http://www.thesurvivormovie.com/ I just watched this short movie again. I thought it was worth a repost. It is beautiful. It is why we are here. It is why we are all friends. HAve a nice Sunday. Barb
re: For jennhws
Hi, you responded to one of my posts. I just wanted to see how you are doing. You have a similiar situation as my friend Mark who is stage IV rectal with mets to liver and lung. How is your treatment going? Hope all is well. Talk with you soon.
Hello everyone! I have to tell you all about the wonderful surprise everyone here had for me in Halifax... Lisa Rose & scouty arranged with one of my sisters to get some pictures of me from baby to now. (UGH! Love those hairstyles!) And, are you ready for this? They have been the only ones to get me to shed some tears…
Stacy, As an almost 8 year survivor of stage 3 rectal cancer, I know the feelings that you are expressing all too well. There are people on this site who are fighting brave fights against recurring cancer, and sometimes I wonder whether I should even post my own good fortune. however, the new people on this site deserve to…
Greetings all from beautiful (and I mean BEAUTIFUL) Halifax, Nova Scotia! I cannot even describe how much I miss these gatherings. The warmth is irreplaceable. The support is overwhelming. The sense of family is amazing. Kay experienced her first shots with us....this time, no needles involved as in chemo. There is a bad…
Run in the rain.
NEED WASHING?? A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We…
heding for surgery Friday morning.
Hi All, as many of you know I was stageII that turned stage IV when it came back outside of my colon. I did Chemo (Folfox) and went NED. Now that beast must be fought again. I am going in Friday morning for a liver resection, colon resection, removal of my left kidney and Ureter blah blah blah. My surgeons are going in…
Canadian Giggles
Hi Guys: I am pulling out all the stops this week! As you know, the semicolon palooza 4 is taking place this weekend in the beautiful Halifax. To mark this wonderful occasion, I am offering a special edition of the Friday Giggles - the Canadian Giggles. So, empty your bladder and prepare to laugh until it hurts :) Cheers,…
Canadian Giggles
Hi Guys: I am pulling out all the stops this week! As you know, the semicolon palooza 4 is taking place this weekend in the beautiful Halifax. To mark this wonderful occasion, I am offering a special edition of the Friday Giggles - the Canadian Giggles. So, empty your bladder and prepare to laugh until it hurts :) Cheers,…
To Jana
please keep me in the loop RE your new protocol; I have lung mets, and will go on monotherapy next week.. let me know what's happening with your tretment.Bud
Anyone do Irinotecan alone with any luck??
My friend Mark is stage IV, between trials and they want to give him just Irinotecan alone to hopefully stabilized the disease until a slot opens up for him. Anyone have any luck with this, especially stage IV's?? Would love to know...
CT clear
Hi Just wanted to share some good results. CT scan yesterday was clear. I had a chest xray done today, that I don't have results from, but everything so far looked good. So according to my doctor I am now year and half without a recurrence. Which means only 6 months more being past the 2 year mark of when most recurrences…
re: Yer not gonna believe this
Well, I went to visit my friend Mark today and he announced that there is no room on the trial that they had him agonizing to decide on, had him fill out lengthy paperwork and spend an entire day yesterday without food to stand in line for bloodwork, a PET scan and more in preparation for this. I am flabergasted! I didn't…
Colonoscopy today
The dr said that eveything was normal! Thanks for all the support and advice. I am not really sure where I go from here, he suggested physical therapy?? But I do not know what I would have done without all of you. Going into it I was so very scared but after reading this board my fears were not nearly as strong. Even this…
Starting Xeloda
Hello All - I have posted only a few times before but read here almost every day. I was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic colon cancer in April of 2006. I have recently completed the 12 cycle regimen of 5FU,Leucovorin, Oxaliplatn and Avastin. The plan is now to start on Xeloda - nothing else just the Xeloda - 7days on and…
Stopping Chemo treatment
I have decided to stop my FOLFOX 6 treatments, I have had 8 of 12 scheduled treatments. My counts have been giving me problems especially my Platelets. I have been feeling bad the whole 2 weeks between treatments and I feel that my body has had enough. I was diagnosed Stage 4 on Oct. 12th, 2005 and was given 12 to 18…
cp 5 please reply
please do not let this post go by the "wayside"...and please respond so we can come to some kind of conclusion...and yep..I agree..with so many new posts if you miss a day you are at least a page behind...hey....remember when we were thrilled to be catching up to the breast cancer posts...too bad we all don't have the…
Just a passing thought...
