chemo option question
so although this is my husband's second time the cancer has been in his liver, this will be his first time using chemo. He wants to work during this, and try to continue his normal routine as much as possible. I agree I think it's good also. So my question is the first time chemo was offered it was no choice you did the…
Checking in: Free hollister ostomy supplies
Dear all, i joined the group few months ago to look for advices and support for my busband's cancer stage 4 treament. After flighting with cancer for more than two years, suffering for pain day and night, side effects of chemo, my busband passed away in my arms yesterday. There wilol be no more morphine or oxycondme. He is…
Rectal cancer stage IV and spread to abdominal walls
Hi there, My husband just got another diagnosed that his cancer is return and spread to his abdominal walls. Last year he had rectal cancer stage 4, he was in the clear stage for couples months. But now, the rectal cancer is back more aggressively with stage 4 and spread to his abdominal walls. Thr problrm is he have open…
Colostomy bag operation
i am possibly facing surgery to get a colostomy bag. Can some of you give insight on living with "the bag". I obviously don't want it, but I need to continue my chemo, and want to survive as long as i can. Thanks all.
Swimming with colostomy bag
Now that mom has had a colostomy/ileostomy/ostomy ( I get so confused), her major concern is living to see another summer and SWIMMING! Summer has been her favorite season hands down, because she loves the beach and to SWIM! SWIM! SWIM! SWIM! We don't have our own pool. We rely on beaches and trips to swimmable lakes and…
Clinical trials
Hi, Is anyone here familiar with any of the following clinical trials? https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/types/colon/clinical-trials
Newbie Waiting on results
Howdy!! I found these forums while researching colon cancer. My father had colon cancer and I started having symptoms about 3 1/2 yrs ago. My symptoms got worse in the last 18mo, with increased blood in my stool, mucus, and stomach pains almost every day and at least 2-3 times a day. I am going to be 49 next week and had…
The Cycle of Life
Everyone: When I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in mid May my primary concern was what impact it would have on my daughter-in-law, who was pregnant with our first grandchild. She lost her father to lung cancer at an early age and that loss remains with her. I did not want to increase that pain by being yet another father…
So today after a second ERCP in two weeks we finally know his cancer is back
its been months of hell and a ton of jaundice. The two tumors on his liver are both metastasis from the original cancer. He did not do chemo after his original colon surgery in 2010, or after his liver resection in 2014. Now he has no choice and last time when they explained it to him he panicked. Part of me thinks maybe…
Where to buy men's pants that you can wear with colostomy?
Having trouble finding pants for husband, he is tired of wearing 'jogging' pants all the time. Would like to buy blue jeans or kaki pants, but the waist cuts right in the middle of his colostomy bag. His bag is kind of low, and is in a awful spot for clothing. He would need pants with elastic waist. Does anyone know places…
74 yo mom with Stage IV Perlmutter vs Sloan Kettering plus trtmts
My mom is 74 and we just has the shocking discovery that she has Stage IV colorectal cancer. It was discovered during a CT scan when she couldn't move her bowels for over a week. She had surgery but the mass in the upper left quadrant was "stuck" and the surgeon said it was too dangerous to remove, so he left it and gave…
New study indicates Melatonin increases the effectiveness of 5FU
A new study (abstract only in link) indicates melatonin increases the effectiveness of 5FU: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28819759 Once again, from the "for what it is worth" department, here is additional melatonin information from my rather disorganized notes: Preliminary positive: 2017 article,…
Y 90 side effects
I had the first round of spheres last week. The first night was, to say the least, awful! I am so tired and sleep all the time. Anyone got any ideas on how to get the ebergy up? I walk in the A.M. to try and "jumpstart" things but by noon I am wiped! I am hoping that this is all worth it. Anyone with a good story form this…
Liver appearance and function after Y90 Theraspheres
Hi everyone, I am interested in learning from anyone who had the Y90 procedure what your outcome was and how the tumors and liver looked after the procedure. I just saw results from the first CT scan since I had the Theraspheres injected into my liver. I must say my liver looks terrible. There are white spots and lines all…
CEA rising while taking chemo
Hi, i'm currently taking Folfox and my CEA is rising a little. Should i be concern? Does this mean that the chemo is not working. My doctor told me that I have 2 more treatments to go and then she will put me in maintenace pills.
