re: Very concerned - new cancer found in Mark's lungs
Mark had a discussion with the doctor finally and he told him something he had not mentioned to me - new cancer was found in his lungs in the last CT that may be a different cancer, i.e. - it could be lung cancer. If that is the case, shouldn't that be ruled out before ANY treatment is administered? He's being presented…
Partially undressed at the House...
Naked happy dancing down Pennsylvania ave????? Nah, decided instead to have a crying jag in the House of Representatives at the security screening...I was late for my appointment with my congressman, and I kept setting off the alarms....LONG line of people I was holding up.....burst into tears, had to partially undress,…
a legal question to semi's !!!!!
hello all semi's i have been having a hard time as of late at work. i have a new boss(thank god) here is the question. i told him i am in need of a hernia surgery and 2 knee replacements. he knows that i came back to a mess and i am having problems with my asst's. he came in yesterday and told me i am behind in getting…
Add another name to the list
Hi Everyone, I know that I posted last month that my dad was starting chemo and everyone to pray that he gets through it. Unfortunately he did not. He passed away Sept 9th from pneumonia and other complications. He had CLL and prostrate. This is very hard for me since I was all ready to fight the beast again for him. He…
Lisa Rose & Judy
My internet connection went down... I wanted to wish you both incredible birthdays!! Hope it is the beginning of amazing years!!! jana
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: Here are a couple of giggles to brighten your day, even if it's a tiny little bit! Have a great weekend! And Kerry, I am counting down the days toward your SF visit! Cheers, Ying - - - - - - Centipede and Parrot Q: What do you get when you cross a centipide with a parrot? A: A walkie-talkie. WMD Q: What do you…
Duey's pump came off this monring
and he's feeling better already, The oncologist said all the things he was feeling are pretty normal for the chemo he was getting. Thanks again everyone, I hope your all doing good today HUGS!
Shout out to some great doctors
I am new to this site and was just browsing some of the topics. I am 25 years old and was diagnosed in May 2006 with Stage III rectal cancer (6 lymph nodes affected). I had surgery, radiation, and am still currently going through chemo. I started looking on here because I was feeling frustrated about my bathroom situation…
rectal cancer woes
Greetings, i am new to this site. I was diagnosed 9 months ago with T1 RC. Tumore removed..clear margins..no therapy..Now I have a reoccurance...tumor removed..about to start chemo and radiation...this seems to be steam rolling, how such small T1 lesion has become such a huge thing...confused, scared and really POed. Just…
Duey's chemo
As always I will start with the Thank You?s !!!! Thank you-Thank you-Thank you-- each and every one of you. It just amazes Duey that you guy's actually take the time to post and share your experiences, advice, input , caring and well wishing ... He has never seen anything like that . (I tell him, that's just the way "we"…
scared CT-scan coming up
I went through the six weeks of radiation and Chemo. Then surgery and another five cycles of Chemo. Severe hand and foot syndrome during chemo and more. Nothing but good news after treatments - low grade cancer removed;CEA less than one; none in nodes; the only appearance other than the colon was a low grade reading on the…
Halifax Palooza
Yeah, I know.....apologies for bein awol again.Nuph said. I just wanted to put in a BIG south ozzie mouthfull to all you guys n gals here. If you have not booked for Halifax then I hope it is not too late for any of you still thinkin!We are sure that Lisa, Andy and the "family" will treat those of you who are able to go to…
Friend Mark's been kicked off trial
(This is my second try posting) My friend Mark had some lousy news today. Would you believe on the one year anniversary to the day that he was told by the doctor he had stage IV rectal cancer? Talk about bad luck. They've given him two options 1) Ironotecan (sp) with Erbitux 2) a new trial - so new the drug does not have a…
Mtg with surgeon
I am meeting with Dr Warren at UCSF next week on the 27th regarding surgery on 1 liver met 2.9 X 1.9 on the right posterior lobe and possibly one other that is currently 4mm and indetermenent in the left robe. I had colostomy on 9/1 and will be starting Folfox + avastin soon. I wanted to meet with him for a 2nd opinion and…
Celebration On The Hill - Today
Hi Friends, I'm home here in Canada today watching the Celebration on the Hill at. http://www.celebrationonthehill.org/ If anyone has extra time today you can watch the live webcast. You may even see one of your fellow semi-colons as SpongeBob, Kay and Kathi are all in Washington. Lisa
i'm having a down sept!!!
