New Diagnosis of colon cancer
I was just diagnosed with CC on Tuesday 4/25. I see the doctor tomorrow to set the time for the bowel resection surgery. I know nothing about my stage, etc. I am just having a tough time digesting this info and would love to hear from someone who could share the process with me.
My first post-CRC scopy!
Well, after much procrastination (it was approved a week ago), I scheduled my first post-CRC colonoscopy for May 17. But, here's a twist...because of the radiation potential thinning of my colon, they are going to PUT ME UNDER in the OR for the scope! Anyone ever heard of this????? My gastro is the one who found my cancer,…
Hello to all
I had my first treatment today, went better than I expected. I have my Liz Clayborne(sp) bag to contend with for the next 46 hours. So far I don't feel sick. Some posted on here that it comes later. I also ate more today than I usually do. This may all change with more treatments. I am on 5FU, leucovorin & oxaliplatin. How…
Scouty arrives!
Our dear "southern belle" Lisa has arrived in Austin. It did not take long for the jokes to arrive either with our first sample of Lisa's witt resonating throughout the RV on the way to Kerry's. There is never going to be a dull moment I fear!Welcome....HONEY!
Just a quick post to let you all know that steve's colonoscopy and CT were all NED!!!(diagnosed mar 04 stage 3 rectal ca with 2 nodes involved pre op radiochemotherapy,temp ileostomy and post op chemo) We are just so pleased and wanted to take the oppurtunity to thank all of you for being invaluable support through all of…
stage IV remission/lets all reply
Hi ! I'm guessing that it REALLY helps all of us everytime we see a stage IV friend been on remission...it will be nice to remind them who we are and how long have we been cancer free... I was DX in Jan 05 with stage IV mets to my ovaries...chemo till august...been in remission since then. (Breast cancer in Dec. ...caught…
Mom's insurance problems
Hello Online Family, I hope you all are safe, happy, and well today and always! Always know you are all in my thoughts and prayers each and everyday! ;) But I really need some help/advise; so I am writng today for this reason .... My mom called me today and is now having some difficulties with her insurance company (go…
liver resection and pump?
I have to thank all those who send good thoughts and prayers for my father's liver resection surgery a couple days ago. It took 7 hours, they took out 3 tumors and use RFA for the other two. They also installed a hepatic pump. It was a bit crazy with 15 hour difference, me in Portland, OR, and he iin Hong Kong. I was…
Treatment today
Hello all . Well my platelets were still up in the chemo safe zone . So I received my 10th treatment today . I am feeling pretty hyper .always do After chemo day one and a little on day two then WHAM. I have noticed a big difference when I up the fluids . So I've been drinking a ton of water . I had a Dr. Appt Tues and my…
Flush & Rash with FOLFOX6
Hi Everyone, Got my 3rd treatment today. (Colon stage III). As at the 2nd treatment, my face has turned red and the back of my arms and hands look like they've broken out in red pimples. No problems breathing or any swelling. Right after the 2nd treatment I got a virus and was put in the hospital due to high fever. My…
My first REAL relay
So, Saturday was the first real relay for life I have attended...last year I was only strong enough to go around on the survivor lap, having been discharged just 4 days earlier from my bowel surgery. I had many people come up to me (I'm still very hairless) and just start talking, wishing me the best, asking when my…
CP3 update from Port Ouranus
Howdy from Texas!!!!!!!!!!! Lisa Rose and Andy got in today and this is the first Palooza they got their bags on time (they did not check them for a change). Kay, Kerry, Scouty, Kanga, and Jen met Lisa Rose and Andy at the Austin airport. We smoozed awhile and then the "foreigners" left for the Gulf of Mexico. 4 1/2 hrs…
Melatonin? - For low ANC
Hello all, I'm on FOLFOX-6 for stage III colon cancer. I went in for my third treatment yesterday and was told my ANC count (720) was too low for chemo. They gave me a shot, I assume it was that growth factor chemical, and I'm going back Wed to try again. I desperately want to stay on schedule. I was reading that Melatonin…
For: cherriann
