Celebration On The Hill - Today
Hi Friends, I'm home here in Canada today watching the Celebration on the Hill at. http://www.celebrationonthehill.org/ If anyone has extra time today you can watch the live webcast. You may even see one of your fellow semi-colons as SpongeBob, Kay and Kathi are all in Washington. Lisa
i'm having a down sept!!!
good evening semi's, sorry i have to rant. since i came back from vacation it has been very hard for me to keep positive about anything. i am a store manager and i came back to a big mess. everyday i am trying to get out of the hole. i work my semi off and it doesn't seem to help. i have 2 asst's that don't care about…
I know I have posted several messages and I am new to all of this, but some of the discussions and responses I have read really have made me very afraid of what I am facing. Again, I have Stage II colon cancer with no lymph node involvement no spreading according to my path report dated July 06. I was told by my surgeon…
Need Some Advice...
Hi my mother was diagnosed last year with Stage III colon cancer. She had surgery and chemo and was fine, up until last week at her routine check up they found her cancer markers(i do not know the lingo sorry) went from a 3 to a 13 in less than 3 months. They told her it was Mets to the liver. They scheduled a CT and did…
I have an idea...
You know, I started thinking about how we all are connected through this site, and how we pretty much look out for each other. Because of that, I feel that it would be a good idea to make sure someone on this site (maybe at least 2 people) have information about you in the event that we don't hear from you anymore. You…
Hello from a D.C. jail....
Well, we HAVE invaded!!!! Jose was seen in a police car...I was at the capitol when they brought in the SWAT team....WHEW! and it hasn't even officially begun yet....watch for the naked lady running down Pennsylvania Ave....hehehehehe Hugs, Kathi
Really Depressed Today
Hi folks. I have posted on here many times and have always appreciated the feedback and loved trying to help others out. I have been fighting this beast for 3 years now but this summer has been the worst. My colon was perforated during a sigmoidoscopy and I barely surved surgery and three weeks in intensive care. 6 Weeks…
home, after surgery
Hi Everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I had surgery Sept.11 and came home last Saturday. The surgery went well and I'm glad to be home. I'm feeling a little better each day. Take care, Jamie
Need Advice....again..sigh
HI to all. It has been awhile since my last post, although I read each and every day. It seems as though I post every couple of months with a new problem!! Quick recap, hubby dx. sept.05, chemo/rad, surgery for temp. illiostomy, then surgery for removal of tumor, followed by chemo, then reversal surgery for illiostomy.…
Blood Counts
Finished my 3rd Chemo (FLOFOX Regime) on 15 Sept 06. My blood counts are still within the normal range except for my Red Cells which are at 3.92 and my Neutrophi is at 1.8. I know these will again decrease but was wondering how low some docs allow your counts to get before taking proactive approach. I currently keep track…
Soda chemicals
OK - had to share this with you all. We just met someone who's company markets citrus oils. He was telling us about chemicals and processing. Turns out there is a chemical (don't remember which one) that is used in cleaning products and soda!! I always thought it was the carbonation in Coke that cleaned off the penny.…
starting chemo - What to know?
Sorry if you've heard before, here are the details: 47 year old otherwise healthy male recently post low anterior resection for moderately differentiated adenoCA of rectosigmoid. 1/17 positive nodes. Solitary 2.8 x 1.9 cm liver met - far posterior aspect of posterior segment of right lobe. Commencing FOLFOX + avasten late…
Something fun
There's a game on the internet that is kind of like Boggle called weboggle. If you have a minute try it. This is important, use "team colon cancer" for your name when you sign in and the 5x5 board. Let the game begin!
Calling Cherriann
How are you doing hon? I saw your response to LLLady and was wondering if things are getting better for you. It will be interesting to see what your blood counts are after this. Talk with your doctor about what you are experiencing. I think it is important... Hang in there!
colonpalooza.com and Stacy's idea
Stacy posted an interesting note about everyone keeping in touch. A few weeks ago I was asked to make a webpage at the address www.colonpalooza.com, which really turned into little more than a collection of pictures for the first three colonpaloozas and an advertisement for the fourth colonpalooza which is quickly…
He's not sure he wants chemo
Some have told us to not do chemo others tell us do chemo for sure all of the Doctors want Duey to have chemo, I agree with the Doctors. I think evey extra prevention we can get is good. but Duey's thinking is if his PET scan is clear and his tumor is cut out then why does he need chemo. He say's it's only gonna give him…
It's been 3 weeks since my resection surgery (stage 2a) I'm 54 years old. I have been walking but am eager to start jogging, swimming and using weight machines to build back muscle tone that I lost in the hospital. I would be interested in how soon after surgery others have started doing some of these things.