As you all know, I was on the list twice...rectal cancer followed by breast cancer...I am thinking how it changed my life...some VERY good things, some, well, challenging things. I count in the VERY good column all of you. Even with all of our differences, we are family. And, I just realized...I wear a pink band, and a…
Chemo ended 6 months ago - WBC
Hi again, Forgot to ask another question : How long did it take your white blood cells to get back to normal after finishing treatment? I finished chemo 6 months ago. My white blood cells are still just below the low normal. They seem to be stuck there. 3 months ago the count was exactly the same - just below normal. I…
Started Neulasta
Afraid to post this question because of the responses to the side effects. Remember I am the BIG SISSY when it comes to side effects and drugs: Due to my Neutrophil (WBC)count being 0.7 on 29 September I had to skip my treatment and rescheduled for 6 October. On 6 October my Nutrophil count was 1.3 and Onc Doc felt it was…
Need Positive Thoughts
I posted a couple of times since 9/29 about my dad. He was diagnosed in 2002 with stage IV. CEA has always been a good indicator for him. He had recurrences (1-2 spots) in April 2004, January 2005, and October 2005 (all were ablated or surgically removed). His recent pet scan in June 2006 was clean. All of a sudden his cea…
Hello Got results of ct scan on same day as scan. First let me tell you what treatmnts I have ndergone so far. Oct 04 colon resection. unresectable liver mets found. Dec 04. commenced folfiri treatment with avastin. Then for a tine avastn only. Avastin ceased to ne effective, so next was oxi with a 5fu push for couple of…
Prep ?
How long does it normally take to start working once you start drinking the stuff for a colonoscopy prep?
CP 5 - requesting Los Angeles
L.A. is warm, pretty beaches, lot's to do. Anyone game?
Biopsy of Liver Mets
Has anyone had their liver mets biopsied? Last year, three spots lite up on a pet scan and the surgeon resected my dad's left lobe and ablated the spot in the right lobe. Only the ablated spot was cancer. The other two were scar tissue (after being biopsied). Is it possible to biopsy liver mets prior to surgery?
this site
this site sucks-2 out of three times I've attempted to post , reply, etc. I get "Network Problems", etc...anything but a conncection...Bud
Checking in from Canada
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Canada!!!! I have only been here 32 hours and feel like a princess. Being a southern girl with the usual accent is well recieved up here AND they don't think I am ignorant. Last nite after dinner while Lisa Rose's husband was working, she took me to get dessert at their favorite bar and grill 2…
Improved Colonoscopy Prep
Next Monday I will be having my first post-resection colonoscopy. My tumor was found during my first ever colonoscopy so you can understand why I'm a little concerned. My surgery was six months ago and I was diagnosed with Stage 1 colon cancer. This time the prep is a prescription laxative called Miralax to be mixed with…
Vitamin C, IV ???
Asked my onco today about that..actually, I didn't ask, I told him that I wanted done...his response ? nope...if he doesn't believe in it, he will not do it...Who else can do this ? Can my family Dr. do it ? Onco said that insurance won't pay for it....do not care at this time...I just want someone to do it..I don't think…
We have lost Duey's mom
To Leukemia & Lymphoma That's what they tell us, She went soo fast, We just found out she was sick a few weeks ago, I'm sure she was sick for awhile but didn't want to tell anyone. That's how she was. Duey is doing very good, He's being strong. R.I.P. Nana 10-07-06 We will miss her