Colorectoral with Liver Mets
My husband will have colon resection with an ileostomy on August 1st. They will later do another PET Scan and CT Scan to see if there are more mets in his liver or elsewhere. Can anyone tell me what to expect as far as liver surgery following the colon surgery? Is the prognosis very good in this type of cancer? Thanks for…
~Prayers Please~
have been having a heck of a time dealing with the diarrhea from Camptosar/erbitux mix. that's not the bad news. The bad news is that my CEA went up to 23. It had gone down to 13 just 4 weeks ago. I know CEA isn't foolproof, but it's always given me a good indication of waht's going on. Had my Cat scan yesterday. Will get…
Prayers for my dad
Hi All, Most know that I have Stage 3 colon cancer and had my tumor out on my birthday Dec 20, 2005. I'm coming to the group to help pray for my dad who was dx about 3 yrs ago with CLL. Just this year we found out he has prostrate cancer, possible liver mets (and just dx) with lymphoma. Tomorrow we go to the Onc to find…
Anyone like me?
I am new to this group and so happy to have found you! I hope someone can give me some pointers because I feel like I am losing my mind. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer 9-10-04 at the age of 45. I had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation that shrunk my tumor down to almost nothing. I had surgery on 1-3-05 and followed with 6…
Happy! (I think.....)
A little history....was diagnosed with colon cancer, stage 3, 3 pos. lymph nodes, no spread anywhere else, in March. Had surgery to remove the tumor, and 12 inches of my colon. No colostomy.....Anyway, I've been on chemo since april, 5FU/leucovorin. I have other health issues, Type 1 diabetes, and Mixed Connective Tissue…
Friday Giggles Postponed a Bit
Hi All: My husband and I just had a mini palooza w/ babs and judith in Boston!!! What a treat to meet them it was. I am on a borrowed connection in the hotel lobby, and am away from my joke file. So I will have to send the Friday giggles a bit later this week. Here's wishing you a great weekend all the same! Cheers, Ying…
Indy? Where for art thou?
So....how's hubby, what's going on....how DARE you think you can leave us hanging....all the best, post when you can, I'm sending BIG HUGS along! HUGS, Kathi
Halifax? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Greetings all!!!! It's that "special time" again! That time to bang you on the head with the details to COLON PALOOZA 4!!!!!! WHAT: COLON PALOOZA 4 WHEN: OCTOBER 12-15, 2006 WHERE: HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA WHY: WHY NOT?!?!?! As you all know, or are quickly learning, we are a close-knit bunch. We all understand each other…
feeling scared
hi all, i have not posted alot lately, still recovering from surgery, had a few complications. anyways because of stomach problems i went for a cat scan yesterday and they found a spot on my liver. i am feeling so scared, it has never showed up on any of my other scans. i was wondering has anyone had something like this…
Recommended book.
I have just read 'A Love Affair with Cancer' by John W.Pattison. Excellent. Has anyone else read it and feel the same?
So yesterday I drank my stuff for my flex sigmoid. I crapped liked crazy and having a colostomy at this time is pretty rough. So I get up early drink somemore of my stuff. Take a shower, drive to the hospital get there right at 830. The nurse asks me for my name I tell her and she says I don't have you down for today. I…
Thank you all
I really want to thank you all for your kind words and suggestions! I sat here and had myself a good cry after reading your replies. Just for me to know that this happens to others makes me feel a little less crazy. Up til now, everyone I have talked too that had a similar situation or knows someone who went through it,…
Sigh, another added to the ranks
Yesterday, I went for visit to my gastro doc to set up my colonoscopy, first since dx and tx. Got to talking with a 28 year old gal who has gone the run-around with pain AND BLEEDING for 4 months...FINALLY referred to a gastro for a scope. And (sigh) she ALSO mentioned that she has a lump in her breast that they have been…
Stage 2 newbies read
I write this for you to tell you that no matter how bad things may seem you too can be NED(no evidence of disease) Briefly; I was dx'd in Aug. 2003 with stage 2 cancer of the descending/sigmoid colon. I had surgery followed by 6 months of chemo(5fu/leuc.)Only today I underwent my follow up colonoscopy which has also been…
NED 3 years
I don't often post, so I will give update. I was colon cancer metasized to liver with positive lymph nodes. I completed my CT Scan, PET Scan and colonoscopy this past week. NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE. I feel like dancing!! My medical ONC told me not to change a thing. He is aware that I am still eating the Liver friendly diet…
Thank you for your kind words
I appreciate your words of encouragement and advice. I know this is one place where those here truly understand how cancer affects entire families. My father had just turned 67 when he passed. He enjoyed every minute of his life and had many friends. We had his memorial service tonight and the chapel was overflowing with…
I often see postings related to fertility so I thought I'd share this with those who may be among our group with questions. Sorry, guys, it's really geared toward women's questions about fertility. In our case, the simple answer is to preserve swimmers before starting a chemo or radiation regime. Your onc can help you with…
To Jose
how come I have to re-enter the crc forum every time I reply to a post? Bud
Happy Birthday To You......
