is anyone else having tech problems with this site..it's getting worse. Everytime I reply to a post, it takes about four steps to get back to the crc forum; first I get a blank page saying "click here to return to the home page-(where I don't want to go..), then I have to go to my start page, then crc forum...GRRRR! Bud
bereavement Support Group
Hi, does anyone know of a Bereavement Support Group thats on-line. I really would like to correspond with people that have lost loved ones. I cant join one outside of the house because I have a 19 month old and its hard to find babysitters. Most of them are during the morning and my husband is at work. Thanks Mindy
Neuropathy article
This is from an article on healthtalk.com on side effects. ...Now, at this particular meeting [ASCO 2006], there was a trial reported of a new agent, an experimental drug called xaliproden, which has been shown to be very effective in the laboratory in preventing nerve damage resulting from oxaliplatin. And so this drug,…
Since my CEA keeps rising on Wednesday I'll be having sigmoidoscopy done to see what's going on. Looking for good vibes and prayers. Thanks Sue
re: Mark back on the same study
This seems unbelievable but after the visit with my friend Mark's new oncologist - where he was told that the study he was on was not working and that he needed to discontinue it immediately AND to decide in one day which new treatment he wanted - another unknown trial or "standard treatment" (still don't know that might…
Erbitux Question
hello to all, I do not post too often, just a lurker I read every day. I have a question regarding Erbitux, my husband had his first treatment last Friday, and is to have this weekly, and every other week the Camptostar/Leucovorin/5fu. I know that a rash is a major side effect of Erbitux, when will this start, as I beleive…
re: good news but still troubled
Mark is back on the trial (Xeloda, Avastin, Oxy). That is good, I think, although I'm concerned about two things: 1) the Xeloda that he is going back on. He was taken off because of the raised bilirubin levels. Won't that just happen again taking the same dosage? 2) The enlarged lesions in the lungs found on the last scan.…
Hello All, This week I received my results to genetic testing and the results confirmed that my cancer is associated with HNPCC (Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer). I have a few questions for people who have gone through this process. What is the best way to tell family members and when is it appropriate? My brother is…
Just had port put in...OUCH!
Hello all. I just had my port put in so I can start chemo on Monday but I have to say that it hurt a heck of a lot more than I counted on! They did tell me that since I am so small that I will have a lot of bruising but I swear this hurt more than my incisions from my surgery. Also, I was awake the whole time. They had…
Erbitux Rash
Well as you know I had posted to find out when my husband should expect to see the "ErbiRASH" Well it's here and pretty nasty. Today will be his third infusion of Erbitux. Just wondering does anyone have any remedies to sooth it a little, I have stocked up on Head and Shoulders for him, as I read on this board that that…
Hi everyone. I have done a lot of research about a supplement called Avemar. I have mentioned this supplement before with few responses, and I'm not sure why. Am I missing something? It seems like something that could slow down the metastasis of colon cancer. Here is something I read on the "Self-Help Cancer" website.…
Has anyone tried Sutent?
My dad has stage IV colon cancer that has spread to his liver, lungs, spleen, etc. He has tried everything and nothing is working. He had some success with Oxyplatin, however the neuropathy in his hands and feet was devestating. It's been a year since he had his last treatment with Oxyplatin and he is just getting feeling…
Proton therapy
Hi everyone!!!! I was wondering if anybody on this web site has been treated by proton therapy. There are a few places in the U.S. (a new, large facility at MD Anderson) that have this type of radiation. They claim they have treated gastrointestional tumors. I am looking for a place that could remove "an inoperable" tumor…
Friday Giggles
Hi All: Here's some hyperbole to get your weekend started on a real buzz :) Cheers, Ying - - - Mighty Mouse Three mice are sitting at a bar in a pretty rough neighborhood late at night trying to impress each other about how tough they are. The first mouse orders a scotch, gulps it down and slams the glass on the bar. He…
Done Chemo!!!
Hi All, I don't start topics often but do post to others. To give a little background. I was dx Dec 19th 2005 with T3 1node colon cancer and had my tumor taken out the next day which was my birthday. (very ironic) I was on folfox for 9 treatments. I just want to share my joy that I decided to stop the chemo and my onc…
What to do now?
