need words of wisdom
You all had such wise responses for cheryl and how to help her 3&1/2 year old daughter deal with diagnosis. Hoping you have some wise words for me. How do you help a 22 year old daughter deal with bad news followed by more bad news? The most recent cat scan has thrown us all for a loop (showed some increase in size of all…
severe stomach cramps
Hello everybody! Seven days ago I had my first oxaliplatin injection. Everything went so well!!!! Very little nausea, diarea, etc. Well yesterday I was not feeling too well. Tired and little abdominal cramps. Last night the fur flew!!! Severe stomach cramps and vomitting that went on for about 10 hours. For those of you…
Cat scan results...please respond
not so good... " There are some new small lymph nodes in the right retroprritoneum around the right poas muscle, the largest of which measures 1.4 cm, there is also a new abnormal lymph node anterior to the poas muscle measuring 1.4x.9.... Dr. ordered a pet scan....
To Jose
Lotsa tech troubles with this site Jose; it's really frustrating to spend time and effort on a reply to a post, and then be unable to complete it..four attempts to send after preview unsuccessful... Bud
Colostomy ???
My mom has colonrectal cancer, had 6 weeks chemo/radiation and surgery coming up. She may need a colostomy and that is really making her nervous. Is there anyone been there/done that willing to share their story, nervousness, and outcomes? What life is like now? I would be greatly appreciated.
For bscurlock
Hi, I have just returned from vacation so I did not see your e-mail regarding stage IV treatment until today. My dad's tumor did not express EGFR, which for the most part disqualifies you from receiving Erbitux. However, his oncologist was able to get the approval because they are proving that people who don't express EGFR…
Chemo and Thyroid
Hi everyone! I have a question.....I have Hasimoto's Thyroiditis, and have been on Synthroid for years. Every now and then, I have to adjust my dose because of fluctuations of my TSH levels. I am half way through my chemo (5FU/Leucovorin). Can 5FU affect TSH levels? I saw my endocrinologist today, and she says my TSH is…
Pet/Cat Scan .
Hello everyone .I will be having a pet/cat scan tomorrow morning . I am pretty nervous as I was told that my cea has gone up . I am Prayng that it is not to bad . My Dr. said he will call me in when he gets the results , Which he said should be by Thurs .I sure could use the extra prayers . Take Care and God Bless . Debra
First oxaliplatin treatment
Hello everybody!!! My first oxaliplatin treatment went well. I am also on 5-FU and the pump. Very little nausea, but a tad bit of neuropathy. I was an idiot...eating Eddie's ice cream and holding the little cold container...a few minutes later OUCH!!!! THe hospital gave me a care bag of goodies. This included a tote bag of…
Mommy, don't go to the hospital...
I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in May 2006 and after chemo/radiation in June, surgery will be on August 28th. Well, the above words were spoken by my 3 1/2 yr old daughter. I had briefly told her a few days ago that I would have to go to the hospital. I didn't get into specifics and haven't really spoken about it since…
Hospice Care?
Anyone knowledgable of hospice care? The case worker at the hospital told me today that I should check with the doc about signing up. I thought it was used only for the end time? She said no and advised if we go through Home Health Care they are more restrictive regarding him taking trips, etc., (Lord willing if he ever is…
I'm a STAR, revisited!
Check out September Reader's Digest, page 14...'You said it'....letters to the editor...."WHY ME". THIS is ME in Rancho Cucamonga...yea yea yea! (Autographs will be given during the hours of 1 and 3 am....rofl) Hugs to all my people, Kathi
Hi everyone, I went with my dad to his appt. with his oncologist this week and during my conversation with him, he mentioned that my dad has had an "almost complete response" to his chemo. I was confused because at the last appt., he told us that the last CAT scan was clear. Now he is saying that there is still a small…
Chemo or no chemo????
Back in 3/06 I was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer. I immediately began radiation and Xeloda. On 7/06 I had surgery to remove the tumor(approximately 3"). According to my surgeon and path report the tumor shrunk to the size of an ulcer(no evidence of disease) and no lymph nodes were affected. My oncologist told me I…
I've been reading most of the messages here and it really makes me happy to see such a large group of people with positive attitudes. What brought me to this board is my sister (35yo) who was diagnosed with CRC 2.5 months ago (stg. 3 1of34 nodes) she just began her chemo treatment last week and so far it hasn't been going…
My Neice.
