folfox (oxaliplatin)
I'm having really nasty gastro problems with this round (4th)- diarrhea, nausea, and worst case of heartburn imaginable. I've been taking pepcid AC, but this doesn't help. My throat is starting to hurt because of the reflux. Any suggestions.
I'm depressed. Any jokes ??
Personal issues. Health is ok. Anyone have a good joke to put a smile on my face? Sponger? Kanga? Emily, where art thou? Barb ( elaine) :(
Laugh at my expense guys
Tomorrow(Tuesday)week I have to submit to another colonoscopy. That's where some guy with a PHD in torture shoves this mini camera "where tha sun don't shine" all for the good cause of being able to tell me I am still NED.I submit the following menu; Entree; My clinic nurse has given me a choice of Colonlightly(yuk),…
mouth sores again
Hi everyone, About a couple weeks ago, I posted a question about mouth sores and chemo. I got some great ideas and I thank you all for your responses. My dad tried the biotene and he said it worked a little. Then, he told his doc about the mouth sores and he prescribed that concoction that was mentioned with the lidocaine.…
Another Inspiriational Message
Teen cancer survivor goes distance for others Cycling event raises $1.7 million for Children's Hospital Ahmad Terry © News Alyssa Morell, 15, of Highlands Ranch, hugs her brother Donny, 11, while talking to their mom on the phone Monday at the finish of the 2006 Children's Hospital Courage Classic, a three-day, 157-mile…
Attn: Caregivers/our angels!
Having been on both sides of the fence, I so very strongly understand alot of the caregiving issues. I was reading in today's local paper about California's Paid Time for Caregiving information, and in the article a reference was made to a website...www.caregiver.org. Now, after going there, I noticed that much of it is…
article on closing down PH III study: http://www.cancerdecisions.com/072306.html
skin met.
Hello to all you brave souls out there. I've been a lurker on this site for the last couple of years - thanks for all the info and comfort. My father has stage four colon cancer and also has prostate cancer. He has been on chemo for the last 2 years with a couple of months off last sept- nov. Recently he has developed a…
Thanks everyone for remembering my B/D, and I will be thinking of you Ying while watching the Tour d' France in air conditioned comfort..( I secretly wish I could get back on my trek) Bud
I wasn't ignoring you guys...
I just finally got around to responding to everyone on my "WENT TO SEE THE SURGEON TODAY" thread (on page 3 now). I appreciate everyone's replies. We went "up north" for the weekend with our four kids and a bunch of their friends. We had an early 21st birthday party for our twin sons cuz one of them is going to Iraq…
want to scream......
As some of you know my husband is Stage IV mets to lungs (inoperable) he is fairing pretty well. Well this week his Mother was diagnosed with Stage 111A Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, so I am really concerned for my husband as I know its only natural for him to be stressed/anxious/worried about his Mom, he knows whats ahead…
Fact or Fiction?
Has anyone had difficulty throughout their treatment period of distinquishing fact from fiction? My husband has had several instances of thinking he had done things or talked with people (like celebrities and other things that just could not have happed) and then later think about it and realize it really wasn't true. He…
Visited the surgeon today...
... and came away with a gaping open wound packed with gauze. Yippy!! You mean all that complaining I did over the weekend to the on-call surgery team was justified? Would have been nice when I was telling them of the swelling, the redness, the night fevers, the leakage, etc., that they would have told me to come on in.…
Hello :(
Hello to everybody!I was looking on the internet for info and saw this forum!It really gave me hope to see many people fighting and achieving results. It's that right now I feel like the whole "struggle thing" is a lost cause and an excuse. Well, my dad got his CT scan two days ago and his liver mets have grown more. On…
Happy Birthday Bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is Nanuk's (Bud) birthday. Have a great one my friend!!!!!!!!! Love, Lisa P.
