More bad news for Duey and I

LLLady Member Posts: 67
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Today we found out Duey's mom has lymphoma and they are saying it has spread through her whole body, They are telling us once it gets to her brian, Well you know what that means.
HIs mom lives in Hawaii Due's brother and sister are going to be with her there. Due can not go because of his chemo.
Sorry to share such bad news but I have to vent and you all are such good listeners,
Luv ya HUGS!


  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    Sorry to hear the news. Sometimes it seems like troubles pile on. Keep persevering. It has to get better.
    Hugs to you and Duey.

  • Patrusha
    Patrusha Member Posts: 487

    So sorry to hear this bad news. Boy it just piles up sometimes. I am sorry Due can't travel right now, but perhaps he'll get a chance later... keep your chin up, hon!
  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Oh No! I'm so sorry to hear this. I know how he feels. I just lost my father to the beast. He had CLL (Leukemia) that went to his lymphnodes and Prostrate cancer. It is so hard when more then one person in a immediate family has cancer. I have colon cancer. I was ready to help him fight the beast but we didn't have a chance to get started. HUGS to both of you and maybe you can ask the doc to have a break in the chemo so he can go down to see is mom. I would say that both of them need this to happen. Take care and I will say prayers for his mom.

    Lisa F
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    I am so sorry for what Duey and you are going through and for Duey's mother's illness. Maybe Duey can go to see his mother in between his treatments or/and do treatments there in Hawaii, it would really give him some peace of mind.

    I also am going to tell you this. If you read my posts about my mother, you know that I stopped her chemo because she could not tolerate it.

    There are some nodules in her lungs now which could be either cancer or from the severe pneumonia that she had. If it is cancer, I am considering to use the alternative form of treatment called Protocel. I read about it in a book "Outsmart your cancer: alternative non-toxic treatments that work" by Tanya Harter Pierce. Protocel is a liquid that can be mixed with juice or water. It works by attacking anaerobic cells of the body, leaving normal healthy cells unharmed. All cancer cells are primarily anaerobic. Protocell attacks anaerobic cells by interfering with their cell respiration so they can not obtain enough enerby to function. Since normal health cells of the body are aerobic and use a different process ot obtain energy via cell respiration, they are not harmed.

    You can look at,

    I just called the phone number for the order. They told me that the most potent formula runs at $150 per bottle and lasts 2 and a half month.

    You might want to try it for Duey's mother, you have got nothing to loose.

    I pray for you, Duey, and his mother.

    Please do continue to let us know what happens with all of you.

    God Bless, Eleonora
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Not sure how far it is from where you are, but I traveled while doing chemo every two weeks. My flight was only about 2 hours and only a long weekend. Your trip would also be expensive. I just hate this for the two of you! I found we have to just "keep on keeping on" and do the best we can to "roll with the punches". I continue to pray for Duey. jams
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, Lady.....
    My heart is with you and Duey. I don't quite understand why difficult things seem to come in clusters. I will be adding 'Duey's mom' to my prayer lists.

    Hugs, Kathi