Kathi!!!! If I read correctly, your birthday is today? Doing a happy naked dance for you here!!! ( the traditional birthday dance!) Congrats and many many many many many many more! Love, Barb
kanga !!!!!
hi ross, go luck tomorrow with your scope. be well bruce
4 1/2 Years NED
Hello You Wonderful People, I am sorry I haven't been around much. I started Grad school full time and I am incredibly busy with the work from that and the kids and the dog and....Anyway I had my checkup last week and I am still NED (as far as they know). I only have to go for check-ups once a year instead of twice a year…
Tomorrow is My Husband's Day
His surgery has been moved up to 8:00 tomorrow morning so to all of you that believe in God and His might power, please remember my husband in prayer. The doctor is concerned as there is some discrepancies between the pathologist's report and the team of doctors as to the origin of the cancer. The pathologist said the…
All in the Family
Yesterday morning I received a phone call with the news that my cousin died Sunday afternoon of breast cancer that had metastasized to her lungs. Apparently she was diagnosed a year ago, but had decided against all treatment and opted to keep it quiet. The family doesn't know if her cancer was treatable when she was…
ChemoRadiation and No Surgery?
Hello. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer. He just finished 6 weeks of radiation (twice a day) and Xeloda daily during radiation days about a month ago. He went for a follow up PetScan the beginning of the week. The first PetScan showed an SUV uptake of 19.9 and now it shows 3. The radiologist told us at…
stopping chemo early...
Hi everyone. I was wondering if I could get your input on something: My dad just began Xeloda this past week in place of the 48 hour 5-fu pump. He was horrified after seeing how many pills he has to take everyday (He has to take 12 pills--6 in the a.m., and 6 p.m.) He has had to do this everyday for a week. Today is his…
I'm new here.
Hello I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I've got all the symtoms of colon cancer and have my first doctors appointment this coming Thursday. What sould I expect...I'm already worried that I have cancer. Please advise. Thanks.
The roller coaster ride of cancer
Hi to everyone, First, thank you for all of the wonderful information we have received from this site in the past year. We have learned much from you people. Myself as a caregiver, and my husband as a patient. Quick recap, dx. last sept. stage 3, chemo/rad. then emergency ilieostomy, surgery for removal of tumor, 6months…
The Cancer/Marijuana Connection
This isn't about colon cancer, but it's definitely interesting. Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, May 26, 2006; A03 The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. The new…
Encinitas Relay for Life
Hi all, I'm writing to invite you to attend the Encinitas, CA Relay for Life on August 26 & 27. This is one of the smaller Relay's as it's still fairly new so will have that "intimate" feel to it. Information to register can be found on the ACS Relay for Life web site. Hope to see you there! (Thanks, Jose!). Howard
Surgery scheduled August 1st
Don't remember what I've updated out here, but my husband is to have colon resection with an ileostomy next Tuesday. I'm getting more nervous as the time nears. Can anyone that has been through this give me any information and what to expect? Doctor says he is a bit concerned as this is not the usual type case - whatever…