It's been 3 weeks since my resection surgery (stage 2a) I'm 54 years old. I have been walking but am eager to start jogging, swimming and using weight machines to build back muscle tone that I lost in the hospital. I would be interested in how soon after surgery others have started doing some of these things.
Help with Unbearable Pain?
Does anyone have suggestions on what to do when the pain management doctor says she can't do anymore to ease my husband's suffering unless he is given medication to keep him asleep all the time? I don't want that, but I don't want to see him suffer anymore. He has an epidural that has eased him somewhat but is still having…
I posted back in March about this and appreciate the responses then. My brother had undergone successful surgery for lesions on his liver from colon cancer. Things were looking up until a few days ago when a CT showed two small spots on the other side. He will see the doctor for recommendations, but is concerned about more…
Worried in Indianapolis
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed on 9/11/06 with rectal cancer and my oncologist said it was a T3 with the tumor being 7cm by 15cm directly in my rectum. To be truthful...I am scared. Is there any groups I could attend to get moral support? I do have a loving wife and daughter (16 year old) which is much comfort but I think…
Thank you
Thanks all. Mindy10 and JADot have given me hope.Thank you very much for yor support. The doctor says 3 months oxy and 5 FLU and after that, if it dosen't work, we have to try with avastin. I'm very worried for my mother because the doctor said that she will live only 6 months. You have many stage 4 successes and i hope my…
New here
Hello, I'm new to this group and I need help . Last year my mothere was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer(T3N1Mx). She was diagnosed in Iun 05 and Iul 05 had the surgery. After surgery the results from her lymph nodes tested positive.She started treatment immediately and she was cancer free one year.Last mounth she had…
Xeloda dosage
Has anyoneone used Xeloda and what dosage were you on. I'm asking because I had 2 surgeries this summer which has left me at 123 pounds. My usual weight at 6 foot tall had been 175. Doc prescribes 3000 total, 1500 in morning and 1500 at nite. Does this seem high for my weight? I am also on Oxaliplatin every other week.…
MD Anderson Experience
Has anyone gone there for Stage 4 treatment? Again I have 1 liver met on the back of the right lobe. It lit up on PET and shows on CT. There is also a 4mm indeterminant spot on my left lobe that did not light up under PET Scan. Right now the oncs want me to do 3 - 6 months of chemo. They want to see if the tumor shrinks…
Stage I local recurrence
On her colonoscopy last year, my Mom had a large polyp which was found to be cancerous. It was very low in the colon, close to the rectum. She had a resection. Lab results were no lymph node involvement and Stage I cancer. We were told they got it all, she was "cured", and there was no follow up for a year. On her 1 year…
Can you pray that my CEA doesn't go up again my appointment is Monday. If it goes up again I'm going to have to start with Scans again and well who knows what else. I have a trip to make in October to see my colon friends again and hopefully meet some knew friends. Thanks
Off to Washington
Well, it's here....Saturday morning at 6:50am PST, I am boarding a jet bound for Celebration on the Hill. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts, especially on the "big" day, Wednesday. Hugs to all of my semi-colon family! Kathi
It's been awhile
Greetings... I was dx'd with crc w/liver mets Dec 04. My doctor found 2cm tumor in my sigmoid colon and 3 1cm lesions on my liver. I started with chemo, folfox, for about 8 rounds, had very good results, lesions on my liver disappeared and the tumor on my colon decreased in size by 20%. I then had resection surgery,…
Moderate Neutropenia so no chemo
Well I was supposed to have my second round of chemo today, but guess what? My Neutrophils came in at (0.9) 900, which means I am moderately susceptible to getting any bacterial or fungal illness floating around out there. So no chemo this week. The oncologists said that this could be an indication that I am deficient in…
Fenantyl Patch for pain relief
Hi, anyone use or have any experience with the Fenantyl patch for severe pain relief. The oxycodone isn't cutting it right now and I heard good things about Fenantyl patchs. Please let me know anything you have on this. Pain is becoming intolerable. Love Don.
Symptoms/age when diagnosed
Hi All~ I think something was posted at one time relating to this, but I was unable to locate. I am interested in learning at what age people are being diagnosed and if they had any symptoms. In January 2004, my Dad was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer at the age of 59. He had NO symptoms. I am happy to report that…
Oxalplatin Side efffects
I am having major drinking issues with my chemo treatment. I am on a regimen of Oxalplatim, Leucovorin and FOLfox6 Pump. I have just finished treatment 4. Any Suggestions? I am new to all this but glad to find some extra support.
