Done Chemo!!!
Hi All, I don't start topics often but do post to others. To give a little background. I was dx Dec 19th 2005 with T3 1node colon cancer and had my tumor taken out the next day which was my birthday. (very ironic) I was on folfox for 9 treatments. I just want to share my joy that I decided to stop the chemo and my onc…
What to do now?
I've had diarrhea before during this journey but nothing as bad as I've experienced this past 2 days. I'm having frequent "bright" yellow watery poops good old immodium is doing nothing. I'm at my wits end. I'm not running a temp - but I was up at 3 a.m. this morning having a shower because I didn;t make it to the toilet.…
Survey - how many trials have ya'll been on?
My friend is going for clinical trial number two. The doctor said it is not uncommon to go from one trial to another. I would love to know anyone's experience out there with this. Has anyone been on more that one? How long were you on it/them? Thanks so much. Kathryn
Mets to lungs
I'm reading a lot of posts with mets to the lungs.I'm stage 4 colorectal mets to lungs, & have done chemo, radiation, IMRT, Vaccine Trial, Erbitux/avastin,juicing, supplements, etc.without permanent results. Anybody out there with lung mets and succesful treatment, either conventional or alternative? Bud
Hey Y'all!
Howdy to all my awesome Semi-colons!!! My computer is kaput and I am at a friend's house using hers for a second. It's late and I have to go home, but I just HAD to write you all to tell you why I have been incommunicado for so long. My son is coming home this weekend and hopefully will fix my Mac so I can be up and…
Results after how much time?
Hello guys! Just wondering after how many chemo sessions did any results (lower levels, reduced tumor size etc) appear? My dad has started a new chemo scheme in late April, to day he started his 6th session but still no decrease in mets size, but growth. Other exams CEA, liver function exams lowered but still not…
what does it mean?
I am a stage 3 patient with a colostomy. I think that there may be blood in my stool, but I am not sure, it could be that my stoma was irritated last week and it may have bled a little. How do you get those fecal occult blood papers? What does it mean if there is blood in my stool? Is the cancer back in my colon, or is…
Thanks for the responses on Xeloda
Thanks for all the responses. I am very nerveous about the side effects ... I took several chemo drugs in 2001 and I just felt BAD. I also think the dose my Onc has prescribed is high ... when I asked why he said it is based on surface space (size) and I am a bit large (200lbs). So ... once again thank you ...it sounds…
Here we go again
Chris is going back to the onc tomorrow then starting chemo (Folfox). I know he's nervous about it (and so am I) although I don't know if he will get the same dosage now at stage IV that he received 3 years ago at stage II. Also, he was doing radiation concurrently so he went into it fatigued already and that's not the…
anyone else experienced this?
Completed #25 of radiation/chemo combination therapy to-day. Doc says next 3 radiation treatments will be stage II which concentrates on the site of the original tumour. When this is over I will be on a 1 month "treatment free vacation" and then back to Folfox for a couple of months. I'm beginning to see a light at the end…
CRC + Crohns or IBS
Hi everyone. Restarted new regimen of Xeloda/Oxaliplatin last month after recovery from emergency surgeny for perforated colon. Had sigmoid part removed, 2 years prior had resection in ascending colon area. The thing is, I now seem to be developing symptoms similar to Crohns disease. I have read of people with intestinal…
CT results..not too good
Hello everybody! Today I received the results of the CT taken last week. The tumor in my pelvis has grown from 2.6 cm to 3.1 cm. My onc believes the regiment is not working, so on August 8 I will begin Oxaliplatin and 5-FU. I was on CPT-11, 5-FU and avastin. I am sure I will be writing about any side effects I experience…
Mark yanked off study - need you now
I went along with my friend Mark to what I thought would be a routine appointment for his trial. He has a new oncologist - the other left last month, the one that put him on the study. New doctor dropped the bomb. CT scan number two shows disease progression - tumors in lungs are larger, tumors in liver the same (okay…
Anyone taking Xeloda
Hello - I actually have bones mets from breast cancer but I asked about this drug in the breast cancer site and nobody responded. My Onc nurse said it is used for both colon and breast cancer. I am interested in any details about the side effects and dosage. Thanks
to Jose
Muchas Gracias, Jose..Bud
End-of-Chemo Ride - Part II - Pics
Hi Guys: Yesterday was a great day!!! First Floyd Ladis won the Tour de France, making this the 8th straight year when our grand old flag flied above Paris to the strains of Star-spangled Banner. Floyd's victory was also the 11th time in the last 21 years when an American showed the world what we are made of. The most…
folfox (oxaliplatin)
I'm having really nasty gastro problems with this round (4th)- diarrhea, nausea, and worst case of heartburn imaginable. I've been taking pepcid AC, but this doesn't help. My throat is starting to hurt because of the reflux. Any suggestions.
