another sleepless night
Hi Everyone, It's the middle of the night and I am wide awake. I have been having trouble sleeping since I had surgery a few weeks ago and nothing that I have tried is helping. First I'm hot, then I'm cold. I keep turning the fan on and off and taking the blanket on and off. Then my legs get itchy and I can't find a…
Chemo again...starting next Wed.
Well...talked to my onco today..we will start chemo again for my recurrance . Tried to get an appt at MD with no luck..it will take another 4 weeks before they can see me, I if I start treatments, then they wont see me at all...don't think i can wait that long. This time they will give me campstar and avastin....no more…
Met Dr. Jeremy Geffen...WOW!
I was at a seminar yesterday sponsored by Good Samaritan Hospital. There was a grand speaker who was an Oncologist that specialized in nutrition...some VERY cool stuff...AND...Dr. Geffen of the book "The Journey Through Cancer". He went thru his 7 levels of healing. And, I got to speak with him personally...VERY dynamic…
Greetings from Pre CP 4
Hi Everyone, Lisa Rose and her husband invited me to stay with them if I came early and since I had never been to Canada and I got a really inexpensive plane ticket, I came. Got in a little while ago. The worst part of the trip was in my originating airport, go figure. The trees are at their peak and beautiful!!!!!! Lots…
CEA Question
For my dad, his cea level has always been a good indicator. Everytime it has gone up gradually (2-3 points per month), the doctor has ordered a pet scan and a recurrence has been spotted (1-2 spots). The highest it has ever been was 17.5 wiht one spot - it was ablated in October 05. In June 06 his cea was 5.7. On September…
2nd round for me
Well on Monday I start another round of chemo. They found cancer in my stomach 2 nodes. I'm going with the same protocol as I had last year however instead of oxiplantin due to a reaction on number 9 that I had we are replacing it with camptosar. Which I heard causes diarrhea so I'm off to buy some Imodium AD for Monday.…
liver met shrinkage
Does anyone know patterns for liver shrinkage? Husband has been on Folfurri first with Avastin( 8 mos) and now Erbitux--4 treatments. Cancer has stabalized on both colon and liver but no shrinkage. If the liver met is going to shrink, should it have done so after a year of chemo? Any info. if greatly appreciated.
A question
Has anyone had colon cancer return with only a symptom of pain in the left side? The pain runs from the hip down to the groin. I have had several x-rays, IVP and cat scan. They did find a kidney stone on the x-rays and got rid of it and diverticulosis showed up on the cat scan. The pain started in july and has not stopped…
Topic posted under Yong Survivors
Hi all, I just wanted you all to see this post which was on the Young Survivors board. I have written her back and I am sure she would like to hear from any other young (or middle aged) survivors out there. It probably does not matter if you respond here, or you can respond to her original post. Here it is: "Hi my name is…
For those who do not know my story: 42-year old wife and mother of one. He is 23 yrs old. Had my Stage II N0/M0 tumor removed on 10 July 06. Also have a stoma or ostomoy. Will be reconnected after chemo. Never had any tumor marker tests done after surgery or CTs for the stomach or colon. Started the FLOFOX Regime of…
changing diet and adding suppliments.
I know I have asked in the past and feel foolish asking again but any suggestions on attacking this beast through diet would be appreciated. I had a bunch of stuff saved from Emily and Scouty and have lost all when I upgraded my pc. I do have Quillians book and we are using it again. I am a bit of a mess right now trying…
alternative treatments
i've been having a hard time coming to terms with doing alternatives. I've always been interested in them, but the poor science has kept me away. Scouty, Emilly and others stories I've heard have been heartening. I've been doing them now for a month and a half. I've been doing a lot of reading and although they sure seem…
That whole "Guilt Thing"
Scouty grazed this subject in one of her posts. It is that feeling many of us have because we, for the moment anyway, have "won" against this beast called cancer. It is impossible to NOT think of grandma047, fitlisa, pattieb, bsrules' Bob, Btrcup's Scott, Andreae, sea detail, afraidinindy's husband, and a slew of others…
Xeloda dosage
I am 210 lb 47 year old male. They have me on 4000 mg of xeloda / day for 14 days and then a week off. Then back on again.I also take oxaliplation every 4 th week and eributux. I am not on avastin as they are looking at liver surgery in Dec. Does this dose seem reasonable or high? I also had the oxaplatin put in by IV in…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: The usual giggles to bring on the weekend! Have a great one! Cheers, Ying - - - - Oh, Goodness Why'd the boy blush when he opened the fridge? He saw the salad dressing! Assembly Required A gynecologist tired of his profession, and wanting less responsibility, decided a career change was in order. After some…
Jokes - Italian Bread.
