No surgery for rectal cancer
I am wondering why you have not had surgery for your rectal tumor. You indicated you have had 3 weeks of chemo and 38 days of radiation. I also have rectal cancer and have had radiation (which totally eradicated my tumor -- however, my tumor had broken through the rectum and is now butting up against the uterus so the…
Pre- and post-operative CEA levels
I have noticed quite a few postings about CEA levels and thought some might be interested in this summary of a JAMA article on the topic: "In this cohort analysis of 1027 patients, the 3-year rate of recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients with elevated preoperative CEA that normalized after surgery was similar to the…
Hot tub after port surgery
Hi there, I have a qustion for the community. My port surgeon gave a limit of 4 months of healing before immersing myself in a pool or bath tub or hot tub. Surgery was Nov 2. the hot tub is mine, not a community one and I can control the chlorine I’m not asking the internet to validate my desire to hot tub early, but that…
Hands and feet peeling.
My hands are peeling so bad after my 5th treatmeant. I am worried about how they will be after the 6th treatmen. I put lotion on all of the time.
Newly diagnosed...here for support. Hello!
hello. It all started with a bit of blood, being told I had statistics and being young on my side and not to worry. One colonoscopy later, I have stage?2, possibly 3, colon cancer. The tumor is located in my sigmoid colon, almost at the rectum but with enough colon to remove and resection. 2018 is going to be about…
** Greetings **
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! May our Good Lord bless and guide us all to better pathway of healing process physically, mentally and spiritually ♥️
emotional drain
Beginning stages of my ordeal. 47 yrs old, 3 cm rectal tumor. 10 cm from anal verge. No treatments yet, stage still unknown. More info when I meet with my onc next week. Been reading lots, and find it painfully discouraging most of the time. I can't cope with the idea of a permanent bag if that's where I'm headed. Whats my…
Have a Happy and Healthy 2018!
Someone sent me this article thus morning. Although the subject did not have CRC specifically, I found it inspiring. And love this guy's sense of humor. http://www.macombdaily.com/sports/20171230/column-a-different-kind-of-scoreboard P. S. Wish the link worked more simply.
Life on the high C's, 800 infusions
My wife has had 800 infusions of IV vitamin C over 7.7 years. This past year, we have mostly managed to skirt by on fewer infusions at higher dosage. The past 100 infusions (~22 mo) have been with 50-90 grams of vitamin C (50,000-90,000mg) per completed infusion. Infusions were spaced a median of ~6 days apart, with two 3…
no tea/coffee with meals?????
Hi--and happy new year, all! QUESTION: Our sister told me our brother (Stage 2 colorectal on Xeloda and radiation) is not allowed to drink tea or coffee with meals--because it would inhibit iron absorption????? Between meals, no prob--but not while taking food for nutrition purposes..... Anything to that? I am seriously…
One year
ago today I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with metastasis to my liver. It’s easy to remember the fear, anguish and despair I felt that day and for the following weeks. Since that day I’ve had a port inserted, chemo to shrink the tumors. Surgery to remove the colon cancer, resection and abalation of the liver.…
foot/palm pain on xeloda
Hi, eveyone. I'm new to all of this--so apologies in advance if this topic has already been covered elsewhere. My brother just stated Xeloda and radiation tx for Stage 2 colorectal ca. He's having a tough time with the pins/needles feeling from xeloda, especially to soles of feet. I suggested he visit your website, but…
Cold medication
HI! I know this might sound trivial but I have a cold I cannot kick. Right now I just finished a round of Camptosar, Avastin, 5fu, and leucovorin. What can I take to ease the symptoms? I am at a loss.
New to group... hello
This is my first post in this board. I had some appendix discomfort around Thanksgiving that led to an early Dec CT which led to a colonoscopy 8 years early and cecum cancer. Confirmed Dec 18 had surgery first available after Christmas this past Wed (27th). Awaiting pathology but this is my second cancer... had breast…
I have pulled the plug
After three miserable sessions of adjuvant chemo I decided to terminate the treatment. My oncologist disagreed but he could not present an argument strong enough to change my mind. The effects of the oxy and 5Fu were too much for my body. My weight plummeted to 128 (I began this journey at 145) and my blood chemistry was…
Short video article about the future of immunotherapy
http://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-42430785/immunotherapy-using-our-immune-system-to-fight-cancer Not fond of the presentation, a little distracting with the background noise, but an article on Cancer none-the-lesss. Tru
Is decreasing CEA a good sign?