I just got off the phone with my sister. My neice had a colonoscopy today and they found a polyp. She's 36 yrs old. She's had some bleeding off and on for a few months, and because of that, and what I am going through right now, she went straight to a GI doc. She also had some inflammation in her rectum. I am praying that…
Hospice Care?
Anyone knowledgable of hospice care? The case worker at the hospital told me today that I should check with the doc about signing up. I thought it was used only for the end time? She said no and advised if we go through Home Health Care they are more restrictive regarding him taking trips, etc., (Lord willing if he ever is…
Friday Giggles
Hi All: I am back, fresh from a lovely vacation on Martha's Vineyard! On my trip to the East I also got to meet Beverly and Judy. What a big treat that was to have our very own mini-palooza! Anyways, here are the giggles and have a great weekend! Cheers, Ying - - - Escaped Midget! What do you call a psychic midget who just…
My heart is so very sad
I began reading this site in November of 2004 when my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. His cancer was stage 3 when he was operated on and he went on chemo right away. He was on many regimens but the doctors could never get his cea count to decrease. It was only in March of this year when the doctors were able to see…
I have posted afew times on here before but i doubt you remember me. My mom died at 46 of colon cancer. Her mom had it and also her grandmother. I am 32. Do not have health insurance and have given up on finding any help anywhere because everywhere i look even with my history they blow me off because of my age........but i…
Happy Birthday Lisa P
Hi Everyone, Tomorrow August 10th this wonderful lady and my good friend celebrates her 52nd Birthday. So lets all join in and wish Lisa a very Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Lisa...... Happy Birthday to you ! And many more. So much to celebrate in Halifax . . . Love, Lisa…
looking for diet info for post-op resection
I'm looking for help with managing problems associated with low re-section surgery. For instance what foods trigger frequent bouts of burning, abdominal pain and other symptoms. thanks in advance for any suggestions. I'm writing on behalf of my husband who is almost 6 monthes post-op and pretty discouraged with his lack of…
Regarding Ron
I'm so very tired and have come home tonight to try to get a bit of rest. But I want to thank all of you collectively for your replies, suggestions, and prayers. I will try to respond to each of you individually at a later date. Until then, please keep praying for Ron. They are trying to find an effective pain treatment…
Chemo Stories.... how bad is it?
I am still resisting the idea of treating my Stage II colon cancer with chemo. The surgery was fun enough. But, OK, I agreed to meet with an oncologist on August 4. I know what the literature says about the side effects and we all know what they are. What I want to know, from those who have lived it, is how you fared with…
cat tomorrow...Please ...
send a player for another NED. this time i'm very scared because i have been feeling vvveeeerrryyyyy tired lately(last chemo was a year ago )....I also gained 25 pounds....any comments ? Thanks and God bless
well...I went to my naturpath and told her I was ready to start treating this naturally and she told me that she doesn't have experience with that. SHe has cancer listed as a specialyty, but apparently she only knows how to support people thorugh chemo. So, do as lisa says...interview them by phone first. Mary
Colonoscopy Soon
My question may seem silly since so many survivors who post here undergo many uncomfortable procedures while battling the beast. I am 55 yrs. old, having a routine colonoscopy done in a couple of weeks. I had one five years ago with clean results, but had a terrible time swallowing the Fleet solution in preparation for the…
Air Canada Seat Sale - CP4
Hi Semi Colon Friends, Air Canada announced a pretty good seat sale today. So if you've been thinking of joining the group in Halifax for Colon Palooza 4 check into it today. If you 've been on the fence maybe the sale is just what you need. It's such a wonderful time of love & friendship and many many laughs. Hope to see…
Chemo Brain?
Hi everyone, My husband has been battling recurrent colon cancer for the past 2 years. He recently completed 6 months of chemotherapy (Avastin, Oxaliplatin, 5FU). I started to notice about midway through that he was becomming more and more forgetful. He finished his chemo about 6 weeks ago. He is still forgetful. He can't…
Neuropathy from oxypalatin
Hi everyone. My husband just completed his 5th round of chemo and is experiencing significant neuropathy in mouth, hands and feet. He has trouble holding things and has fallen a few times. In previous posts I've seen several references to B vitamin supplements that may help offset the neuropathy. Can anyone offer…