How Long?
Everyone: I realize that there is not a "correct" answer to this question, so ballpark estimates are welcome. My wife and I had to terminate a social outing/visit this evening due to my level of discomfort. That was disappointing to both of us. During the one hour drive home she asked me how long it is suppose to take…
Fretting caregiver
My mom was diagnosed with Stage III Colon Cancer this year. She is undergoing chemo - Capox and it is really taking a toll on her. She is one of the most loving, kind and positive people ever - and while she continues to joke and laugh, it kills me to see her emaciated and not eating. And while in my heart I know she is…
Not Pregnant
Everyone: There is nothing as precious and promising as a pregnant mother, so please don't take any offense in the title of this post. I selected it because it is very descriptive and relative to my condition, plus my daughter-in-law is currently enduring the last two weeks of her third trimester and she relates to this…
New study on meat intake and colorectal cancer
Once again, from the "for what its worth" department, here is a study with mixed and interesting results about meat intake and colorectal cancer: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/16546628.2017.1341810 In the present study, high intake of pork was associated with increased risk of CRC, and especially with colon…
Painful bowel movements
Hello all - Has anyone had extremely painful bowel movements? I have been using Anusol HC but do not find that it is effective enough. Also taking daily baths to help. I actually had open, bleeding skin due to diarrhea after my last chemo, so I need advice for the skin and probably have an internal fissure as well. I have…
I'm back, starting chemo on monday
im back, maybe some remember me i got diagnosed with colon cancer on 7/13/17 got surgery on 7/24/17, stage 4 colon cancer with met on lymph nodes. Well I'm staring chemo on Monday like I said, don't know what to spect oncologist Said everything will be fine that I will only get náusea and vomiting I don't know if he said…
Belching all the time. And sleep issues. Any suggestions for these separate issues
DH ia belching all the time. what would cause this and any helps. He trys prilosec. He also has tried two prescribed sleep meds and still tosses and turns and has poor sleep?
Blood with an Illeostomy
I saw my surgeon today and he told me that rectal bleeding when we have an illeosotomy is not unusual. It's from the colon being irritated because of not being used and is nothing to worry about and is normal. He'd told me that in the past but I've never had it like I have a couple of times since I last saw him. Enough…
Side effects
Dear husband Dale goes for third Chemo 28th.....The side effects have been minimal so far but some of them I haven't read/heard about hand shakes and we were sitting for my medical test 3hrs no less and he got nervous panicky? He ate and then said it went away. Some neuropathy hands but goes away. He also has jaw…
Colostomy reconnect
If they can reconnect your colon at some point. What is the in general criteria when undergoing chemo for stage 4 cc. Our surgeon said 2months to two yrs because of different sizes of colon ends after tumor removal also said infection dangers at that time because of one end being smaller other larger.
reconnecting colostomy
I Know it's down the road if possible but how long do they wait to reconnect your colon with ongoing treatment for stage4 colon cancer? What is the criteria?
Side effects
Dear husband Dale goes for third Chemo 28th.....The side effects have been minimal so far but some of them I haven't read/heard about hand shakes and we were sitting for my medical test 3hrs no less and he got nervous panicky? He ate and then said it went away. Some neuropathy hands but goes away. He also has jaw…
Please Stop Posting To Threads That Have Not Been Posted To In Years
Look at the dates of the last posts in threads. We get threads where people have not posted, literally, in over a decade. When the last post in a thread is 4 to 5 years ago there is a good chance people who posted are no longer with us. Not to mention the fact that there are changes that are happening in many aspects with…
A trip to my Oncologist Dr. Singh and Radiation Oncologist, Dr Kos, yesterday. I am now Three years four months NED. WOO HOO! TRU
Anyone doing Avastin only for Maint? How is it working out for you.
xeloda and avastin has beat the beast back for about a year. I'm going to drop xeloda and just do the avastin every three weeks? anyone have any success with this? I am 7 1/2 years out. Stage IVB. Currently NED. Thanks for your thoughts. sue