I don't want to get false hope, but after 2 treatments, my dh's CEA levels have went down. CEA was 131 prior to his colon surgery, then only went down to 93 two weeks after surgery and that's when we found out that he was actually stage 4 with spread to liver and maybe lungs, not stage 3 like originally thought. Then CEA…
I am so excited my husband’s CEA
dropped from 8.9 to 3.1!! I am beyond excited over this since we started chemo at 14.9, I am happier over this than the tumor shrinkage for some reason. I feel CEA is my nemesis lol
The extrme cold weather that some of us are exposed to
Having completed my treatment (folfox 5FU) back on Novemeber 8th, I am no longer experiencing the extreme sensitivity to the cold weather anymore, but I do remember how it felt! I hope that those of you who are dealing with the sensitvity to the cold are bundling up when you go outside. My thoughts go out to you, as I know…
Stage 4 Appedix with mets
Hi, Just joined this group. I was diagnosed with Appendix Cancer in May. Had it removed followed by Colectomy and 3 month of Xelox. In October there were mets to my peritoneum. on Nov 1st had HIPEC and now recovering. I have Poorly Diff Adenocarcinoma with some signet cell features. Anyone with similar PDA pathology? what…
Brand new to the forum, 8 months out from diagnosis
My story is complicated but I was diagnosed in October of last year with rectal cancer, usually I call it colon cancer to others in person because I feel embarrassed. Had major surgery to remove the tumor in lower part of colon which went fairly well in November. No ostomy! Due to mass confusion with multiple doctors and…
Cold Sensitivity and Snow storms
Because of my fatigue, I stay inside. I am supposed to travel upstate to Christmas dinner tomorrow. But there is supposed to be a snow storm and high winds. I am wondering if I shoud skip it because of the cold sensitivity. I was already not up for the trip because of my fatigue.
Radiation Therapy/What to Expect
Bad news - tumour skull bone
Hi all - I am supposed to be on a chemo break to recoup after about 13 mos of chemo, which I really needed. Had brain scan due to ear plugged and feeling bit dizzy. CT showed a large tumour in the skull bone near my ear. Now I have had a zillion tests, x-rays, MRI's for Oncologist to learn more and to try to determine…
Bowel problems still after 3 years off chemo
Just wondering if there is anyone who still has bowel problems years after surgery and radiation and chemo. I am 3 years cancer free but still have a lot of bowel problems. I get runny stools at times that I cannot control and have to be careful going out. It comes on some days and other days I am okay. Cannot seem to…
Illeostomy reversal patients
I had me reversal back in Septmeber and other than some retraining, it seems to be going well. Question though to those who have had one. Now that I am somewhat at my new normal I have noticed something rather odd and wonder if anyone else experiences this, When I go more than a day without having a BM ( and this happens…
Dad has colorectal cancer; I need moral support
Hello friends, My dad has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma (colorectal cancer) and he has developed jaundice (liver has metasized) therefore we cannot give chemo. He is in severe pain, coughing and producing mucous. I need some moral support. I have tons of questions, i am meeting doctors but time is short. It all…
Physical restrictions with a chest port?
What can’t you do with a chest port?
Happy Birthday Trubrit
Yeah, that's me. 59 today. So excited! I have appreciated the birthday greetings in Carrieh's thread, but don't want to derail the content. So, have at it here, guys. I'll start with wishing myslelf
Recovery from HIPEC surgery
My husband had HIPEC surgery at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital on July 18, 2011. The surgery lasted 5 hours and they only found one area in the peritoneal with active cancer. Dr. Levine took 10 spots and only 1 was active. The rest had been killed by the 6 months of 5 FU chemo. The worst part about the surgery was that he…