good evening semi's, sorry i have to rant. since i came back from vacation it has been very hard for me to keep positive about anything. i am a store manager and i came back to a big mess. everyday i am trying to get out of the hole. i work my semi off and it doesn't seem to help. i have 2 asst's that don't care about…
I know I have posted several messages and I am new to all of this, but some of the discussions and responses I have read really have made me very afraid of what I am facing. Again, I have Stage II colon cancer with no lymph node involvement no spreading according to my path report dated July 06. I was told by my surgeon…
Need Some Advice...
Hi my mother was diagnosed last year with Stage III colon cancer. She had surgery and chemo and was fine, up until last week at her routine check up they found her cancer markers(i do not know the lingo sorry) went from a 3 to a 13 in less than 3 months. They told her it was Mets to the liver. They scheduled a CT and did…
I have an idea...
You know, I started thinking about how we all are connected through this site, and how we pretty much look out for each other. Because of that, I feel that it would be a good idea to make sure someone on this site (maybe at least 2 people) have information about you in the event that we don't hear from you anymore. You…
Hello from a D.C. jail....
Well, we HAVE invaded!!!! Jose was seen in a police car...I was at the capitol when they brought in the SWAT team....WHEW! and it hasn't even officially begun yet....watch for the naked lady running down Pennsylvania Ave....hehehehehe Hugs, Kathi
Really Depressed Today
Hi folks. I have posted on here many times and have always appreciated the feedback and loved trying to help others out. I have been fighting this beast for 3 years now but this summer has been the worst. My colon was perforated during a sigmoidoscopy and I barely surved surgery and three weeks in intensive care. 6 Weeks…
home, after surgery
Hi Everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I had surgery Sept.11 and came home last Saturday. The surgery went well and I'm glad to be home. I'm feeling a little better each day. Take care, Jamie
Need Advice....again..sigh
HI to all. It has been awhile since my last post, although I read each and every day. It seems as though I post every couple of months with a new problem!! Quick recap, hubby dx. sept.05, chemo/rad, surgery for temp. illiostomy, then surgery for removal of tumor, followed by chemo, then reversal surgery for illiostomy.…
Blood Counts
Finished my 3rd Chemo (FLOFOX Regime) on 15 Sept 06. My blood counts are still within the normal range except for my Red Cells which are at 3.92 and my Neutrophi is at 1.8. I know these will again decrease but was wondering how low some docs allow your counts to get before taking proactive approach. I currently keep track…
Soda chemicals
OK - had to share this with you all. We just met someone who's company markets citrus oils. He was telling us about chemicals and processing. Turns out there is a chemical (don't remember which one) that is used in cleaning products and soda!! I always thought it was the carbonation in Coke that cleaned off the penny.…
starting chemo - What to know?
Sorry if you've heard before, here are the details: 47 year old otherwise healthy male recently post low anterior resection for moderately differentiated adenoCA of rectosigmoid. 1/17 positive nodes. Solitary 2.8 x 1.9 cm liver met - far posterior aspect of posterior segment of right lobe. Commencing FOLFOX + avasten late…
Something fun
There's a game on the internet that is kind of like Boggle called weboggle. If you have a minute try it. This is important, use "team colon cancer" for your name when you sign in and the 5x5 board. Let the game begin!
Calling Cherriann
How are you doing hon? I saw your response to LLLady and was wondering if things are getting better for you. It will be interesting to see what your blood counts are after this. Talk with your doctor about what you are experiencing. I think it is important... Hang in there!
colonpalooza.com and Stacy's idea
Stacy posted an interesting note about everyone keeping in touch. A few weeks ago I was asked to make a webpage at the address www.colonpalooza.com, which really turned into little more than a collection of pictures for the first three colonpaloozas and an advertisement for the fourth colonpalooza which is quickly…
He's not sure he wants chemo
Some have told us to not do chemo others tell us do chemo for sure all of the Doctors want Duey to have chemo, I agree with the Doctors. I think evey extra prevention we can get is good. but Duey's thinking is if his PET scan is clear and his tumor is cut out then why does he need chemo. He say's it's only gonna give him…