Two men one 80 and one 87 are out for a morning jog. The 87 year old comes in far ahead of the 80 year old and showing little signs of even labored breathing. The 80 year old notices his friend doing so well and asks him how is it that you can stay in such good shape? It is the Italian bread I eat every day, the 87 year…
Some Good News
Hello everyone, I went in Monday for treatment #5 and they took my CEA then. Went I went in to get unhooked I found out that my CEA had dropped from 59 to 19 in 3 treatments! Please keep up the positive thoughts, you guys have been great support. I want to see the number keep going down!
2 Year Anniversary
Hello everyone, On October 4, 2004 I found myself celebrating my 27th birthday in a cold hospital getting a colonoscopy because of blood in my stool. During the scope, they found a single large juvenile polyp. The GI doc said not to worry, but in hindsight, I think he knew. One year ago today, in fact almost to the hour, I…
questions for oncologist
Hi everyone, I has been a crazy time for me, sorry that I have not logged on sooner, but I have a couple of questions, for anyone to answer, 1. my genetic test has come back to the oncologist, I do not go back until Jan 5, 07, any6thing that I should ask my onc. ? 2. Also when should I get the blood test that he wants me…
Extreme fatique
Mark hasn't been on chemo for four weeks now but I've never seen him so tired. The littlest amount of activity leaves him exhausted. I thought the chemo would wear him out but he is much more tired now. I hope this has nothing to do with the cancer...
Still NED
Hi All - I was so freaked out waiting that I couldn't even ask for good wishes regarding my latest PET and CT scans on Monday. But, after 3 days of agony I got the results today and STILL NED. I can hear Kathi saying "naked happy dance". Mostly I am just relieved - trying to learn how to be truly happy! I was really…
CP4 ~ Going Going GONE. . . . .
Ok Folks ~ Last Call. If anyone else is interested in joining the fun at CP 4 it's not to late just let me know. The dates are October 11th - 15th in beautiful Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. You can contact me through this site. Lisa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Colon Palooza 4 ~ Brief Itinerary.…
(((((((Stacey))))))) Congratulations Stacey, you have been a beacon in the dark for many on this board, with each year you glow brighter. Stay well Ron.
Stacey - I will never forget this!
Hi All, I am starting a new thread because I feel so strongly about this. It's about what Stacey did for me and other newbies. Jan 2, 2006 I came home from the hospital, scared, lost, and in a kind of dazed funk all together. I posted my first message that said "Newbie here. Really scared. What do I do?". Right about the…
update/prevent recurrence?
Hi It has been a while since I last posted. But I would like to share the news of my dad's Pet scan from yesterday, it showed that there is no evidence of cancer cells in his body besides some cysts/scar from his liver resection in May. THis is really good news to us and we are relieved to say the least. A brief update on…
Stacys 5 Year Celebration Continue
Hi Everyone, With so many new members to our semi-colon family ( Welcome Everyone ) some posts go through the first page of our board before everyone can get a chance to see it and be able to respond to it.. So I thought it would be great idea to keep STACY'S 5 YEAR CELEBRATION around for a few more days.. . . Wishing you…
No hope for Mark - should he know that?
Today I spoke with a radiologist who has looked over Mark's latest CT scans. He's a known liver specialist who does resections and radio frequency ablation. I thought it would be a good idea to get one last opinion before Mark gets on the freaky trial where he'll be getting drugs so experimental they don't even have a name…
Hello everyone
This is a update on Duey's mom and Duey, Ends up the Doctors are saying they don't think she will make it to the weekend. She has cancer throughout her whole body. and is not doing well. I'm sorry to share such bad news. Duey is on his second round of chemo. He got very sick last night he was freezing cold, vomiting he had…
Hullo Lois. I am sorry I missed your post and am saddenned to hear your hubby has been taken from you. I wanted to send some ozzie huggs to you and affirm to you that you are not alone. You have a wonderfull family here on CSN who you may not have met and who I hope have come into your heart with all their love and…
Pet Scan Question
I do not have any copies of my dad's pet scans in front of me and I have a quick question. In the reports, how do they refer to spots that are measurable (lesions, mets, spots??). Just curious.