Hi, I asked Carol my radiation nurse about the salve she gave me for burns on my bottom from treatments...it is called xenaderm and it is a prescription but worked like a charm and fast. I didn't have any problem until near the end of my treatments.. I hope you are doing well..Audrey
hi all, im still trying to come to terms with the colostomy thing but i was wondering if anyone can give me some idea of how long i will have to be out of work. with all of the bills flooding in from all of this it really has me worried. thanks again, cherri
Famous people with Colorectal Cancer
I've been watching this program on NBC about Micheal J. Fox and his advocacy work for Parkinson's Disease (and I REALLY admire him for his work!). It just made me curious about famous people who have been touched by colorectal cancer. I can only think of Katie Couric (who interviewed Michael J. Fox), and I THINK (but I'm…
Sweet Baby Girl ~ Andrea Elder
Hi Everyone, As some of you know I've been playing detective trying to locate our young friend Andrea. Well today I had a note from her friend Maya, that I've added below. . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good morning, I apologize for the great delay in getting back to you I have been swamped with…
This is for Howard J
Hi Howard, yes I did make a decision to take chemo I will have the port put in tomorrow, Wed. and start chemo on Friday. A very difficult decision, but my family wanted me to, plus I want every advantage to not have it come back. Thanks for asking , I will let you know how it goes. Glenda
Colorectal Cancer Seminar
Hi Everyone, I went to a seminar here in Atlanta last night that was held at Piedmont Hospital. They gave a lot of good information about treatments, genetics etc. But one of the highlights of the night was a talk by Steve Bartkowski, the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback. He did a great job of talking about this from a…
liver surgery and hepatic pump
I posted on this before about a month ago. Thank you all the responses. This is such a great place to ask questions and getsupport. My father who has stage 4, with liver mets is going to have a liver resection surgery tomorrow. There was some discussion on whether to install a hepatic pump or not. He reluctantly agreed to…
For beetree2
Hi, Wondering if you've come to any resolution with your decision regarding treatment? Howard
should I be concerned?
Nurse gave me a copy of my blood work. Of course I have no idea what the numbers mean so I started scaring myself silly. I'm at #15 of radiation/chemo combo Leukocytes 3.9 Hemoglobin 117 red cell distri width 16.1 Hematocrit 0.365 these are the numbers which are circled on the sheet. Can someone tell me if these are way…
For Ross and Jen
Howdy ya'll! Am I now the last to welcome you to these shores? Chemo #5 had my down for a couple of days, down but not out. Now I am bouncing back. So, no worries, I am still on to show you guys The City. Pleeeese, don't call it San Fran when you are here - people would think you are tourists :) Cheers, JADot
Happy Anzac Day! From your local American military guy! Cheers - Bob
Dennis Quaid and Olympus
A few days ago I posted a note asking about famous people with colon cancer. Today I was at my infusion center (getting an infusion of Avastin WITHOUT Erbitux!!!!!!!!!!!) and there was a People magazine. In this magazine I saw an advertisement for Olympus digital cameras with Dennis Quaid saying something about the…
for Ross(huggs)
We did a lot of hugging, and I told her the last one was for Kanga.. Bud
Feeling much better...
Thanks so much to all that responded to my post regarding my friend Mark and his bad response to the chemo. The meds he had were not strong enough so they gave him composene (sp), both an IV and pills to take home. That seemed to do the trick. In case that stops working I have several suggesions from everyone on what to do…
The Aussies have Landed
Hi Everyone, Ross and Jen (Kangatoo) are now in Austin, Texas preparing for the Colon Palooza 3 next week. Photos will start coming your way soon. Take care everyone and we'll see lots of you next week. Kerry
Very sick from chemo...
My friend Mark made it through his first two weeks of his trial (Xeloda, Avastin, Oxy.). First two days he seemed normal then huge naseua (sp), some diarrhea, headaches, eye aches, jaw pain. That subsided then he spent most of the two weeks in bed - very low energy. He did get out and drive to do some errands but that…
For Ross
Well Ross...how do you like Texas? You'll have to learn to speak redneck now.