Stage 4 Hang in there~
I haven't been here for awhile but I am just thrilled with my news so wanted to share with the rest of you just starting this battle. I was diagnosed in Feb. 03 stage 4, rectal mass and 3 small spots on liver and one large. Did 8 rounds of chemo, radiation for 28 straight days with continuous infusion of 5Fu and then liver…
It's official - Mark's been kicked off trial
My friend Mark had some lousy news today. Would you believe on the one year anniversary to the day that he was told by the doctor he had stage IV rectal cancer? Talk about bad luck. They've given him two options 1) Ironotecan (sp) with Erbitux 2) a new trial - so new the drug does not have a name. It is #3CO62. Does anyone…
Hey all...have not posted latley (work has been truly busy with an escaped convict on the loose in the County for the past 5 months...they just caught him on Friday. I had a great summer and am ready for my 44th birhtday, which is days away. For those new here, I am an eight year survivor of stage 3 rectal cancer,…
Friday Giggle (Clean ones :)
Hi Guys: I am back from a fabulous week in India. Got a lot of business done and little sightseeing too. India is a really happening place these days. It's so good to see smart, upbeat people working hard to improve their lives. I was there once 8 years ago. There is been so much progress. I posted a couple of pictures on…
Chemo - when does it end?
My friend Mark is on a clinical trial of Xeloda, Avastin and Oxy. On a trial, there is no discussion of when it stops - it continues until it either stops working, starts reversing or until the patient themself decides to stop. Question - for those of you on "regular" chemo, you are given a finite amount of time, correct?…
Coming to the end of my chemo
Hi everyone, I hope you don't mind me joining you. I'm from England, am 38 years old and was diagnosed with colorectal cancer Nov '05. I had to have my entire colon removed due to numerous polyps as well as the tumour (I don't have a "bag" though, which surprises many people). It had also spread to my lymph nodes but not…
Neupogen Has Anyone Had This Shot
My husband has been having the Neulasta shot after he finishes each chemo treatment. In a few days he will be 65 and starting Medicare.As of 10/01/06 Medicare will no longer pay for Neulasta shot as it is too expensive($4,100.)and so my husband will have to take Neupogen which I am told you have a shot each day for 5 days.…
Chemotherapy Side Effects - HELP
I am 42 and had a Stage II (NO, MX) colon cancer tumor removed on 10 July 06. I have an ostomy also which will be reconnected sometime in March. I was told by my doctors and family that I should undergo a chemotherapy treatment for precautionary and insurance measures to REALLY make sure that there are no cancer cells…
Answer for Steelerfan
Steelerfan~ My Dad went for a regular check up -- the first in many years. Since he had never had a colonoscopy, his doctor recommended that he do so. Thank God he did! Not only did my Dad not have any symptoms, but he exhibited none of the risk factors associated with colon cancer. Also, he had no family history of colon…
Barium results
Well i got the "official" results a few minutes ago and they said it was perfectly normal! So with the 3/4 of a colonoscopy done and the end shown by way of barium I guess i hav eto take their word that there is nothing in there! ;) I am so releived and feel like a huge burden has been lifted. He did recommend i get…
Flu shot?
My GP has suggested before I start chemo that I get a flu shot (this years) and pnenummia vaccine. I teach high school kids and am around lots of stuff. I will be starting chemo around the 28th of Sept. I am Stage 4 with 1 liver met. FOLfox + avastin is recommended. I also have a conflict between my surgeon who suggests 3…
Anyone in L.A.? Event highly recommended
There is an event in Burbank Sept. 22nd - 24th that I strongly recommend for those in the S. Cali area. It is essentially a vegetarian/vegan event but you won't be chastised if you are neither. What you don't want miss are the priceless lectures by the biggest movers and shakers in the health field. T. Colin Campbell (The…
IBC....just a root beer!
Okay, I went to my onc today, and she said "No, it is NOT Inflamatory Breast Cancer" and was impressed by the amount of Keflex I am taking....suggested yogurt....RIGHT NOW!!!!! Or acidopholis stuff from the health store.... I LOVE my docs! What a wonderful situation....my docs will still see me to make me feel better, even…