Friday Giggles
Hi all: Here are some giggles to get your weekend started. This one is a bit naughty, but funny! Have a great weekend, you all! Remember to root for Floyd Landis to bring back the yellow jersey from the Tour de France! Cheers, Ying - - - Stuttering Problem A man visits the doctor's because he has a severe stuttering…
High Bilirubin
Have any of you ever had high bilirubin while going through treatments? My dad had to stop taking xeloda today to see if his bilirubin goes back down. He is also on Oxyplaitin (sp?) Avastin and Etribux, but they think it is the Xeloda. Any suggestions?
thank you semi's!!!!!!!!!!
hello all, just wanted to let you know that charlie had his scope this morning and all was well no cancer but some colitis. bleed ing was from an ulcer in rectum which can be treated with suppositeries(sp). and one higher up that may be a bacteria which can also be treated. it has been a rough 2 weeks but we made it. he…
Last Chemo Today!
Hi All: Today is the first day to the rest of my life. This afternoon I will have my last chemo!!! A big celebration has been planned. A few of my cycling friends and I will be on an end-of-chemo ride this Sunday to celebrate life and living. I rewarded myself with a new bike - a carbon fiber Trek Madone in red, white and…
Exercise everyone!!
Further Evidence that Physical Activity May Reduce Recurrences and Deaths from Colon Cancer According to an article recently published in an early online edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, patients diagnosed with stage III colon cancer who are physically active at six months following therapy have significantly…
Hi all: This is a small exerpt from San Diego's Ranch and Coast Mag (July 2006). Has anyone ever heard of this? It is up for fast track FDA approval this summer. Anyone who knows about this, I would love your input.... Every day, over 50 billion cells commit suicide within us. Reed's pioneering research has unraveled the…
Tumor in the liver
I had a CT scan yesterday and thought everthing was going well, when the doctor told me the tumor had grown. I could not grasp what he was saying becasue he told me in February I was "cured". Apparently the one tumor they could not find last August was now found. It had grown from not being able to see it , with an Ultra…
Death Is So Final
Hi everyone, hope all are doing well. Well my dad has been gone 3 weeks now and now Im starting to miss him. At first it was a relief because he suffered for the last 2 1/2 months but my mom said something yesterday that made me feel so anxious and sad she said death is so final. I tried to tell her we will see him again…
I wanna brighten your day
EXCERPTS FROM A DOG'S DAILY DIARY: 8:00 a.m. Oh, boy! Dog food! My favorite! 9:30 a.m. Oh, boy! A car ride! My favorite! 9:40 a.m. Oh, boy! A walk! My favorite! 10:30 a.m. Oh, boy! Getting rubbed and petted! My favorite! 11:30 a.m. Oh, boy! Dog food! My favorite! Noon- Oh, boy! The kids! My favorite! 1:00 p.m. Oh, boy! The…
Short bus to Crazy Town
Hello All. Tomorrow (Thursday, 7/13) I have a bi-lateral breast MRI and possible biopsy and I can't help but be nervous. I'm sure you wonder why I write here - why not the pink site? Drum roll please...It's been five weeks since I had a very nicely done right hemicolectomy and the **** (meet my unfashionable colon cancer)…
What's happening?
My dad-inlaw (Stage IV) has colon cancer which has spread to his lungs. Just now he noticed that he's fingers look dark. Yes, its dark like he had touched black ink or black dye but he didn't touch any of those. He can't wash it off either. Is it side effect of Xeloda - 3000mg daily, taking them for 3 weeks already. No…
Livestrong song
http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.jvKZLbMRIsG/b.1695823/k.BB94/Maybe_Tonight_Maybe_Tomorrow.htm Just passing along this link. Check it out. And hey, the band is from Austin Texas!. Livestrong. Laughstrong. love, Barb
not neddy but steady
Got scan results y'day. Pretty much same as last time with no increase in either liver or lung mets. Will continue with irinotecan and erbitux for further 12 weeks, weekly. So, No more middle of the night funeral planning for another while! Margo
Drugless Clinical Trial
Has anyone heard of this "trial"...? It is called the Drugless Clinical Trial for Cancer & Leukemia, and is run by a Dr. Daryn Peterson, in California. They claim to have cured / improved over 1000 patients with thier all-natural protocol. Nanuk
Surgery on August 1
My husband is scheduled for a colon resection with ileostomy on August 1. That will be the end of the 6-week period post chemo/radiation period. The doc seems concerned whether they will be successful in getting all the cancer but said he will do his best for him. They are going to increase his morphine this evening and…