I've had diarrhea before during this journey but nothing as bad as I've experienced this past 2 days. I'm having frequent "bright" yellow watery poops good old immodium is doing nothing. I'm at my wits end. I'm not running a temp - but I was up at 3 a.m. this morning having a shower because I didn;t make it to the toilet.…
Survey - how many trials have ya'll been on?
My friend is going for clinical trial number two. The doctor said it is not uncommon to go from one trial to another. I would love to know anyone's experience out there with this. Has anyone been on more that one? How long were you on it/them? Thanks so much. Kathryn
Mets to lungs
I'm reading a lot of posts with mets to the lungs.I'm stage 4 colorectal mets to lungs, & have done chemo, radiation, IMRT, Vaccine Trial, Erbitux/avastin,juicing, supplements, etc.without permanent results. Anybody out there with lung mets and succesful treatment, either conventional or alternative? Bud
Hey Y'all!
Howdy to all my awesome Semi-colons!!! My computer is kaput and I am at a friend's house using hers for a second. It's late and I have to go home, but I just HAD to write you all to tell you why I have been incommunicado for so long. My son is coming home this weekend and hopefully will fix my Mac so I can be up and…
Results after how much time?
Hello guys! Just wondering after how many chemo sessions did any results (lower levels, reduced tumor size etc) appear? My dad has started a new chemo scheme in late April, to day he started his 6th session but still no decrease in mets size, but growth. Other exams CEA, liver function exams lowered but still not…
what does it mean?
I am a stage 3 patient with a colostomy. I think that there may be blood in my stool, but I am not sure, it could be that my stoma was irritated last week and it may have bled a little. How do you get those fecal occult blood papers? What does it mean if there is blood in my stool? Is the cancer back in my colon, or is…
Thanks for the responses on Xeloda
Thanks for all the responses. I am very nerveous about the side effects ... I took several chemo drugs in 2001 and I just felt BAD. I also think the dose my Onc has prescribed is high ... when I asked why he said it is based on surface space (size) and I am a bit large (200lbs). So ... once again thank you ...it sounds…
Here we go again
Chris is going back to the onc tomorrow then starting chemo (Folfox). I know he's nervous about it (and so am I) although I don't know if he will get the same dosage now at stage IV that he received 3 years ago at stage II. Also, he was doing radiation concurrently so he went into it fatigued already and that's not the…
anyone else experienced this?
Completed #25 of radiation/chemo combination therapy to-day. Doc says next 3 radiation treatments will be stage II which concentrates on the site of the original tumour. When this is over I will be on a 1 month "treatment free vacation" and then back to Folfox for a couple of months. I'm beginning to see a light at the end…
CRC + Crohns or IBS
Hi everyone. Restarted new regimen of Xeloda/Oxaliplatin last month after recovery from emergency surgeny for perforated colon. Had sigmoid part removed, 2 years prior had resection in ascending colon area. The thing is, I now seem to be developing symptoms similar to Crohns disease. I have read of people with intestinal…
CT results..not too good
Hello everybody! Today I received the results of the CT taken last week. The tumor in my pelvis has grown from 2.6 cm to 3.1 cm. My onc believes the regiment is not working, so on August 8 I will begin Oxaliplatin and 5-FU. I was on CPT-11, 5-FU and avastin. I am sure I will be writing about any side effects I experience…
Mark yanked off study - need you now
I went along with my friend Mark to what I thought would be a routine appointment for his trial. He has a new oncologist - the other left last month, the one that put him on the study. New doctor dropped the bomb. CT scan number two shows disease progression - tumors in lungs are larger, tumors in liver the same (okay…
Anyone taking Xeloda
Hello - I actually have bones mets from breast cancer but I asked about this drug in the breast cancer site and nobody responded. My Onc nurse said it is used for both colon and breast cancer. I am interested in any details about the side effects and dosage. Thanks
to Jose
Muchas Gracias, Jose..Bud
End-of-Chemo Ride - Part II - Pics
Hi Guys: Yesterday was a great day!!! First Floyd Ladis won the Tour de France, making this the 8th straight year when our grand old flag flied above Paris to the strains of Star-spangled Banner. Floyd's victory was also the 11th time in the last 21 years when an American showed the world what we are made of. The most…