just diagnosed sounds bad. help.
5 days ago I was diagnosed with metastisized cancer of the bowel. I go in for a ct scan in 3 days. I think it is also in my stomach because I have been having nausea for about 10 days. I fear I am dying. I am trying to be hopeful, but I have three daughters and I am so messed up. Has anyone experienced a diagnosis like…
Made the decision, Wish me luck!
For those who have been following, I am stage 4, had colectomy, moderately differentated 9/1 found 1 liver met with PET and CT. My CEA right now is 10. I went to UCSF and Stanford to get opinions. One said surgery right now the other said 3 months chemo then surgery.I have made a decision to go with the 3 month of…
Update on my scan
I had a CT scan done and they see a spot on my spine. So today I had a MRI done. On Monday I will be calling my onc to see what's next! I'm hoping for all good news but what ever it is I'll see you guys in Halifax!
Special thoughts for Btrcup ( Linda )
Dear Semi-Colon Friends, Tomorrow October 1st will be the first anniversary of Scott's passing. Let's all join together with special thoughts, love & prayers for Linda, Scotty and Kerilyn at this difficult time. With Love, Lisa Rose
Colon removed--Stage II, N0, M0
On Aug 3 I had surgery to remove my colon and other than 10 long days in the hospital, a minor set back after going home, I am happy to report that things seem to be moving in a positive direction for a a change. I returned to work 6 weeks post surgery--not because I had to, but because I felt good and wanted to. My…
Did you guys hear about this?
Hi all, I thought some of you might be interested in learning about this: http://www.forbes.com/forbeslife/health/feeds/hscout/2006/09/27/hscout535192.html
Juicing and chemo advice needed
I am starting chemo next week and am looking for good advice on diet during this time. I want my immune system strong!
first post
I've been reading posts for a while and found them to be so helpful and thoughtful. My husband was diagnosed 11/05 and has been on chemo since: FolFuri (Avastin for 8 mos and now Erbitux--3 treatments so far). Colon tumor is situated just below the liver (position name?)with a large liver met 10 cent.+ on rt. lobe and 2…
CEA Level/# of mets in liver
This is a question going out to everyone who has had more than one met in their liver and whose cea level is a marker for them. CEA level has been a definite marker for my dad. We just received some conflicting results. His cea is 5.5 and the surgeon believes there are 8-10 mets on a pet scan. Background - in Feb 2005, he…
Rectal Itching
My sister is currently going through chemo for stage IIIC colon cancer. She has just completed chemo 7 of 12. Unfortunately, she is experiencing extreme inching in her rectum area, outside and inside. The doctors have tried steroid creams (proctofoam) and treating her for a bacterial infection. I think she has tried six…
re: MD Anderson won't do second opinions
In the back of my mind I've been thinking I'd take Mark to MD Anderson if he needs (another) second opinion. Well I am shocked to discover that they will not do a second opinion "at this time." They will only see patients that intend on being treated there. That would almost be worth Mark uprooting himself from his life,…
Experience with xeloda and erbitux?
I posted my dilemna earlier. I so appreciate your suggestions. If I do start chemo next week it will be xeloda, oxaliplatin and erbitux. Can anyone tell me their experience with these drugs? I am aware of the side effects of oxa, but how about the other two? Can you work with them? Nausea, mouth sores, hand and foot…
Stage II, w/NO & MO Colon Cancer
I would like to hear from anyone who has been disagnosed and/or survived the cancer I have which is Stage II w/NO & MO. The tumor was removed by surgery on 10 July with an ostomy. I started the FLOFOX Regime (Oxiplation w/Lecavoron & 5FU) on 18 August. Regime is every other week for 6 months. The reason I am asking is that…
Calling Kerry!
Hey Lady, Isn't this our SF mini-palooza weekend? Please give me a holler when you're in town! I look forward to meeting you! Cheers, Ying
Help - Need Advice
Brief history - My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer (stage 4) in May 2002. In 2002, he had one spot removed from his liver. The cancer came back in 2004. We had a second surgery to remove a spot from his liver. It returned in January 2005, he had ablation done to remove a spot. In October 2005, he had surgery/ablation…
Celebrated 6 year survivor anniversary yesterday!
