Mental health question

So a family member went in for a scan and they found a 1.7cm spot on his lung. The family member understandably did not take it well. He was convinced he was dying before the more targeted CT scan had happen. After the second test the spot had shrunk and the doc said it was almost certainly not cancer and he wanted to have another scan in about a month. The family member is still not doing well emotionally and is convinced he is going to die. He is seeing a psychologist who is helping. I want to know what I can do to help him. He is retired and I have been trying to get him out of the house and keep him active but I'm lost as to how else to help him. 


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    edited January 2017 #2
    I think

    Just listening is what is most important right now.  Being supportive as he obsesses about a very frightening scenario would, I'm sure, mean so much to him.