Help with Unbearable Pain?
Does anyone have suggestions on what to do when the pain management doctor says she can't do anymore to ease my husband's suffering unless he is given medication to keep him asleep all the time? I don't want that, but I don't want to see him suffer anymore. He has an epidural that has eased him somewhat but is still having…
I posted back in March about this and appreciate the responses then. My brother had undergone successful surgery for lesions on his liver from colon cancer. Things were looking up until a few days ago when a CT showed two small spots on the other side. He will see the doctor for recommendations, but is concerned about more…
Worried in Indianapolis
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed on 9/11/06 with rectal cancer and my oncologist said it was a T3 with the tumor being 7cm by 15cm directly in my rectum. To be truthful...I am scared. Is there any groups I could attend to get moral support? I do have a loving wife and daughter (16 year old) which is much comfort but I think…
Thank you
Thanks all. Mindy10 and JADot have given me hope.Thank you very much for yor support. The doctor says 3 months oxy and 5 FLU and after that, if it dosen't work, we have to try with avastin. I'm very worried for my mother because the doctor said that she will live only 6 months. You have many stage 4 successes and i hope my…
New here
Hello, I'm new to this group and I need help . Last year my mothere was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer(T3N1Mx). She was diagnosed in Iun 05 and Iul 05 had the surgery. After surgery the results from her lymph nodes tested positive.She started treatment immediately and she was cancer free one year.Last mounth she had…
Xeloda dosage
Has anyoneone used Xeloda and what dosage were you on. I'm asking because I had 2 surgeries this summer which has left me at 123 pounds. My usual weight at 6 foot tall had been 175. Doc prescribes 3000 total, 1500 in morning and 1500 at nite. Does this seem high for my weight? I am also on Oxaliplatin every other week.…
MD Anderson Experience
Has anyone gone there for Stage 4 treatment? Again I have 1 liver met on the back of the right lobe. It lit up on PET and shows on CT. There is also a 4mm indeterminant spot on my left lobe that did not light up under PET Scan. Right now the oncs want me to do 3 - 6 months of chemo. They want to see if the tumor shrinks…
Stage I local recurrence
On her colonoscopy last year, my Mom had a large polyp which was found to be cancerous. It was very low in the colon, close to the rectum. She had a resection. Lab results were no lymph node involvement and Stage I cancer. We were told they got it all, she was "cured", and there was no follow up for a year. On her 1 year…
Can you pray that my CEA doesn't go up again my appointment is Monday. If it goes up again I'm going to have to start with Scans again and well who knows what else. I have a trip to make in October to see my colon friends again and hopefully meet some knew friends. Thanks
Off to Washington
Well, it's here....Saturday morning at 6:50am PST, I am boarding a jet bound for Celebration on the Hill. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts, especially on the "big" day, Wednesday. Hugs to all of my semi-colon family! Kathi
It's been awhile
Greetings... I was dx'd with crc w/liver mets Dec 04. My doctor found 2cm tumor in my sigmoid colon and 3 1cm lesions on my liver. I started with chemo, folfox, for about 8 rounds, had very good results, lesions on my liver disappeared and the tumor on my colon decreased in size by 20%. I then had resection surgery,…
Moderate Neutropenia so no chemo
Well I was supposed to have my second round of chemo today, but guess what? My Neutrophils came in at (0.9) 900, which means I am moderately susceptible to getting any bacterial or fungal illness floating around out there. So no chemo this week. The oncologists said that this could be an indication that I am deficient in…
Fenantyl Patch for pain relief
Hi, anyone use or have any experience with the Fenantyl patch for severe pain relief. The oxycodone isn't cutting it right now and I heard good things about Fenantyl patchs. Please let me know anything you have on this. Pain is becoming intolerable. Love Don.