I'm depressed. Any jokes ??
Personal issues. Health is ok. Anyone have a good joke to put a smile on my face? Sponger? Kanga? Emily, where art thou? Barb ( elaine) :(
Laugh at my expense guys
Tomorrow(Tuesday)week I have to submit to another colonoscopy. That's where some guy with a PHD in torture shoves this mini camera "where tha sun don't shine" all for the good cause of being able to tell me I am still NED.I submit the following menu; Entree; My clinic nurse has given me a choice of Colonlightly(yuk),…
mouth sores again
Hi everyone, About a couple weeks ago, I posted a question about mouth sores and chemo. I got some great ideas and I thank you all for your responses. My dad tried the biotene and he said it worked a little. Then, he told his doc about the mouth sores and he prescribed that concoction that was mentioned with the lidocaine.…
Another Inspiriational Message
Teen cancer survivor goes distance for others Cycling event raises $1.7 million for Children's Hospital Ahmad Terry © News Alyssa Morell, 15, of Highlands Ranch, hugs her brother Donny, 11, while talking to their mom on the phone Monday at the finish of the 2006 Children's Hospital Courage Classic, a three-day, 157-mile…
Attn: Caregivers/our angels!
Having been on both sides of the fence, I so very strongly understand alot of the caregiving issues. I was reading in today's local paper about California's Paid Time for Caregiving information, and in the article a reference was made to a website...www.caregiver.org. Now, after going there, I noticed that much of it is…
article on closing down PH III study: http://www.cancerdecisions.com/072306.html
skin met.
Hello to all you brave souls out there. I've been a lurker on this site for the last couple of years - thanks for all the info and comfort. My father has stage four colon cancer and also has prostate cancer. He has been on chemo for the last 2 years with a couple of months off last sept- nov. Recently he has developed a…
Thanks everyone for remembering my B/D, and I will be thinking of you Ying while watching the Tour d' France in air conditioned comfort..( I secretly wish I could get back on my trek) Bud
I wasn't ignoring you guys...
I just finally got around to responding to everyone on my "WENT TO SEE THE SURGEON TODAY" thread (on page 3 now). I appreciate everyone's replies. We went "up north" for the weekend with our four kids and a bunch of their friends. We had an early 21st birthday party for our twin sons cuz one of them is going to Iraq…
want to scream......
As some of you know my husband is Stage IV mets to lungs (inoperable) he is fairing pretty well. Well this week his Mother was diagnosed with Stage 111A Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, so I am really concerned for my husband as I know its only natural for him to be stressed/anxious/worried about his Mom, he knows whats ahead…
Fact or Fiction?
Has anyone had difficulty throughout their treatment period of distinquishing fact from fiction? My husband has had several instances of thinking he had done things or talked with people (like celebrities and other things that just could not have happed) and then later think about it and realize it really wasn't true. He…
Visited the surgeon today...
... and came away with a gaping open wound packed with gauze. Yippy!! You mean all that complaining I did over the weekend to the on-call surgery team was justified? Would have been nice when I was telling them of the swelling, the redness, the night fevers, the leakage, etc., that they would have told me to come on in.…
Hello :(
Hello to everybody!I was looking on the internet for info and saw this forum!It really gave me hope to see many people fighting and achieving results. It's that right now I feel like the whole "struggle thing" is a lost cause and an excuse. Well, my dad got his CT scan two days ago and his liver mets have grown more. On…