and we are celebrating his birthday tonight. For the first time ever, we did not make prior plans and are doing this last minute. I am thankful he feels like going out and grateful he has reached this annual milestone. Having a birthday is a gift, and I thank heaven. Thank you,…
A healing attitude
As survivors, at one point in our lives--whether it was last decade or last month--a wicked, foreign agent wedged it's way into our body. This is such a violent happening toward our balance, and for many of us; it may take the entirety of our time on earth to recover this equilibrium. However, it is so crucial that we…
Deleted message
Deleted message, (wasnt sure how to delete this) sorry all! Thankyou :)
Only Child- Depressed Parent- Help
Hi There, My Dad died of brain cancer 4 years ago this month (we only had 2 months to speculate, 3 weeks to fully prepare). I thought things would get better by now, but my mom is still stuck and unable to hold down a job and her life. She doesn't view me (the only child) as a "positive" thing in her life. She says her cat…
Hello everyone. I'm not sure if it's premature to be joining this community or anything like that but I need an outlet that I can express how I'm feeling in a place where I won't be judged or diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or something. A little bit of information about me: I just turned 30 on October 1st of this year,…
So Scared
I know I am not alone, but I am feeling it. My husband has been battling aggressive cancer for the last two years. We have done radition, on our thrid round of chemo and all ready have gone through three surgeries. The last one being a major on were he has ended up with two bags. They told us it wouldn't come back for a 1…
Hello, I'm 21 years old and about 5 months into battling stage 4 lymphoma. I recently just finished my chemotherapy treatment and will be awaiting to hear results in november. Treatment has been difficult and at times unbearable.. but recently I find it harder than it has ever been. Yesterday my girlfriend of 3 years…
Rituxan Side Effects
I have RA and started taking Rituxan in July. Since that time I started experiencing a terrible itching rash in my groin. My doctor prescribed two different ointments that I used. When the first one didn't work she prescribed another. Neither of these worked. From that point on I followed her suggestion and stopped using…
The Cancer Conflict Movie -
Hi everyone, I am Tom and I have been making a film about cancer. The documentary is following two people, one who's chosen chemo while the other alternative therapy, while exploring the question 'why does the UK have the lowest cancer survival rate in Western Europe?' It's all about people's relationship to their…
Doctors in family not helpful, is this normal?
Wow, does anyone have doctors in your family who offer any wisdom or insight beyond what your doctor provides? In my experience, the answer is NO and I wonder if they purposely take a hands-off approach? The situation is my husband got his diagnosis two weeks ago. His sister and brother-in-law are both oncologists at a…
Advanced Gall Bladder Canceer
i was diagnosis end last week with highly advanced gallbladder cancer. I am 69. Went to Doctor for back pain, but otherwise felt fine. I have received very little encouragement about treatment. The only treatment I was told about was chemo. I am trying to get in to a big city hospital with clinical trials. Any words of…
Please help me help him..
Hi all, My boyfriend has Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, which he was diagnosed with about a week before we officially started dating (after he'd chased me for about a year).. So, I had to decide, knowing how hard this was going to be, if I should get myself involved in this or not. He's so worth it, so obviously,…
Vulvar Cancer
Vulvar Cancer
Cancer and family
Hi there, this is my first time posting. I just want to know if other people have felt similar things. My family totally dropped the ball and so did my husband. My sister showed up with my brother in law and she proceeded to just sit on my couch after my total thyroidectomny, removal of 6 lymph nodes and one of my…
Thinking about leaving
Short summary, married 4 years to a lovely man who lost his first wife to lung cancer very suddenly. It devastated him and his 4 lovely girls (all over 21) and I adore them all. However, my onco gave me months to live and I am trying to decide what to do for the best, I am from England and have lived in Canada for the past…
Hi there-I need to be honest. I am seething with resentment towards my wifes daughter. She lost custody of her two kids, we had them for 7 months before my wife was diagnosed with cancer. Then they went to live with other relatives. We don't communicate with her much. The damage her daughter caused, the pain, is life…
uterine cancer and internal vaginal radiation
Hi I was wondering if anyone else out there has had internal radiation and was left so damaged. Is there any therapy that can be done to help . ? Lori
I am here to help
Hi everyone, Cancer has effected my life in many ways through out the years. I try to come on here as often as possible to see if I can help anyone answer questions or be there for support. I have had to do my own cancer research for years and battle with doctors. All the things that come with trying to help someone fight…
Childhood Cancer, coming to terms with it at 24, help?
Hey all, I have always religiously avoided these things, but I think that's part of the problem and why I'm here. I need to know if anything of this stuff sounds familiar because I realize it's starting to hamstring my life a bit. Background: Army officer, 24, from New York. Had ALL as a kid around 3, went into remission…
Desperate for a friend
Hello I am writing here because I have no one that I can talk to. My husband of twenty five very fine years has stage four prostate cancer and is about to have his sixth and last chemo treatment. We have been fighting this cancer for ten years now, and I'm losing my strength. Tonight we tried to go out, to have a break,…
I'm 18 and I just lost my mom
My mom was diagnosed with Stage Four mestastic breast cancer three and a half years ago. The cancer has spread to the bone. Unfortunately, my mom had rarely gone to the doctor for many years. Looking back, I wish I would have insisted on her getting check ups. Anyways, my mom had a wonderful outlook and was extremely…
10 ways I got through cancer treatment, how about you?
1. Be Grateful. Treatment comes with lots of dependencies. You have many people who will be doing things to you and for you. Show your gratitude by thanking them, complimenting them when they go out of their way for you or just on something that brings you joy about them. If you’re genuine about your thanks, this will help…
I dont know what to do. I had limphoma last year, my last chemo was in November 2014 and December 2014 they told me I´m clean. I changed a loot since then. I moved to another place because I was not happy where I lived before. I live now in a place where I can do my sport but somehow... I feel like i compleatly lost…
feeling guilty
6 months to live?
Wasnt sure which was the right catagory for this. I am an emotional mess as i am a very emotional person anyways who doesnt handle things well. For that reason i wont get into detail unless needed. I just had a question/opinion. I have never had a close family member have cancer so theres a lot i dont know. Well to get to…