Yesterday, I celebrated my 6 year cancer survivor anniversary. I was originally diagnosed at age 29 with stage 3 CC. Since chemo., I married my best friend and had a beautiful baby boy. Every day is a gift and I try to treat it as such. Laugh loud, live strong, and don't be afraid to reach out to others. I post not for the…
Help needed deciding course of action
First thank you to all who have written in the past.Your wisdom and kindness is great. I am healthy 47 yr old male with 2 kids, Stage 4 colon cancer with 1 liver met (2.8 X 1.8 cm). On 9/1 I had the colectomy. I have a dilemna after meeting with 2 specialists. Simply put, do I have: 1. Surgery on the met and then chemo or…
THANK YOU Semi colons!
Hey all you awesome semi-colons! Arthur printed off your birthday wishes from y'all and I want to thank you for them!! My laptop is still kaput--my hard drive is broken and my kids' computer just returned from the shop today so I am on theirs--at home at least--which means I will have to share. We have had so much drama at…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: As expected, here are some giggles to help you roll into the weekend! Have a great one! Cheers, Ying - - - - Doe in the Woods Q: What did the doe say when she came running out of the woods? A: I'll never do that for two bucks again. Sex Over-Easy These two eggs had just been married and were on their honeymoon.…
Question for women who had rectum removed
Hello ladies, Has anyone out their had their rectum removed along with any part of their vagina tissue? I dont know how many people are in the same situation I am in, it is a little embarassing to write about but I dont know what I should do! I had part of the vaginal wall removed and in doing so it made it alot…
Reading other folks' stories
This is for Nudgie and other newbies who are still trying to figure they way around this site. Let's say you want to know more about a person's story. Well, if they have set up a web page you can go to it and read all about them. Here's how you do it: 1. Click on YOUR CSN START PAGE link on the left. 2. Over on the right…
re: Mark starting trial E7820
Mark has made a decision to start the new trial. The cancer he has is very extensive and it is worth it to him to take this chance. I'm beside myself but will accept his decision. This is his life and I would never be able to live with myself if I talked him out of it and the alternative was worse than this trial. I'm just…
More bad news for Duey and I
Today we found out Duey's mom has lymphoma and they are saying it has spread through her whole body, They are telling us once it gets to her brian, Well you know what that means. HIs mom lives in Hawaii Due's brother and sister are going to be with her there. Due can not go because of his chemo. Sorry to share such bad…
Attn: Liver Resectionees
Just curious for those who have had liver resections did the first surgeon you saw give the green light for the resection or did any of you have to look for more opinions to find a doctor willing or able to perform the surgery?? I'm just trying to figure out why the VERY conservative oncologist of my father who gave him 1…
Hi everyone, I haven't really been on this site for a couple of weeks. My computer is not working very well and I think we will need to either get it fixed, or buy a new one. Also, my family has been sick with colds and the flu. I haven't felt too well myself (I am three months pregnant for those of you who don't know).…
I am port-less as of 10 am!
So, I had my port removed at 10am day care surgery. I am taking tylenol, but thanks to you guys and your input...I don't expect anything worse. So, the beast cannot come again.....I have no way to treat it!!!!! Hugs, Kathi
tumor highlights on cat scan
My husbands cat scan today showed some highlighting around his liver tumors. we are way excited as he is on a program of lots of supplements that are supposed to first highlight the tumors and then shrink them. He is stage 4 and has been on chemo for over a year with only shrinkage the first round of chemo. Anyone have any…
diet to empty you out??
Hi all.. a while back someone posted a diet of sorts.. where you drink a glass of prune juice I think before dinner to help with having a complete bowel movement and to help with not having so many in a day.. I tried doing a search on here with the word prune juice but no luck. if anyone remembers the plan or the site I…
My mom lost her battle
On Sept 3rd, my mom lost a 2+ year battle with colon cancer. She was fortunate to have very little pain and was able to be home with the three of us and her grandchildren. In March mom was told her cancer was under control and she would be watched, she began to have problems in May and was scheduled to have a surgery for…
To-day was supposed to be my FINAL CHEMO but it was delayed one week because of my blood work results. I'm upset but oh well what does 1 week mean - I'm not the same person I used to be things just don't seem to "jangle my chain" - I've finally learned to relax and take things as they come.